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2.7k · Jul 2014
Arika Sari Jul 2014
Some people will tell you that life is a game,
but believe me when I say that it is not about winning or losing.

The point of life isn't to see who's falling down,
who stands tall, or who is secretly bruising.

Because sometimes we lose people and things
and hopes without really choosing,
and life is a funny character that plays tricks on us that are not always amusing.

But when you change your perspective,
you'll find your good days and bad days start fusing
because you'll see that life's not so black and white,
but rather an experience that can be quite confusing.

And that's why life may be game,
but it isn't about winning or losing.
It's about learning and letting go,
and making the most out of the time you're using.
1.3k · Mar 2014
Arika Sari Mar 2014
I am struggling to get the words out
They are starting to feel empty, and forced

Poetry shouldn’t be like that.

Poetry should be as natural as breathing
As flowing as air currents

It should pour out with power, with purpose
Unrefined, but beautiful
Not in spite of it, but because of it.

And that is getting difficult to do.
1.1k · Jul 2014
Come and Go
Arika Sari Jul 2014
People come and go.
And we let them in with all our heart
just to find out soon enough they're
896 · Mar 2014
Soul Survivor
Arika Sari Mar 2014
You drew a heart
with your pen...

... on paper skin.

Soul Survivor
637 · Jul 2014
Arika Sari Jul 2014
I use my love for you
To imagine how you would love me too...

Your fingers typing on the keyboard
Their sound, I so adore

Your laugh as you smile
Makes this hardship worthwhile

Your emotions shine through
(I imagine your love for me is true)

Oh, how grand this sensation--
This curse I call imagination!
Talking to you, if just for a moment, is my drug. I go insane.
515 · Mar 2014
Letter to My self
Arika Sari Mar 2014
Dear Self, the Milky Way is hurtling through space constantly,
which means you’re always moving forward, even if you can’t feel it.

Dear Self, when you’re trying really hard and nothing’s changing,
remember that even with all the energy of the Sun, it takes light over 8 minutes to reach the Earth;some things just take time.

Dear Self, if you lived on the moon, everything would weigh just a sixth of what it does on Earth

So when the weight of carrying your shortcomings around makes you shake and hunch over

Remember the years you spent in high school forming a backbone that could withstand a hurricane

And realize what your mother meant when she told you how strong you are.

Georgia Radley, Letter to My Self.
496 · Jul 2014
Why don't you want me?
Arika Sari Jul 2014
Why do i do this to myself?

I want you.
In silence i beg for your attention.
I just wanna be able to love you & treat you right.

You push me away.
Every chance you get.

I cry myself to sleep sometimes
Cause the feeling of unwantedness you bring to me drives me insane.

Why don't you reply?
Why don't you want me?

I just want to love you like you deserve.
486 · Apr 2014
Arika Sari Apr 2014
just like some of you,
I was born insecure.
Born flawed.
Born covered of unaccepted imperfections.
but hey,
there’s a good news
I was born where life is a series of choices
and i’ve given a choice
to love my own self.
I have a choice to accept what i am
and be not like someone else.
445 · Jul 2014
How do you know?
Arika Sari Jul 2014
How do you know
He loves you
How do you know
He cares

How do you know
He loves you
How do you know
That he really cares?

How do I know
It's meant to be
How do I know
That he wants me

What is love?

How will you know
When you find it
How do you know
It will last

Will it last?
Will it be?
Will it work?
Will we be us or
You and me

The various questions
That hide the truth
Of something so simple.
Issues of a young girls heart.
440 · Mar 2014
Arika Sari Mar 2014
There is a fire in me
It burns in my soul
It gives me passion and energy
And a drive to go
Inside of my lungs
It crackles and burns
It ignites my mind
As my stomach turns and turns
It heats up my head
So I cry out hot tears
To cool down I breath in
But I breath out my fears
It is growing, I feel it
It spreads through my chest
It laughs and dances
Wishing never to rest
So I'll drink some iced water
And lie down for a while
In the case that my fire
Might burn love for miles
415 · Jul 2014
Arika Sari Jul 2014
I stopped hoping,
because I know these
are only just hopes and dreams, and will only be
demolished into bits of pieces,
burned in the fiery bonfires of all the hell before me.
402 · Mar 2014
Arika Sari Mar 2014
We are
Do not forget that.
374 · Mar 2014
Love Is Not a Mountain
Arika Sari Mar 2014
There is no perfect someone waiting at the top
of the steepest peak, waiting for you
like some comic superhero in a cape
here to save you from your faults and failures.


Love is looking at someone and going, "Wow, you're pretty ****** up,
but I love you regardless."
"And baby, even if you make a tremendous mistake,
I will always love you."

No dramatics, no perfection.

Just seven-hundred shades of awkward blushes
staying up 'till 4 o'clock talking about nothing
and spending hours in angst over what sweater to wear on your dates.

There is no shortcuts, no steep passes, and most importantly, no heroes
only little mistakes, slips of the tongue, and sweetness
but, if you go in expecting mountains
the disappointment will be your downfall.

So, just live with it
go to sleep, embrace your lovers, laugh at yourself
and don't dread the mountain pass
for, in the end, there is no true mountain at all.

Only the simple taste of what is to come.
361 · Jul 2014
Arika Sari Jul 2014
The worst thing you can do for love is deny it;
so when you find that special someone,
don't let anyone or anything to get in your way.
~ Unknown
352 · Jul 2014
She Stands Calm
Arika Sari Jul 2014
The day is done
and all has gone quiet
She now turns
thoughts inward
Trying to find
solace and peace
within her
Only to find
a barren desolate desert
Hollowed hearted
She dies inside
Silently screaming
As her soul's tears
slowly leeches her
life away

She stands calm within the nothing
343 · Mar 2014
Time can heal
Arika Sari Mar 2014
when your heart is broken and your love denied
and your eyes are swollen with all the tears you cried
when your mind is restless and you cant go to sleep
with your emotions in a tangle running very deep
give your self some time this will make it heal
and change the way you think and the way you feel
start again once more open up your heart
start your life a new and make a brand new start.
Arika Sari Jul 2014
The more I love, the more I hurt. But the pain should fade, right?
The more I think about not hurting, the more i hurt, sometimes all night.
If love rules all, and my love's gone, do I rule nothing? do I not rule?
Every great ruler, had seemed to fall, so why would i want to rule anyhow?

Maybe I would feel useful, maybe feel some love, not that fake warm feeling preachers say comes from above.
Love me, as I do you, or don't, it won't matter
ill always remember how hard i wanted to forget how much my love meant nothing,
I'm hurt, but still, I love you even though I know your love for me will never grow.
323 · Mar 2014
It's Not Easy
Arika Sari Mar 2014
It shouldn’t be easy to be amazing.
Then everything would be.
It’s the things you fight for and struggle ,
with before earning that have the greatest worth.
When something’s difficult to come by,
you’ll do that much more,
to make sure it’s even harder – or impossible – to lose. -
321 · Jul 2014
Arika Sari Jul 2014
What's the point of love
I do not know.
What's the point of living
If I can't find love.

What's the point of love
I do not know.
I need to love someone
I need to use my heart.

What's the point of love
I do not know.
They will die eventually.
And I will be alone.

What's the point of love
I think I know.
Don't take me seriously
I think it has gone.
311 · Mar 2014
My Friends
Arika Sari Mar 2014
Friendship is the strangest
but greatest thing in the world
I find my time with them,
the best time of my life

My friends are my heart,
my soul, my fun
my laughter, tears, love and
My life. . .
309 · Jul 2014
Arika Sari Jul 2014
don't act as you care
cause i know,
you ****** don't
306 · Mar 2014
For (you)
Arika Sari Mar 2014
Occupied by your knowledge
Eager to learn your story
Your word is a piece of art
And your heart is filled with glory
I adore you
You got me anxious
You inspire me to be exquisite
I can’t be silent about your power
Your something else
A different flower
You've accomplished my heart
Yet this seems idiotic
But I’m being ferocious about these feelings
They hold too much meaning
I’m just being real
You intrigue my thoughts
You got me feigning.
305 · Jul 2014
Arika Sari Jul 2014
"You are the reason I started praying at night again."
And wishing on shooting stars...
I haven't been active lately, as I've been trying to figure some things out.
I haven't come to any concrete conclusions, but I'm hoping to find some answers soon.
Thank you to everyone who has sent love and shown concern.
I'll be posting some old drafts, as writing is still hard for me to bring myself to do.
Arika Sari Jul 2014
Staying positive isn't easy,
but you'll find that it's worth it.
The same way dieting is tricky,
but feels so good when your old jeans fit.

Because having an open mind,
heart and soul
feels a lot better than the way negativity takes it's toll.

Life is already rough as it is,
and sometimes it can feel like you're a bit stuck.
So why not try treating your loved ones better,
praying, dancing, and believing in good luck?

And when you think about it, really,
you don't have much to lose when you're down in the dumps,
and in your depressive blues.

Of course it's not a cure, but it's a good place to start
because the bitterness you send out to the world,
lives for longer in your heart.

No one truly knows how you feel except you,
but who knows what tomorrow will bring?
When life is beating you black and blue;
remember: there is beauty in even the worst of things.
292 · Jul 2014
Arika Sari Jul 2014
what if
you are the only one
i ever
truly  in love with

— The End —