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Aug 2020 · 300
Arik Fletcher Aug 2020
Love knows no true boundary,
Nor does it need a name,
It has no care for history,
Nor will it suffer blame.

Love gives all for honesty,
All secrets must be known,
For those that have integrity,
May reap the bounty sown.

Love calls for no property,
Nor gifts to play its game,
It has no god or reliquary,
Nor has it need for fame.

Love provides a sanctuary,
A home away from home,
Regardless of geography,
It follows where we roam.

Love asks no eternity,
Nor offers up the same,
It has no immorality,
Nor does it make such claim.

Love confers indemnity,
Acceptance of past sins,
For truth and self in synergy,
Is where true love begins.
Aug 2020 · 225
Cor Meum
Arik Fletcher Aug 2020
Picture the future,
Picture the past,
Picture the present,
And hope it will last.

Pray for your loved ones,
Pray for the lost,
Pray for your freedom,
For all it has cost.

Follow your own dreams,
Follow your heart,
Follow a new path,
And live for your art.

Don't dwell on the bad times,
Don't cling to the pain,
Don't give up your chance,
To be happy again.

Life is not torment,
Life is not woe,
Life is your canvas,
And the world needs your show.
Feb 2020 · 196
Arik Fletcher Feb 2020
The cloak we wear surrounds us,
And keeps us out of harm,
It clothes and it protects us,
From every fear and qualm.

Yet as it keeps the world out,
It holds the darkness in,
A cold embrace that spreads out,
And scars our broken skin.

Once donned it won’t release us,
A captive in our mind,
It keeps our feelings from us,
Impossible to find.
Feb 2020 · 194
Arik Fletcher Feb 2020
Rushing ever forward,
Running out of time,
Moving ever faster as the stress and panic climb.

Never far from chaos,
Nothing safe from change,
Making rash decisions as the goals all rearrange.

Always overthinking,
All for something more,
Missing out on moments just to even out the score.

Hopelessly unsettled,
Heartlessly unchaste,
Marking every happiness as steps to be retraced.

So much left unspoken,
Still more to be done,
Mourning what could not be in the web this life has spun.

Time to make a difference,
This must find an end,
Meaning cannot be found til the past is left to mend.
Feb 2020 · 181
Egia Iluna
Arik Fletcher Feb 2020
If the dark inside still calls you,
And the light inside goes cold,
Will you try ignore the summons,
Or just let the beast take hold?

If the heart you hold still beats strong,
But the love you feel grows weak,
Will you give yourself to save it,
Or just hunt that which you seek?

If the life you live feels empty,
And the truth cannot be faced,
Will you fight for all that could be,
Or just let hope be erased?
Feb 2018 · 292
Arik Fletcher Feb 2018
By 1am I dread them,
As the world around me dreams,
The worries of the day consuming all of me it seems.

By 2am I sense them,
And the peace of sleep is lost,
What little respite given me is now too high a cost.

By 3am I hear them,
All the voices of the past,
Each whisper in the darkness of a life that could not last.

By 4am I feel them,
My dark mind their bitter cage,
They roar and scream within me as my panic fuels their rage.

By 5am I see them,
Every shadow that I’ve cast,
Now closing ranks around me though I hold my ground steadfast.

By 6am I face them,
As the world around me wakes,
Weakened but prepared to live no matter what it takes.
Feb 2018 · 302
Castelul Norilor
Arik Fletcher Feb 2018
There is a place within my mind,
A haven where dreams never die,
A home I hope to some day find,
A moonlit castle in the sky.

When darkness reigns upon my life,
I’d go to where the clouds roll by,
A land free from all pain and strife,
There in that castle in the sky.

Should danger ever come my way,
I know where I would choose to lie,
To hide until my final day,
Within this castle in the sky.

For now I’ll watch the fading sun,
And smile through every tear I cry,
To rest at last when this is done,
Here in my castle in the sky.
Feb 2018 · 211
Pół życia
Arik Fletcher Feb 2018
There's a gap in my thoughts,
A piece I can't find,
A loneliness eating away at my mind.

There's a void in my arms,
A space I can't fill,
An empty embrace that's making me ill.

There's a hole in my heart,
An ache that won't heal,
A sorrow inside that I can't help but feel.

There's a scar in my soul,
A cut far too deep,
This nightmare too real to be kept to my sleep.
Nov 2017 · 244
Arik Fletcher Nov 2017
Staring at this blank page,
Such a contrast to my mind,
The emptiness of one all that the other wants to find.

Putting pen to paper,
Once brought a pure release,
What freedom it still offered though at some point had to cease.

Ink was my catharsis,
My therapy for life,
This escape in each line now just another bitter strife.

Could there be another,
Some new way to relieve,
I cannot bring my heart to hope or soul to dare believe.

Darkness is yet growing,
No will to keep the fight,
My time is fast approaching to give in and face the night.

Peace was not my calling,
The page not meant to turn,
And so this chapter closes with no hope of return.
Sep 2017 · 467
Son of the Dragon
Arik Fletcher Sep 2017
A slave I was, but noble born,
A prince to be, they said in scorn,
A soldier bred, in pain and blood,
A single wave within the flood.

A war I fought, each battle won,
A thousand dead, I spared no one,
A field of spikes, my calling card,
A broken mass all burned and scarred.

A journey home, a prince at last,
A world away, that war-torn past,
A wife and son, a peace long sought,
A haven from all those I fought.

A tribute due, a price too high,
A choice to make, to fight or die,
A road to ride, a deal to make,
A slender chance I have to take.

A brother once, my noble kin,
A traitor now, not worth his skin,
A promise made, an oath he broke,
A final straw, no time to choke.

A war begun, a siege to come,
A day to plan, before the scrum,
A saviour found, a dream to dare,
A hellish choice, this curse to bear.
Sep 2017 · 301
Never Say Never
Arik Fletcher Sep 2017
Never be me,
No- cannot be true,
I’d always persisted in making it through.

Never be me,
No- nothing like this,
I’d always assumed it would be a near miss.

Never be me,
No- something is wrong,
I’d always insisted that I was more strong.

Never be me,
No- just a mistake,
I’d always had faith that my will would not break.

Never be me,
No- beyond belief,
I’d always resisted the fear and the grief.

Never be me,
No- let me rewind,
I’d always imagined I’d be left behind.
Sep 2017 · 282
Arik Fletcher Sep 2017
The nights go on eternally,
The days seem far too short,
The sunrise far too late to halt,
The demons that I court.

I hear their voices in the dark,
Their silent call to arms,
They whisper softly in my ear,
And play upon my qualms.

The love I hold within my heart,
Is all that keeps me sane,
The truth that this in time will fade,
Yet more for them to gain.

These fears I thought long conquered,
Played out for me each night,
Reveal a past I cannot change,
A future far from sight.
Aug 2017 · 286
Arik Fletcher Aug 2017
A picture speaks a thousand words and words can paint a scene,
Alas when put together they are often stuck between,
For beauty in a work of art need never be defined,
Nor should the deepest words be shaped or in a frame confined.

This is but my opinion though it has been shared by some,
That words alone should be enough for poets yet to come,
For images can set a tone not found within the verse,
As words in turn change context and more often for the worse.

It is a modern folly to combine these works of art,
As in so doing meanings change and truth will fade in part,
For each must take its audience into a private dream,
Where they can seek what meaning their own heart and soul can gleam.

So heed my call dear poets and refrain from present form,
Allow your work to find a voice within the growing storm,
Your ink can tell a story without need for sketch or picture,
And you in turn will better write without this ill thought mixture.
Jul 2017 · 260
No Repeat
Arik Fletcher Jul 2017
Real music is emotion,
Raw feelings from within,
A glimpse into a dark soul,
Exposed with every spin.

Each song is a reflection,
Of secret thoughts and dreams,
A story with true meaning,
Between the words and screams.

Deep lyrics are addictive,
A drug we must consume,
They cling to every dark note,
That calls us to our doom.

Each melody is sacred,
Despite what chart it tops,
And we will sing the chorus,
Until the music stops.
Jun 2017 · 371
Arik Fletcher Jun 2017
Don’t swear at that reflection of the clouds upon your screen,
That burst of light from high above obscuring what has been,
You do not need to know what everyone has done or seen,
Nor do you need to follow where the crowd might go or lean.

Don’t dwell on flawless selfies or the posts of yesteryear,
The past can be forgotten without cause for doubt or fear,
You are more than the sum of every shared smile or tear,
More than the likes and comments of those strangers you hold dear.

Don’t live within the memory of a plastic-coated dream,
That manufactured happiness worth less than it may seem,
You have a brighter purpose than your state of mind might gleam,
A chance to change your future if you let the light redeem.

Don’t spend another minute on a pixelated lie,
The truth is just above you in the azure coated sky,
You only have this moment to live before you die,
So step away from all that’s fake and give real life a try.
Apr 2017 · 307
Arik Fletcher Apr 2017
The record spins again today,
Each note without repeat,
A revolution just begun,
This song far from complete.

The beat kicks up another notch,
The bridge not far behind,
A melody unique to me,
A chorus yet to find.

The lyrics cast their spell once more,
The words more than they seem,
The story of my life so far,
My future still to dream.
Feb 2017 · 382
Arik Fletcher Feb 2017
We’ve known each other half our lives,
Through sunny day and winter chill,
So much has changed since we were young,
Except our love which never will.

We’ve shared this road for half our lives,
Through cheery smile and sorrowed tear,
So much we’ve seen along the way,
Yet we stay strong through each new year.

We’ve been entwined for half our lives,
Through happiness and tragedy,
So much has been in our shared time,
But through it all we’re meant to be.
Jan 2017 · 760
Arik Fletcher Jan 2017
I am more than my skin tone,
More than my place of birth,
I am more than my culture,
My species on this Earth.

I am more than my gender,
More than you may have heard,
I am more than a pronoun,
My *** is just a word.

I am more than a number,
More than a head to count,
I am more than a trophy,
My flesh not yours to mount.

I am a different person,
More than I was before,
I am my true reflection,
My secret life no more.

I am a phoenix rising,
More than the heart you spurned,
I am alive and learning,
My past self dead and burned.

I am a new beginning,
More than I was back then,
I am a different ending,
A chance to live again.
Jan 2017 · 344
Extant Angel
Arik Fletcher Jan 2017
Don’t despair or miss me,
Do not shed a tear,
My love for you is still here,
To keep you safe from fear.

Our journey has not ended,
For I am still with you,
Forever more beside you,
To share in all you do.

Don’t feel that you have lost me,
Do not weep or frown,
My heart won’t let you feel down,
It will not let you drown.

Our story is not over,
This chapter just begun,
The pages so far from done,
As you walk with the sun.

Don’t forget the good times,
Do not let sadness show,
My soul shares all that you know,
And follows where you’ll go.

Our lives are never finished,
The memories live on,
To share the light we have shone,
Even when I am gone.
Dec 2016 · 285
Dawns New Life
Arik Fletcher Dec 2016
As this year ends we breathe a sigh,
And look towards a brighter sky,
The days ahead are ours to share,
With those for whom we love and care.

As this year ends we will not mourn,
For those that will not see this dawn,
The times we've shared will ever last,
No matter what the die may cast.

As this year ends another starts,
And though we may have heavy hearts,
The new day will bring joy once more,
Despite what else might lay in store.

As this year ends we'll rise above,
To focus not on hate but love,
The good we do is where truth lies,
Not what is seen through jaded eyes.
Oct 2016 · 843
Zero Hour
Arik Fletcher Oct 2016
The world has been infected,
and we are all to blame,
our silence a condition,
obedience our shame.

Our species is a parasite,
a plague upon these lands,
our greed and our ambition,
like blood upon our hands.

When all of this is over,
if we run out of time,
the future will not wait for us,
the past will be our crime.

The world is now neglected,
and we must face the flame,
inaction is our legacy,
complacency our game.

There has to be a reckoning,
there needs to be a change,
a time for something different,
the chance to rearrange.

If life is meant for all of us,
if hope still has a chance,
we have to break the pattern,
and learn a different dance.

The world can be corrected,
despite what some may claim,
we have to take this moment,
and never be the same.
Oct 2016 · 275
Homo Deus
Arik Fletcher Oct 2016
We’re searching for a new life,
Hoping for a change,
Wishing for a miracle,
Feeling like we’re strange.

No matter how we may feel,
Or what may come our way,
We’ll keep on moving forward,
With each and every day.

We’re taking up the challenge,
Breaking every mould,
Keeping our momentum,
Striving to be bold.

No matter what we may see,
Or where the road may lead,
We’ll keep on making progress,
With every noble deed.

We’re building for the future,
Fighting for some peace,
Dreaming of a new dawn,
Desperate for release.

No matter where we end up,
Or how the world may end,
We’ll keep on getting better,
With each new twist and bend.

We’re standing at the impasse,
Waiting for our turn,
Planning for the new world,
Sharing all we learn.

No matter who we become,
Or when the day will be,
We’ll keep on making changes,
With every chance we see.
Oct 2016 · 357
Domus Tenebris
Arik Fletcher Oct 2016
She stares out at the world through a constant flood of pain,
to find nothing but darkness in the cold torrential rain,
so caught up in the horrors manifested in her brain,
she cannot see a future where she will be whole again.

She stares into the void within the shadows of her soul,
to find nothing but whispers of her fragile mind's control,
so lost within her dreams and broken memories of the past,
regretting all those happy times she knew could never last.

She stares into the mirror to see what she has become,
to find nothing but hollow eyes and pain so cumbersome,
so damaged by the history of all she's left behind,
her will to stay eroding with the decay of her mind.

She stares into the black of night embracing her torn heart,
to find nothing but sorrow as she readies to depart,
so weakened now she must escape from what she'll never be,
forgotten and forsaken in her lonely destiny.
Oct 2016 · 303
Arik Fletcher Oct 2016
I am me,
A force unknown,
A weapon forged or rather grown.

I am me,
A unique soul,
Not perfect but still in control.

I am me,
A different beast,
A complete person now at least.
Oct 2016 · 248
Arik Fletcher Oct 2016
We smile to show a feeling,
We smile to be content,
We smile with no believing,
We smile to hide dissent.

We work to make a living,
We work to have a life,
We work with no exempting,
We work to hide our strife.

We sleep to start the healing,
We sleep to end the day,
We sleep with no forgiving,
We sleep to hide dismay.

We dream to search for meaning,
We dream to find an end,
We dream with no deceiving,
We dream to help us mend.

We wake to set a new course,
We wake to a fresh start,
We wake with no more remorse,
We wake to a cleansed heart.
Oct 2016 · 354
Extant Terrestrial
Arik Fletcher Oct 2016
We stare into the mirror for minutes at a time,
Forever taking selfies like photos of a crime,
But are we narcissistic or reflecting on the past?
Lost in our perceived beauty or the shadows that we’ve cast?

We chronicle our lives online each minute of each day,
Forever sharing memories in everything we say,
But are we self-obsessing or proving we were here?
Slaves to boasts and bragging or running from our fear?

We hoard and gather artefacts and show them off with pride,
Forever needing more space so that nothing has to hide,
But are we materialistic or expressing who we are?
Desperate for attention or just covering a scar?
Oct 2016 · 278
Arik Fletcher Oct 2016
The heart is very fragile,
In many different ways,
Forever taking damage,
As we go through our days.

The heart has no religion;
Nor an ideology,
It has no moral compass,
Just a need for empathy.

The heart is very special,
A treasure to behold,
A gift we share with caution,
A risk saved for the bold.

The heart may be a riddle,
Wrapped in a mystery,
A puzzle too complex to solve,
Unless you hold the key.
Oct 2016 · 887
Tabula Rasa
Arik Fletcher Oct 2016
Those precious little moments,
Where hearts like ours could mend,
When love was all we lived for,
And dreams could never end.

Each precious little moment,
The hopes we held inside,
The good and bad encountered,
All taken in our stride.

Those precious little moments,
When we walked hand in hand,
No longer to be shared by us,
Despite all that we’d planned.

Each precious little moment,
Wrapped in each others arms,
A safely now long gone to me,
Sat here lost in my qualms.

Those precious little moments,
Where love still found a way,
Shared by our souls forever,
No matter what we say.

Each precious little moment,
We never should regret,
The time we had was special,
I will not soon forget.
Sep 2016 · 546
Time Travel
Arik Fletcher Sep 2016
The past is just behind us,
A shadow in our wake,
A chronicle of choices and decisions that we make.

The present is beside us,
Walking hand in hand,
Pondering as we do on all that we understand.

The future lies before us,
A glimmer in the dark,
A journey waiting just ahead on which we must embark.
Aug 2016 · 299
Aestival Err
Arik Fletcher Aug 2016
As each year passes down the line,
We fail to heed each warning sign,
Forever doomed to work this mine,
Enslaved by chains of our design.

The future lies ahead to find,
Alas our eyes are stricken blind,
No hope to leave the dark behind,
Caught in the maze within our mind.

As time wears on we all must tire,
Hands and heads both still perspire,
Each dream we hold lost in the fire,
Frustrated souls caught in the mire.

Once more we all must play the game,
As fingers point out who to blame,
Deflecting guilt at each new name,
With no remorse and without shame.

As shadows shift and faces change,
We think back to a time less strange,
Before life had to rearrange,
A fantasy we can't derange.

The days ahead are far from sure,
As words and deeds are seldom pure,
With age we still are not mature,
And luck will never be the cure.
Aug 2016 · 297
Arik Fletcher Aug 2016
Another life long in the past,
A distant memory,
An infant in a master’s craft,
A future prodigy?

Another time soon in the past,
A different path to see,
An instant that could never last,
A future not to be?

Another look back at the past,
A debunked fallacy,
An inside track that went too fast,
A mind too young set free?

Another dream now in the past,
A dorment fantasy,
An inkling of a new spell cast,
A newfound destiny?

Another chance not in the past,
A distinct place to be,
An instinct from a day thought passed,
A calling none could see?
Jul 2016 · 767
Enaid Cariadus
Arik Fletcher Jul 2016
Love is far from magical,
A trick that can deceive,
But your love put a spell on me and helped me to believe.

Love is not a storybook,
There are no heroes here,
But your love saved me when we met and taught me not to fear.

Love is far from all we need,
It cannot save us all,
But your love is the only thing that keeps standing tall.

Love is not just beautiful,
It has a darker side,
But your love lights my life and always helps to turn the tide.

Love is far from perfect,
It will not solve poverty,
But your love makes me richer and is perfect just for me.

Love is not the answer,
There are puzzles far too great,
But your love is the answer to the search for my soul mate.
Jun 2016 · 799
Arik Fletcher Jun 2016
Humanity is fractured,
Humanity is lost,
Humanity is all of us,
We all will pay the cost.

We're all a little different,
We're all a little weird,
We're all a little mixed up,
We're nothing to be feared.

There is no need for violence,
There is no need for hate,
There is no them or us now,
We all share the same fate.

The world, they say, is scary,
The world, they say, is scarred,
The world is out of order,
We've made it all too hard.

There is no true religion,
There is no higher law,
There is no cause for conflict,
We're human- nothing more.

This is our time to grow up,
This is our time to change,
This is our time to wake up,
We know it will be strange.

Let's put away our weapons,
Let's put to rest our fear,
Let's put the past behind us,
We'll not shed one more tear.
Jun 2016 · 312
Arik Fletcher Jun 2016
Another step,
Another mile,
Another journey just begun.

Another day,
Another dawn,
Another race to catch the sun.

Another word,
Another smile,
Another chance to show we care.

Another hope,
Another dream,
Another destiny to share.
May 2016 · 298
Arik Fletcher May 2016
I lay awake to meet the day,
Beyond the warmth of sleep's belay,
For I have demons yet to fight,
That dwell within the dark of night.

The moonlight brings me no relief,
As silence questions self belief,
For I have demons yet to face,
More deadly than the human race.

I stay awake to meet the dawn,
Where nightmares can no longer spawn,
For I have demons in my head,
That make their home beside my bed.

The dawn light slowly inches near,
At last to save me from my fear,
For I have demons in my heart,
Unable now to play their part.

I may awake to meet the sun,
Some day with all the fighting done,
For I have demons long deceased,
And none remain for then at least.

The new light will bring peace within,
A blessing to my worried kin,
For I have demons in my past,
And darkness cannot truly last.
May 2016 · 282
11th Hour
Arik Fletcher May 2016
11 years ago today,
A husband travelled miles away,
A wife went on with one more day,
And no one thought much either way.

But on that day you changed the scene,
A mother started looking green,
A father rushed from where he’d been,
Though late you now seemed super keen.

11 years ago you see,
We never knew who you would be,
How you would change your mum and me,
Nor that we’d now be just us three.

For on that day when you were born,
The world we knew was ripped and torn,
And though we both were tired and worn,
A new life started that next morn.

11 years ago we knew,
That all we’d do was now for you,
To feed, and love, and keep you true,
To teach, and learn from all you do.

So from that day we made a vow,
And kept it from that day to now,
To show you when, and what, and how,
Your new world will and won’t allow.

11 years ago you came,
You changed the rules of every game,
So nothing could remain the same,
And all would soon know of your name.

Now from that day until this one,
You’ve grown and learned through pain and fun,
A journey barely just begun,
But we take pride in all you’ve done.

Happy Birthday, Evelyn!
Apr 2016 · 283
Arik Fletcher Apr 2016
Today I look back on the years,
the canvas of my hopes and fears,
each stroke another memory,
that shaped who I have come to be.

With each new layer the image clears,
the final portrait ever nears,
the image of my inner self,
displayed for all upon life's shelf.

Through the years the colours change,
some bright strokes fade to dim the range,
but for each dark there is a light,
and in the end all will be right.

So now I'll go on with each day,
content that I will find my way,
in time to share this work of art,
the true reflection of my heart.
Mar 2016 · 333
Arik Fletcher Mar 2016
Sometimes we seek another way,
A fresh road we can walk,
A different self to be for once,
A new voice that could talk.

Sometimes we face another dawn,
A shade of nothing new,
A different day in nought but name,
A nightmare ever true.

Sometimes we glimpse another world,
A chance that never came,
A different self that could have been,
A life not spent the same.

Sometimes we crave another day,
A tick of time to spare,
A different moment from the rest,
A secret not to share.

Sometimes we catch another eye,
A star that might have shone,
A different self reflected there,
A fantasy long gone.

Sometimes we cast another spell,
A wish for days ahead,
A different outcome at the end,
A paradise instead.

Sometimes we grasp another dream,
A flame to light the dark,
A different self to live inside,
A flint to light our spark.

Sometimes we find another smile,
A grin for what we hold,
A different outlook on our lot,
A peace as we grow old.
Feb 2016 · 362
Arik Fletcher Feb 2016
The expectation of a world that forces me to feel,
Like medication on the wounds of battles from the past,
Through meditation on the hope that one day scars will heal,
To resignation of the fact that nothing good can last.

This hesitation in my mind of all that could go wrong,
In relegation of my dreams and hopes for days ahead,
This trepidation on each truth I've held inside so long,
Brings elevation of the fears locked deep within my head.

Through dedication to the wants of anyone but me,
Like desperation for the praise and pressure that I need,
The revelation of a life not lived as it should be,
Shows recognition of the time spent letting my heart bleed.

When flagellation of my soul at last comes to an end,
The desolation of my mind will surely take its hold,
That isolation of a life devoid of any friend,
An affirmation that the fire inside of me is cold.

With conjugation of my choices and the life I see,
Comes realisation that the road I walk is one I made,
An affectation for dramatic verse and poetry,
Just confirmation that my soul has been too long in shade.

Though condemnation of the past is bittersweet at best,
A retribution for a curse imposed upon myself,
This contemplation of the present ever seems to test;
The concentration on my future state of mind and health.

While recitation of these thoughts could be cause for concern,
Continuation of this written therapy is key,
Through repetition of these lines the pain will slowly burn,
And immolation of the past will someday set me free.
Feb 2016 · 313
Arik Fletcher Feb 2016
We may not be conventional,
We may not wine and dine,
We may not go for moonlit walks,
But love for us will shine.

We may not be extravagant,
We may not send a rose,
We may not exchange chocolate,
But love for us still grows.

We may not be traditional,
We may not share world view,
We may not celebrate today,
But love for us is true.
Jan 2016 · 309
Arik Fletcher Jan 2016
Today is just another day,
No cause for joy or cheer,
Just one more day in one more month in one more mortal year.

But look at it another way,
This is your time to shine,
This day, this month, this year, this life are all still yours and mine.

Today may be another day,
No need for gift or song,
Just one more moment here on earth still trying to belong.

But looked at from another way,
This is your chance to soar,
This moment filled with endless love is yours forever more.

Today is just another day,
No time for cake or card,
Just one more step along a road that seems to get more hard.

But look at it another way,
This is more than it seems,
This road we walk together will some day lead to your dreams.

Today may be another day,
No sign of something more,
Just one more dawn and dusk to face and add towards the score.

But looked at from another way,
This day is all for you,
This life we share could not exist without your love so true.

So let there be another day,
No worries in your mind,
Just hope and laughter here with us are all you have to find.

We'll look at life in our own way,
Today and every day,
This heart of mine will follow yours and never go away.
Dec 2015 · 305
Arik Fletcher Dec 2015
And so the curtain closes on another mortal year,
the shadows still fall close behind but light stands ever near,
staring deep into the void of all life’s hope and fear,
we smile for all that’s yet to be and those we hold most dear.

For though the sun soon sets upon the times that have gone by,
the dawn will bring another chance for each of us to try,
to change the world around us as we gaze towards the sky,
And be the best that we can be and never let love die.

So let the clock tick down the time towards the final hour,
Worry not on what's ahead and do not hide or cower,
Make your future plans with all that lies within your power,
Build a new life rich in love to be your cherished dower.
Dec 2015 · 326
Arik Fletcher Dec 2015
Snow and ice nowhere in sight,
A rainy night can't keep us down,
With fires warming heart and hearth,
We have no cause to sulk or frown.

Gifts and food to share galore,
A festive song to set the tone,
With joy and laughter all around,
Lost in the love that we have known.

Hope and promise fill the air,
A healing moon to light the sky,
With dreams and plans for days ahead,
The future waits for you and I.
Dec 2015 · 265
Arik Fletcher Dec 2015
The past weighs heavy on my mind,
Its shadow ever close behind,
A presence never hard to find,
Its power renders all life blind.

The present takes a constant hold,
Its grip imprisons young and old,
A nightmare dark and ever cold,
Its bitter song plays loud and bold.

The future floats just out of reach,
Its lessons cruel and hard to teach,
A distant dream we all beseech,
Its promise lost in mortal speech.
Dec 2015 · 304
Arik Fletcher Dec 2015
The time is short and fading fast,
to be all we can be,
to reach our true potential,
or face obscurity.

The time has come to make a choice,
to choose the path ahead,
to brave a new horizon,
or play it safe instead.

The time is now to take a stand,
to put fate to the test,
to face a greater challenge,
or let the matter rest.

The time is here to live at last,
to lay claim to the prize,
to seek a higher purpose,
or never more to rise.
Dec 2015 · 300
Arik Fletcher Dec 2015
We gaze into the mirror,
To see where time has gone,
The past laid bare before us,
That shaped the path we're on.

We frown back at the mirror,
To show each crease and line,
The passing of the ages,
An ever present sign.

We stare into the mirror,
To find what brought us here,
The choices that have shaped us,
And changed us year by year.

We glare back at the mirror,
To prove we have no fear,
Our worries far behind us,
Through all we hold most dear.

We look into the mirror,
To seek a higher cause,
The sum of life before us,
No time to doubt or pause.

We smile back at the mirror,
To count each line and scar,
The life and love shared with us,
That made us who we are.
Nov 2015 · 5.4k
Arik Fletcher Nov 2015
The warrior is powerful,
The warrior is strong,
The warrior does not give up,
The warrior fights on.

Though chaos reigns around her,
She will not fall to tears,
No matter what the circumstance,
She'll face up to her fears.

The warrior is confident,
The warrior is true,
The warrior will stand her ground,
The warrior lives through.

Regardless what the odds may be
She always shall prevail,
No matter what the consequence,
She'll strive and never fail.

The warrior is adamant,
The warrior is proud,
The warrior will show no doubt,
The warrior roars loud.

Whatever fate declares to be,
She will not lose her way,
No matter what the happenstance,
She'll live to seize the day.
Nov 2015 · 250
Arik Fletcher Nov 2015
The law is there to guide us,
To cover every sign,
To serve and to protect us,
To keep us all in line.

The law is not a question,
It stands in black and white,
It cannot be rejected,
It always shall be right.

The law alas is fallible,
So often proven blind,
So hard against the downtrod,
So weak on the refined.

The law may be amended,
It can be changed in time,
It could be more supportive,
It should prevent real crime.

The law is what we've made it,
A source of pain and woe,
A daily chore to live with,
A blight on all we know.

The law is not omnipotent,
We have no one to blame,
We all must share the burden,
We all must bear the shame.
Nov 2015 · 298
Arik Fletcher Nov 2015
She grows so tired of this time,
too much to understand,
the smile fading day by day,
no chance for all she'd planned.

She tires of this broken dream,
its promise unfulfilled,
the time slows further day by day,
no path to be revealed.

She grows more tired of this world,
this constant downward *****,
the light glows dimmer day by day,
no dawn to bring her hope.

She tires of the pain within,
these endless gnawing fears,
the hurt grows stronger day by day,
no strength to hide the tears.

She grows so tired of this life,
this smile so hard to fake,
the reasons dwindle day by day,
no saviour's hand to take.

She tires of all that she's seen,
and all that's been and gone,
the future jading day by day,
no will to carry on.
Nov 2015 · 314
Arik Fletcher Nov 2015
It's hard to see the light within with darkness all around,
impossible for peace to reign when war is all we've known,
no way to change our future when we're still stuck in the past,
so difficult to be more than the soil from which you've grown.

It's hard to see through others eyes when blinded by your own,
Impossible for hands to meet when words of hate abound,
no way to change who you will be when lost in who you are,
so difficult to save this world when hope cannot be found.

It's hard to seek the higher path when fighting from a trench,
impossible to be yourself when dogma guides your soul,
no way to change the world if all you have is not your own,
so difficult to take a stand when you have no control.

It's hard to seek another way though few will ever try,
Impossible to be one race when colour isn't blind,
no way to change religion with our egos still intact,
too difficult to challenge lies with truth none want to find.
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