I have spirit and light.
I am faster and thoughtful.
I am selfless;
Everything can balance.
I will keep it perfect.
It will smile.
I will give it all.
I will make this dance.
Then it all comes:
The weight.
I might fall
So I am numb.
The void is vast,
It’s empty of much,
It’s been waiting for me,
I succumb.
I fill it quickly.
Everyone quiet.
I give 'til there's nothing,
It takes more still.
Each task:
More difficult.
Every word: sharper.
But there is more to fill.
As I carry it all
To fill the void,
They watch nearby,
But they do not see.
My heart is now cold.
My words are short.
I carry it all,
But it's too heavy.
I want to stay strong,
But there is nothing left to take
But what I have inside.
Nobody hears me break.