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"You're cold."

  He said as he took her hands and he couldn't be more right and wrong at the same time. Her gaze simply fell to her feet as she let the silence envelop her. She felt cold, her soul quivering somewhere in the corner of her heart, obscuring its rhythmic beat and creating a swell of off tempo chaos in her veins. Her memory of his whispers were akin to the sudden rush of wind that hit her skin, wet with the storm of tears and caused chills to cascade their way across her body.
  But he was wrong, it wasn't she who was cold, it was him who was stealing everything that made her warm. Coaxing her with his silver tongue, murmuring the words he knows she wants to hear, testing his skill and bringing her to the edge of the flimsy fortress she calls defense, to where she's just barely out of his reach, a paper thin wall separating his will from hers, and he nearly giggles in delight when he causes her to tear it down herself, like a spider tearing down its own web.
  But of course that isn't enough, not when she's standing there, all walls down, vulnerable and tender, her heart so soft he could cut right through it with just his fingernails, and Hell be ****** itself if he wasn't the slightest bit temped to try because he knows how easily he can, like shoving a pin through a butterfly, simple and smooth, and it'd be so interesting to see her squirm. But instead he's interested in how far he can cause her to do it to herself.  
  All he has to do is let a few of his venomous words drip from his teeth, promising he isn't like everyone else (because he isn't of course, no one else would be this thrilled to watch her crumble so slowly ), that he understands, understands that she's so incredibly weak, and that her heart is so big it oozes to the surface of her skin for everyone to see, and it's so **** easy that she must be begging for it, and suddenly he's caught her and he loves it.
  She's hanging on every word as if he's holding happiness over her head, but this is boring him, he wants to see what makes her tick, how she is the way she is, so it's time to step up his game. He moves his hand from hers and slides it up her arm, resting ever so gently on her shoulder as his other hand moves to her waist, and as if to further prove his point about how she basically wears her heart as her skin it turns a rosy shade of pink, and sends its pulse so strongly he can feel it. He lets his breath ghost across her susceptible ears and pulls her against him as he gives his orders.

And she does.

First go the clothes, but her skin isn't what he's interested in, and he makes it very clear with the expecting look he gives her, so she goes again,tearing skin from muscle one piece as a time. He knows it must be painful, from the tears pouring from her eyes and how the exposed muscle throbs with its raw appearance, and yet the look of concentration on her face just pulls him in more, and yet it still just isn't enough, and finally that red disgusting throbbing ****** mess is pulled away to expose her shining ivory bones. He can't help but marvel in how gracefully they curve, the very core of her frame standing before him, she's completely bare with nothing left to expose, and that gorgeous  pearly figure before him is only more defined by the red  heart that's left behind those ribs, as it pulses and drips and beckons him with each flutter.
  It glistens like a slimy rotting apple, and it couldn't be anything more since it belongs to her. But you know what they say, fruit is always the sweetest just before it goes bad, and it's too tempting for him to not take a bite. And he couldn't help but marvel at how warm it was, or the sudden chills dancing down his spine.
 Nov 2012 Ash Dee
Josiah Hayes
Sadness is a razor
Uncertanty marks my arms
Dissapointment carved my thighs
But the crimson is so beautiful
When all you want is to die

My arms cry for a breakup
My legs for being unwanted
New skin where the old used to be
Your body is now haunted

But the scars have a certain beauty
Be it from razor, needle, or knife
They show that you were strong enough
To not give up on life
 Nov 2012 Ash Dee
Matt Walsh
 Nov 2012 Ash Dee
Matt Walsh
Sometimes she sits
Lips pursed, with
Pretty fingertips
Gently pulling at my hips

I want her more than
Anything in the world
I’d give up the gold pan
Or any other girl

Sometimes she thinks of me
And all that we lost
If I could tell we’re meant to be
It would set my heart free

I wanted love and she didn’t
So I braced for impact
It seems the sky is not the limit
I’m grounded here I won’t submit

Sometimes I see her
But does she see me?
Her beauty and loveliness together
Wreaking havoc inside absolutely

She may not feel my pain
And I wouldn't want it
She's the only one I want to gain
For now I'll hold my heart and sit
This kinda came to me and I haven't edited it much
 Nov 2012 Ash Dee
Matt Walsh
As I lay here underground
With bones, dirt and bugs all around
I wondered why I ever frowned

To think that I was once above the earth
With ego, clothing and jewels as my girth
That life material and without worth

I missed what really mattered
The way the wind made the trees chatter
The animals around me with their paws a-patter

If I could just take things back
And give away the wealth I never lacked
Then I could’ve had a heart less black

As a lonely, rotting corpse I lie
In a deep hole waiting to fully die
For beyond my body my spirit still cries
New stuffs
 Nov 2012 Ash Dee
Matt Walsh
 Nov 2012 Ash Dee
Matt Walsh
I am drunk
It’s not my fault
I wasn’t planning on losing her

I am driving drunk
Pigs are flying tonight
They fly right past me

I am not yet home
Thoughts of her through my head
My mind goes much faster than my car

I am finally home
I want to talk to her
Just pretend to want me back

I am in my bed
Her laugh and smile in my head
Soothing my broken heart

And finally
All at once
I succumb to sleep
 Nov 2012 Ash Dee
Matt Walsh
“I’m not in love”
She says
“I’m not in love”

But I can see it
The way her eyes water
She just needs help with some demons

The way her hands
Are all balled up
To pretend like she means it

How her breathing
Is so shallow
Like she was pushed in the deep end

Her lips
So shaky and unstable
Her mind must be shouting how I make her so able

So I just softly smile
Then with firmness and soothing
I hold her close and let nothing between us

I am hers
Like she is mine
And nothing can break us

Together we’re fine
 Nov 2012 Ash Dee
Matt Walsh
How is it
That some time
Can make a
Sun bright beautiful
Like you turn
Into the opposite
A black hole
Dark and devoid
Of any life

Our words would
Happily orbit around
Our smiles and
A simple kiss
Would turn my
World upside down

I hear that
People ask about
Us what happened
You two were
Perfect I don’t
Get it well

Let them know
When a sun
Ceases to exist
The planet who
Orbits around it
Will go dark

And become just
Another floating and
Lifeless space rock

I guess I
Am just a
Starry-eyed kid
 Nov 2012 Ash Dee
Matt Walsh
 Nov 2012 Ash Dee
Matt Walsh
If we were stuck in outer space
I'd give you my space helmet
Because you take my breath away
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