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Phoenix Huntress Jan 2015
Phoenix Huntress Nov 2014
This is Scout.
Scout says HI.
Scout likes to bark when the cars go by. :)
Me and my sister like to sing this to my dog, Scout, and make her turn her head in confusion.
Phoenix Huntress Nov 2014
(C)ristmas is coming,
(H)elp those in need,
(R)ise, Oh, loving Savior,
(I)ndiviual angels, come,
(S)oldiers in thy name,
(T)ap on the door of cheer,
(M)erry Cristmas to
(A) loving Savior,
(S)inging joyful songs.
Phoenix Huntress Oct 2014
Mrs. Becky was old,
Mrs. Becky was ill.
She turn into mush on her 365th day on earth.
She had no sense of anything, she was just a zombie.
We wanted to help,
We knew we couldn't.
But we had no sense or reason,
Becky was sure to die.
Phoenix Huntress Oct 2014
The cat is in
The room is in
The house is in
Kentucky is in
The Southern Region is in
The U.S.A is in
America is in
The Pacific and Atlantic Ocean is in
The World is in
The Galaxy is in
The Universe.
Phoenix Huntress Oct 2014
I can see the Velvet garden, with it's swaying flowers. I can smell the beautiful scent. The wind is a cool breeze, like a loving puppy breathing in your face. The grass is soft on my feet. And I know it's  going to be a good, country day.

— The End —