My eyes are blurry with tears but oh,
How the lights glow in the haze
I try to step outside myself and
Ask the sky what made me this way,
But the fog only stared back silently
One single star blinking back,
The same star that I’ve always seen
Under the same sky I’ve always breathed
In the same place I’ve always been
Nothing has changed except everything
(And that, too, has faint traces of you)
You and I, I liked to believe we’re the same
But your life isn’t mine and your
Love isn’t mine. I’ll imagine
The distance between us, tied together
Over countless fields and mountaintops
Stretching from here to there
lets meet somewhere in the middle,
where it grazes Missouri.
or is it Montana? I’m not sure but
I’ve always
Been sure
Of this heart
And I left it
In the airport
The night I left you
With sleep
In my eyes
And tears
On my cheeks
Oh, tears, tears.
(Prose pretending to be poetry here)