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 Dec 2013 Arjun Tyagi
Oh, how I compromise to amuse you
Tell me, is that how I abuse you?
Your false claims ring in the back of my mind,
But this time
Will I fall for the *******
Or peel back the rind?
The pain is selfsame in the morning
And into the night .
Vicissitude of the severity throws my soul
Through a thunderstorm of fright .
How could I surmise
The reality to warp Into what I desire?
Into a grand surprise?
How selfish,
How naive,
How foolishly childish of me?
This is the first of my writings that I have ever posted publicly. I've never even let one friend read my work. I know it isn't grammatically correct.  I know "misfortunate"  is incorrect. That isn't the point of my writings. I'm telling the stories as it comes to my mind.  If anyone ever reads this., please give your honest opinion, honest criticisms. I am very open to suggestions to make my writing better.

 Nov 2013 Arjun Tyagi
He opens his Star Wars: A New Hope lunch box
Inside a hippies dream.
**** in baggies that have the superman symbol
And Batman symbol on them
Tabs of LSD
And molly.
Hunter S. Thompson would have a field day

©Gambit '13
 Nov 2013 Arjun Tyagi
Different colors in the giant race
The first to finish?
The one with the palest face

He won with pride through tricks and schemes
The people continued to hate him
So he just pretended to be on their team

Patriarchy is only for the toughest
Yet it seems like survival of the fittest
Is only amongst the dumbest

We all walk in dead men's shoes
Single file, chains on shoulders,
In uniforms colored red, white, and blue

How can you be so happy by making other live in despair?
That's my question for you, Uncle Sam
Why must you be so unfair?
Decided to go the political route with this one

— The End —