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Arik Fletcher Mar 2015
Creativity is the art of rebellion,
Our lives a canvas of expression,
Through hearts in bright vermillion,
Brushed by shades of dark depression.

Creativity is the key to redemption,
Our soul's humble confession,
Of each cold and cruel deception,
When true love is in recession.

Creativity is the flight from damnation,
Our mind's craving for possession,
Through each secret affectation,
As we drown in our obsession.
Arik Fletcher Mar 2015
We're all made of exploding stars,
A product of our cuts and scars,
Dwelling in the healing dark,
As we prepare to show our spark.

We're all made of exploding stars,
Our hearts locked behind frozen bars,
Dwelling on the pain we've felt,
Until the ice within can melt.

We're all made of exploding stars,
Just passing by en route to Mars,
Dwelling on the rush of days,
Shining in our special ways.
Arik Fletcher Mar 2015
Darkness fills my weary head,
As chaos grows within,
The shadows of another life,
put this one in a spin.

Darkness calls my tortured soul,
as colours fade to grey,
The whispers of another life,
help facing each new day.

Darkness paints my broken dreams,
as sorrow takes its hold,
The shelter of another life,
protects me from the cold.

Darkness speaks my heart's desires,
as silence takes my voice,
The secrets of another life,
leave me without a choice.

Darkness drinks my poisoned thoughts,
as heaven drifts from sight,
The escape of another life,?
consoles my soul each night.
Arik Fletcher Mar 2015
These veins are filled with ink not blood, 
The product of my broken dreams, 
Each thought lost in the tortured flood, 
That flows through me in endless streams.

These bones are draped in words not skin, 
The scribbled flesh of paper life, 
Each page turned by another sin, 
In lines drawn from my scars and strife.

These eyes are filled with ink not tears, 
The count of distant memories, 
Each drop a moment through the years, 
Where darkness claimed my sympathies.

These lungs contain dark words not air, 
The essence of what I’ve become, 
Each breath reveals a soul laid bare, 
A fate to which I must succumb.

This heart is filled with ink not love, 
A faceless clock that ticks in me, 
Each beat a curse from high above, 
That keeps me from all I could be.
Arik Fletcher Feb 2015
I am a creature of two halves,
A demon of angelic wing,
A siren to my fallen kin,
A song for damaged souls to sing.

I am a creature of two hearts,
A killer with a lover's smile,
A haven to each broken dream,
A stop along their final mile.

I am a creature of two lives,
A hunter hunted by my prey,
A shadow hidden in the night,
A dreamer waiting for the day.

I am a creature of two minds,
A knight that damns each one I save,
A noble beast of sordid deeds,
A curse upon the peace I crave.
Arik Fletcher Feb 2015
He wakes in sweat and panicked breath,
Convinced that these are more than dreams,
The thought of her in pain and scared,
A vision far too real it seems.

Alone in darkness but for her,
Still lingering within his mind,
Her presence there but out of reach,
A mystery with clues to find.

He looks around, "Am I awake?"
Still sitting in his office chair,
A folder open- staring up,
The pages scattered everywhere.

"Pull yourself together, Tom!"
Awake for sure, he looks around,
The folder closed and clearly marked,
'Tom Archer - Clients: Lost and Found'.

The storm outside is bearing down,
A city wrapped in hail and snow,
Just as the dream had been, he's sure,
"Is it tonight?" he has to know.

A map is laid out on the floor,
With markers to each past attempt,
Now only one is left to try,
Tom bears the task no ill contempt.

His gun is set- now cocked and checked,
The holster safely by his chest,
He grabs the map and all his notes,
"It's time to put this thing to rest!"

With one last glance down at his sketch,
Those deep, soft eyes and blushing cheeks,
The golden halo of long hair,
He leaves for what his heart now seeks.

The door is closed, the wind so harsh,
His skin is cold, his coat pulled tight,
The streets are clear, save for the brave,
They rush around, soon out of sight.

The shops still serve, their doorways lit,
A stray dog barks from streets away,
Some dustbins fall two buildings down,
Tom knows each move before its play.

Around the corner, down the street,
He holds the map up like a shield,
Running now- he feels so close,
Through the gates, across the field.

The snow is thick around his boots,
His soaking coat stuck to his skin,
The hill is steep, he forges on,
His head is cloudy, in a spin.

Tom knows she's here, he feels her near,
This is the place, the time is right,
A little further up this hill,
He finds the door, still bolted tight.

The cold is bitter but he's strong,
All of his strength is mustered now,
With one charge, two, he's through the door,
He wipes the frost from coat and brow.

He hears a scrape, perhaps a cry,
A staircase down to dark unknown,
Tom takes the stairs at frantic speed,
A trip, a slip, or was he thrown?

The fall is short, the pain is brief,
The world goes black and there she is,
Smiling through those stunning eyes,
Reaching out, her hands touch his.

Then he's back, she's gone again,
Just lying there amongst the dregs,
His calls for help just echo back,
He moves to stand on shaky legs.

Unsteady but with work to do,
Tom checks his coat- the gun now gone,
His papers lost, the map gone too,
He has no choice- he must go on.

Across the ground he makes his way,
Not far away, a dim light's glow,
He's closer now, a haloed door,
Tom turns the handle, takes it slow.

No sign of life, no one in sight,
No distant sounds, nothing at all,
The air is cold, his movement slow,
Quite weary of another fall.

The map had marked this as a mine,
Abandoned long ago it seems,
Tom ploughs his mind for memories,
So much of this not from his dreams.

The light is dim and the way unclear,
But doors appear at either side,
A corridor of lockers shut,
The perfect place for one to hide.

Once again he hears that cry,
Closer now, sweat on his brow,
Further still he moves along,
He knows she's here, in pain somehow.

He feels the punch before it hits,
Yet still a blow that takes him down,
They scuffle in the dirt and grime,
A boot connects hard with his crown.

Tom knows his way around a brawl,
And holds his own against the brute,
He rolls aside and lands a kick,
Then grabs him by his dusty suit.

A punch, a kick, another roll,
Tom thrusts him hard against the floor,
The foe is down and now out cold,
No pulse to feel, though not for sure.

Tom checks his pockets, finds the gun,
A rusty key, all that he's found,
"The only way is up from here!"
He makes his way back to the sound.

Trying doors and rattling locks,
Tom finds one that does not quite match,
A bolted door with bars across,
He tries the key then pulls the latch.

Sliding open, naught but black,
Metallic scent strong in the air,
A scrape, a soft and muffled moan,
He moves on silently with care.

There against the wall, it seems,
A louder scraping and that cry,
Tom makes it to the shapeless form,
He touches rope and starts to pry.

Seconds pass that feel like hours,
But at last each rope comes free,
Skin meets skin, both pull away,
Tom knows it's her- it has to be.

He reaches out, she's screaming now,
Still muffled sound though through the gag,
"I'm here to help- you must believe!"
"Just relax…" he frees the rag.

She tries to run but falls down hard,
Tom rushes over, helps her stand,
"Just take it easy, try to rest",
"You're safe with me" he holds her hand.

Calming down now, breathing hard,
"Who are you? Why am I here?"
Tom hears her voice- a dream come true,
"My name is Tom, please have no fear!"

"I've searched for weeks to get to you!"
Her breathing fast, she lashes out,
"Please let me go- I don't know you,
Just tell me what this about?"

Tom takes a breath, he has to think,
"The man who brought you here is dead,
I searched each room and found you here."
There wasn't much more to be said.

She's calmer now, her breathing soft,
"Your voice, I know it from somewhere,
Where have we met? I don't recall...
I don't know why you seem to care!"

He smiles inside- not sure of why,
"We've met so many times, it seems,
You've been with me for several days,
Albeit only in my dreams."

She reaches out towards his face,
Caresses it to find the shape,
"You are the one- I knew you'd come!
Please help me- quick, we must escape!"

They stand to leave, still holding hands,
The lights come on, he's standing there,

Tom pulls the gun- still cocked and set,
The shot is clean, the **** precise,
"Let's get a move on, now!" he cries,
"This is no time for playing nice!"

Out they bolt, they barely breathe,
Down the now-bright corridor,
Back to the site of Tom's short fall,
They find the stairs behind a door,

Up, and up, and up they go,
On, and on, and on they run,
Finally they reach the top,
Bursting out into the sun,

They take a breath then start again,
Running downhill with no delay,
Through the field and out the gate,
Up the street and across the way,

Safe at the door marked 'Private Eye'
They dash inside and slam the door,
Tom hears a scream and turns around,
She's seen the sketch, still on the floor,

"You really knew me all the time?
I've shared the dreams you've held so long,
I thought you'd be just one more shadow,
But, now I know, we must belong."

Tom smiles and hangs his coat back up,
"I've searched my life for you, it seems,
I knew I'd find you- someday soon,
For love- they say- creates our dreams."
Arik Fletcher Feb 2015
My days are spent with you in mind,
Each night spent here with you,
I still feel like a teenager,
The love we share like new.

My heart still beats in time with yours,
In case you didn't know,
I still can feel you next to me,
No matter where I go.

My life was meant to be with you,
To share this winding road,
I still know we have miles to go,
But your love halves the load.

My eyes reflect the love in yours,
Each scar and secret known,
I still feel just as close to you,
Because of how we've grown.

My love could never stray too far,
Our bond is just too strong,
I still will keep each oath to you,
Through all I might do wrong.

My soul is still entwined with yours,
Together joined as one,
I still can feel the fires burn,
Our passion like the Sun.

My arms will ever hold you close,
Despite what comes our way,
I still want to be here with you,
Until my dying day.
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