I guess it should be expected from me
To still try looking for you in songs
Where have you gone?
You never warned me I'd feel this lonely
Octavio, it is likely you're just another name
Faceless, traceless
Like the stars in my dreams
I'm all bones, you're all sheets
Haunt me in the realm of dreams, te lo pido
Do you understand this Spanglish tongue?
Can you feel the latido of my anxious heart?
Octavito, chiquitito
If there was a time of pastel pinks and blues
And yellow ribbons
If there was a time of citrus and lime
And air-drying linen
If there were days of tu y yo
Birds and bees
Half-creaked windows
And shaky knees
I'd like to visit those days, mi gansito
Is there an us in the summer
Some summers from now?
The shortest nights, the longest season
Is there any way to tell?
I'd like to know, amorcito
Octavio, mi pan dulce
Mi corazon de papel, mi pajarito
You exist sweetly in my thoughts
If no place else
The record is skipping on Josephine Baker's Breezin' Along With the Breeze. I guess it should be expected of me to take this as a sign from you to me.