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There's this girl who was as happy as can be,
Until she got let down repeatedly.
Her ray of beautiful energy started to dim,
Her chances of caring about much got pretty slim.
She woke up one day and realized,
Finding happiness through yourself is idealized.
She came to her senses and decided to let the past go,
No reason to keep them around bc it's time that they should know.
She's done.
She deserves better and by cutting you off she's finally won.
Your silly little game you think you can play,
Keeping your ex around while your talking to a new girl is so cliché.
She deserves a man which clearly you can't be.
Grow up a little first then maybe you can keep a woman like me.
Have fun juggling girls,
But be careful my dare karma will take you for a whirl.
Needless to say I was that girl.
So here's my goodbye to you,
Coulda had a second chance but that's just another thing you blew.
Poor girl she doesn't even have a clue.
Well anyways now it's out with the old and in with the new...

— The End —