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 Feb 2014 Ariel Leann
I hold the pillow
Black silk soaks up my tears

You sit on the edge of the bed
My tears go unanswered
I cry silently
I shudder softly

I hold the silk tight
So soft
I hide in the black that surrounds me
You lay down and I fall asleep to the weight
On your side of the bed

I wake to no weight
On your side of the bed
I hear the TV flick off
You come back and the weight returns

I clutch the pillow
You gather me in your arms
I don't breathe
So unsure with each other
Your arms hover and we don't touch for a while

I wake in your arms to the sun coming in
The sun and the black
They say that love
is a strong word
so believe me
when it's said, it's heard
I know I'm not
the prince charming
you've been waiting for
but I don't want to be harming
you're feelings when
I tell you
that the only person that doesn't
love you, is yourself.
Articles of clothing,
writ by the wearer,
Particles of loathing,
spit by the swearer

We wear our souls on our sleeves

hand-paid machines
print letters of jest
on wallet-proof vests

sifting society's sincerity
through media's selective filter
cleverly diffusing the difference
between adverbs and adverts

Green is the new black

Trading black paper
for greener souls


Greed is the new snack

Feeding omnipotent omnivores
with insatiable goals

The bell sighs,
"Let freedom toll."
 Feb 2014 Ariel Leann
There was one moment
That I found to be
Especially surreal
You had just lost your wi-fi (again)
And our call had just reconnected
The picture clarified for just
A single moment no longer
Than two seconds of
A crystal clear image
You had looked away from the screen
Something had caught your
Attention (the kids attaching engines to their bikes or maybe your dad taking the dog back in)
And I saw just how beautiful you are
For just a second I could see how
Vibrant your hair was
Not quite like a fire so much
As the softest of velvet curtains
Even though I think you could
Set fire to the largest of forests with
The greatest of ease
I could see how blue your eyes were
Like the sky but not early in the morning
Rather the dark it turns before
All the light is drained from it
And for the briefest time I saw into your soul
I could see how much you long
To leave like a bird locked in a cage
I could see how finely crafted you are
Like a painters finest work of art
Every cell a skillful brush stroke
In that moment I knew I wanted to kiss you
But I was so acutely aware of the fact that
We were separated by so much time (why do we measure distance in time anyway)
And that I won't have that chance for
What could be as long as months
This all happened in only a few seconds
And when you looked back at me
You smiled and laugh (the sweetest sound I've ever heard)
And in that moment something clicked inside me
I knew I would have to hold you in my arms
And I would have to put my hands on your hips or your face (I haven't decided yet)
Pull you close to me and kiss you
I'll do anything to make that happen
Mark my words little bird someday I will set you free
enlighten me
somebody just told me to do that,but its hard to swallow.
Just sitting there,
Eyes full of pain and sorrow,
but feeling nothing.
All the pain and suffering
has taken every good thing from her.
Her smile, her laugh,
The way she used to love life, Gone.
With now feeling nothing, But the emptiness that was left with her.

-Cassidy Rae
7:30pm - I am crying. Wars are raging. Demons are coming. My soul is dying.

8:30pm - Try to resist a knife that sits. Pick up the phone, just so alone. Try to resist the urge that pursists.

9:30pm - Urges pursist, I finally cave in. Marks on my skin, wage a war thats within. Spirits are fighting, demons are crying. A soul is dying. Tempers are rising.

10:30pm - My heart is breaking. My temper is flaring. My thoughts are rising. A God I'm denying. I'm lost, chained, and bound. I'm tired of fighting.

11:30pm - Alone in night, along in day. My friends seem to walk away. Still I am trying. Is there any reason to living?

12:30am - Sleeping comes naught to that who is crying. A God who has ceased caring. Is there any life worth giving?

1:30am - Trying to write to someone so dear, but words alas, won't come near. I cry out for help, hoping a God will hear. Hoping someone might just be there.

2:30am - I walk to the garage, a shotgun awaits. I pick up the tool, to send me to my death. I look for the bullets, none can I find. I go to the house, to look for a knife.

3:30am - I pick up a knife, to hold to my neck. I think back on the past nine years of my life. The rediculing, the name calling, the moving, the drinking, the hell that's broke loss must come to an end.
I think of a friend. Will she miss me, I wonder. I think to a dance that had not long past. A friend... I think naught, an older sister. I remember the song that she played for my ears.
I remember my mentor, the one who discovered. I remember her efforts to tell me they cared. I remembered her words that told me she would always be there.
I thought yet again to a friend who long past. I thought to her last words to my ear. "You're loved, don't forget it. Even if I'm not here."
I thought to years long past. When I layed in the grass, my brothers at hand. I told them I was running. His response, "No, don't go. I love you to much for that. I need you to pick on."

3:45am - I put down my knife. I go to my room. I continue to cry. I may not be happy, but my life I must live. My demons then flee, but my chains still bind me. An angel protects me, of this I am sure. To sleep I must drift, I'll wake in the morn.
Judgmental glances
Burning holes in her back
With the devil she dances
Once white is now black

When you gamble
You will loose
And the darkness
He will choose

If you open the door
He will surely enter
Back again once more
To smother the ember

He won't stop at anything
Not till you're in ruins
Nevermore to sing
He dances to the invisible tune
You lived next to a mushroom field
The smell was pungent and distinct
It reaked of sewage and sulfur
I never understood how anyone could
"Just get used to it."

I hate mushrooms now
Moreso that I ever did before.
I mull over the things you did to me
And made me do to you.
All I can remember is
The smell creeping up my nasal passage
Strangling me
Choking me.

Since that day,
My life has resembled that place.
So much junk to deal with
Such a despicable scent
People wonder how I deal with it.

I don't even know how I stand the stench.
But I find it funny, oh the irony
In how I have come to simulate
The place I detest the most.
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