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Ashley Young May 2014
When I said I love you..
And You walked away
I had nothing left to say

I can't tell you how much I cried
I felt as though I should have died
I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat
its a wonder that I survived.

I kept my head high
and I started work so I wouldn't cry

Then one day I got a call
and I had to sit down so I didn't fall

You were sitting right down the street!?

I ushered you in, I didn't want a fight
I had been up all night.
I told you how this wasn't right.

You begged with me and pleaded
and you sang that first song again
I wished then you had just shot me
I wished that you would just set me free.

I told you that it was time to go
and your eyes lost all their glow
The way mine did when your love didn't show
when you showed me someone I didn't know

So you left and we both were miserable
in agony, turmoil and pain.
we both felt a little insane.
Ashley Young May 2014
So here we are again, I was right
when I was hesitant from the fight
When they whisper doubt into your mind
It breaks the ties that bind

They removed me from your heart
and they tore our love apart
We took the stupid test,
and it came back with no results.
can we please give this a rest

I really was done.
and I would really live for the kids and me.
When I went back to S.C.
I was ready to turn my life around
Ashley Young May 2014
Is it even yours?! That is what she asked you?
But its all okay, right, you told her what was true...

You told them the due date... Yeah it can't be right
Because we only had a select few nights...
But you can't loose your sight...

Look at me... You know who I am
and who cares what they say, I don't give a ****
We both know that this child is ours
so stop listening before this sours.

You want the kids and I to move in with Nan, and You?
I can tell you the truth I don't really want to.
Because I can see what this will do..
But oh well, lets go they will soon know whats true.
Ashley Young May 2014
I came home and started to wonder
what was different in the mirror
and as I stared I started to ponder.
Then it HIT me like a meteor

I'm Pregnant, I told my mom
She didn't look surprised
But knew that I had dropped a bomb

Mom told him that we got a pregnancy test
and he asked her if she was pregnant
then he turned to me with a stifled scream
How could you do this to yourself?

I called you, to see what to do
and you were overjoyed.

But the next time we spoke
it seemed something broke
and your words came out choked
Ashley Young May 2014
I was working job after job
just trying to stop missing you
I didn't know what I would do...
if I thought of you once more.

An opportunity for friendship
would pass me by
and no one could understand why
I didn't want a cheap replacement
for the best thing I could have.

I worked 12 hours at a time
sleeping less and saying "I'm fine'
I thought I could survive without sleep
If I could I wouldn't dream

I dreamt of you when I closed my eyes
Only You, to no surprise
And when I woke my chest was tight
While you were gone, my dear
Ashley Young May 2014
We pulled into the drive way
of our new room mates address
and where we thought a house would stand
was no more than a trailer and sand
I was so upset, I was so embarrassed
There wasn't even electricity
And it is my two babies my mother and me
and this man I barely know?
Where did I go?!

I was in a grueling agony
and missed you terribly

We turned on the lights
and got the place running
it took all that we had
and then we turn around
to be told what we did was bad...

I was so aggravated,
I was screaming day and night
I was looking to stop the pain with a fight
but I would cry when I turned out the light
Ashley Young May 2014
Our time was up
The phase was over
I climbed in the truck
With our stuff packed up
Headed for South Carolina
2 Hours isn't that far away
we can talk on the phone every day
But we both know it will not be the same
I gave you my picture in a frame
Keep it I said, I will love you forever
One day we will be together.
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