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Nov 2011 · 1.1k
The Game
Ariel Ellis Nov 2011
It’s all just a game
This is something I now know
Power over another
Is this a game of telephone?
You sent your message down the wire
Knowing that you were a liar
But my mind was too young & naïve
And the words that I received
Were jumbled
And like a football being fumbled
You we’re careless with my heart
I was slowly falling apart
But all you cared about was the score
But life is meant for so much more
So I forfeited, I left the game
And to you, I'm just a name.
May 2011 · 949
what happened
Ariel Ellis May 2011
You told me to take a chance
So I took it

You told me to trust you
So I did

You told me you loved me
So I believed you

You told me you were sober
But you weren’t

You told me you were tired
But you lied

You told me we’d hang out
And we didn’t

You told me you’d change
And you didn’t

I told myself I was disappointed
But forgave you

You lied multiple times
But I still gave in

I let you take advantage of me
But I don’t know why

You don’t understand
And I'm done

I thought you were different
But you’re not
Feb 2011 · 618
Ariel Ellis Feb 2011
to feel as if no one understands you is the loneliest feeling of all.

you wait for a sign
of reassurance
of comfort

there's nothing.

complete emptiness

your mind rushes with countless thoughts

nothing makes sense

what's wrong? they ask.

you wish you could answer

but you can't

you wish you knew what was wrong

but you don't

life's misery has piled

one by one

making your shoulders a little heavier

with each added weight

life has brought you down

you're fearful that nothing will bring you up

you look around for any sign of happiness

of hope
of guidance

there are none

you take a deep breath

it seems your breathing is the only thing you have control over

you close your eyes and continue to breath

dreading whatever is to come
Jan 2011 · 523
Ariel Ellis Jan 2011
I think the part that gets me the most is knowing that I will never feel that way about someone again.
I will never experience that rush, that kind of joy, the ever-satisfying comfort that surrounds.
Will I ever be truly happy?
How can I?
Especially when I know what it COULD feel like,
And I know that it doesn’t.
Those feelings are gone,
And will never be felt,
The way I felt about you.
That kind of feeling.
That kind of love.
That was true.

Goodbye to true love.
Jan 2011 · 843
conversations in my head
Ariel Ellis Jan 2011
Maybe it's different, maybe this time he'll change?
“Go ahead, keep telling yourself that. You know it’s not true.”
Maybe one day he’ll feel the same way?
“Why do you give yourself false hope?”
It’s like we spend all of our time waiting for a boy who will never change.
“But if you know this then why do you give in again and again?”
It's hard learning that someone will never change.
“You need to stand your ground.”
The way he satisfies my lonely urges…
“Build a wall, separate from him.”
I’ve built a wall, strategically of things that he’s good at so he could break it down.
I’m still the same vulnerable girl when he comes around.
It’s like I lose control of everything…
My brain doesn’t function and my body only moves in ways that he’d like it to.
“He treats you like nothing and you know this.”
It’s hard realizing that your feelings for someone will never be mutual.
They only want you when they can’t have you.
“You know he’s no good for you.”
Jan 2011 · 1.0k
Take a Chance
Ariel Ellis Jan 2011
You’ve been here before
The similarities are frightening
You’re scared
You stand on the edge
Icy waters below
You’ve jumped before, a past summer
This time experience holds you back
Remembering the outcome from before
Is it worth it?
Down below a voice shouts,
“Take a chance.”
Without thinking, you jump
You fall slowly, deeper, further, down, down, down
To the point of no return
Your body descends into the cold water
Your heart is pierced
You rise to the surface searching for warmth
Nothing, no one, is there
Left all alone like last time
Your heart is frozen
Your body lifeless
Until suddenly something grabs you
And pulls you to the shore
A voice whispers “I’m different.”
Dec 2010 · 843
Ariel Ellis Dec 2010
someone who used to take up all your time
now only takes up a slot in your photo album

you pass on the street
and you both pretend not to care

someone who used to fill your mind
is now just a distant memory

and we'll pass each other in our new lives
but neither of us will admit-
that we secretly wonder what could have been

I know your smell, that old familiar smell.
The expressions you'd make and their meanings.
I can feel the soft touch of your fingertips.
These are all things that I will never forget.

When our relationship ended, my love for you didn't.
Dec 2010 · 755
No one
Ariel Ellis Dec 2010
when you feel you have no one

it's a dark and cold place
there's nothing to keep you warm
no familiar face

you're surrounded by people
but you've never felt so alone
searching for something, anything, to make you feel at home

when you've lost all your hope

what is left to believe in
no one understands
or knows that you're not breathin'

people stare
but they can't see the pain in your eyes
they don't hear the voice inside of you that constantly cries
Dec 2010 · 567
Long Lost Love
Ariel Ellis Dec 2010
I used to get nervous around you
My heart would skip a beat
My palms would sweat
An uncontrollable shaking of my feet

Your laugh would ring in my ears
I would get lost in your stare
When you kissed me time would stop
With you, I had no cares

You used to say you’d love me forever
And I would surely agree
But what changed between us
What brought along this misery

The spot where you should be
Is empty but that emptiness follows me

I look at my hand
Your fingers aren’t interlaced
But when I close my eyes
I can still see your face

My heart is filled with love
Love that’s only for you
But my brain was selfish
And told me I had to choose

Confusion filled my mind
I didn't know what to do
I guess I was bored
And wanted to try something new

But now that I’ve grown, I've realized
That your love, is the only love I’ve ever known
Nov 2010 · 611
Not Who You Thought
Ariel Ellis Nov 2010
He’s different
He’s older
He’s very smart
He fills the space
Within your empty heart

You’re different
You’re perfect
You’ve stolen his heart
Life is so hard
When you’re miles apart

They’re together
They’re perfect
They’re never apart
Their feelings are stronger
Than they were at the start


Something happens
Something unexpected
Something not so smart
Now you’re confused and
Spending more time apart

You’re broken
You’re stupid
You’re falling apart
Because all you’ve been fed
Were lies from the start

He’s selfish
He’s deceitful
It's been an act from the start
Just a man who took advantage
Of your young foolish heart.
Oct 2010 · 507
Ariel Ellis Oct 2010
Life is perfect when spent with you

your smile could turn any sky blue

we sit, talk, and people watch
drink coffee, share stories and smiles

when I'm having a hard day

you always know the perfect things to say

how can two people be so much alike
but so unique at the same time

talking with you always makes me feel better

life slows down when we're together

our wrists share something special
like our love for doing good deeds

with blonde and red hair

Emily, you and I, we make the perfect pair
Oct 2010 · 737
Paint by Number
Ariel Ellis Oct 2010
Paint me by numbers

Stroke me with your brush

Stay in the lines

There's no need to rush
My body's your canvas

The first color is blue

You'll be happy when you discover

Which area is marked with the number two
Oct 2010 · 689
Hot Mess
Ariel Ellis Oct 2010
soft lips
the way your hands caress my hips

pounding chest
deep breaths
when I'm with you I forget the rest

hair pull
your breath is cool
tonight I will play your fool

clothes gone
imagination on
we've both wanted this for so long

so bat your eyes
whisper lies
please feed my hungry cries

or heartbreak?
either way there's not much left for you to take.
Oct 2010 · 2.3k
Night Sky
Ariel Ellis Oct 2010
Lying in my bed
window slightly open
the moon is shining bright
my eager heart is hopin'
that maybe you're looking too
and that we're together in this moment.

Either way I know I'm not alone
as I look above to the sky of greatness unknown
I take my last look before I close my eyes
suddenly it all makes sense- there's no questions why

And for the first time my vision is clear
when I look to my future I realize all of my dreams are so near
like night lights in the sky
the stars put me to sleep - the sweetest lullaby
Sep 2010 · 2.0k
Big Spoon
Ariel Ellis Sep 2010
no space in between
our bodies are attached
we fit perfectly together
your chest against my back

our bodies intertwined
it's a beautiful thing
your arms pull me in close
my heart wants to sing

the warmth of your body
sends chills up my spine
even on the toughest days
you make everything feel fine

I wonder what you're thinking
when you hold me so
your fingers interlace mine
I never want to let go

stay here forever
take away all my gloom
I love everything about you
you're my big spoon
Sep 2010 · 552
Your Choice
Ariel Ellis Sep 2010
I don't want to be just an option
I want to be somebody's choice

I want someone to melt each time they hear my voice

I don't want to be used
I want to be loved

I want someone to turn my grey skies blue up above

I don't want a mystery
I want things to be as they seem

I want someone to be the man of my dreams

I don't want to be alone
I want to fill this space

I want someone to smile whenever they see my face

I don't want to be that girl
I want to learn from my mistake

I want someone who won't make my heart break

I don't want to be an option
I want to be somebody's choice.
Sep 2010 · 885
Just an Option
Ariel Ellis Sep 2010
I'm starting to realize the world isn't as beautiful as it seems.
The way someone can just go and crush all of your dreams.


Just­ a fool vulnerable to his touch
Enjoying the way he made her blood rush

If he wants her to stay the night
It means he really likes her, right?

Wrong. Just like one of those sad songs
She now can sing along


I'm starting to realize that some people aren't as wonderful as they seem
When you end up liking them better in your dreams.


Innocent girl who gave all her heart
warned by her friends that it wasn't very smart

But with the words that he used
it wasn't really something that she could choose

The way he tricked her in order to keep her coming
Her heart would pound- a constant loud drumming


I'm starting to realize that it's hard to believe in your dreams
When your young heart has been ripped apart at the seams.


Her heart is in irreversible pain
His name is now said only in vain

His image is all she has left
But he has everything- clever theft

Her mind is filled with so much regret
He is something that she'd like to forget


I'm starting to realize that happy endings aren't common  in life
when each day lived is a constant strife.


He was a priority. She was just an option.
Sep 2010 · 836
not worth it
Ariel Ellis Sep 2010
the world seems so much colder when you don't have a hand to hold.

the ceiling fan above makes me dizzy

the empty space in my bed makes me numb

having no money makes me feel stuck

sometimes I feel like there's nowhere to run

I push the thought of you to the back of my mind
And cover it up with fake laughs and smiles
Until the memory of you appears
And I remember that I'm alone

the world has less color when you don't have someone to paint it with.

the food in my mouth has no taste

the heat of this town makes me sweat

I get nervous when I hear your name

you're something I'd like to forget

I'm doing fine and enjoying life
Until your face appears
Everything changes and it's like I'm back at square one
left to face it all on my own

the world is so much lighter when all the weight isn't on your shoulders

the ticking of the clock makes my ears mad

my heart seems to skip a beat

the slow rhythm of my breathing makes me feel lifeless

vulnerablity was my defeat

I gave so much of my heart and soul
And have nothing to show for it
You seem to be doing just fine without me
I've got nowhere to go but up

the world is so ugly when you take a closer look.

the way someone can be so selfish

the way someone can just bring you down

some people just aren't worth your time

I think I gotta get out of this town
Aug 2010 · 578
Ariel Ellis Aug 2010
Your smile
When I wake up in the morning
Your laugh
When I drive in my car
Our kiss
When I’m busy at work
Your arms
When I’m home alone
A broken heart
When I can’t sleep
An empty bed
Where you used to lay
Aug 2010 · 613
A girl can dream
Ariel Ellis Aug 2010
Tangled in each other
Warmed by your touch
My heart is slowly melting
Is this love or lust?
Maybe it’s neither
Just a silly game we play
All I know is that your body seems to fit
Perfectly with mine in every single way
I don’t want to lose this feeling
Or even move from this spot
Im in love with the idea of us
Whether the odds are against me or not.
Aug 2010 · 1.9k
Use Me
Ariel Ellis Aug 2010
no words are needed
we both know what will become of this night

the attraction is there
but the need is greater

we want to be wanted
but are we afraid to be loved?

sensual kisses mistaken for compassion
why do we use eachother in this way?

im tangled in your sheets
but more wrapped up in your words

clever lines to keep the act going
tricks to my foolish heart

I tell myself this time it's different, it means something.
a weak attempt at making myself feel better

A girl can only be used so many times
but hey I kinda like the attention.
Aug 2010 · 512
All too soon
Ariel Ellis Aug 2010
Memories play back in my head
Life without you is what I dread

Your smile is imprinted in my mind
I can hear your laugh it's one of a kind

We'd been friends since elementary school
And I always followed you around, playing your fool

I'd hoped we would be friends forever
We always had the best time when we were together

But that all ended the day I found out;
I couldn't do anything but scream and shout

I was angry at you and I didnt understand how
someone could be so selfish, but I do now

The pain you must have suffered is unmeasurable
And everything left that was once pleasurable

You ended your  life, what was I to do?
I didn't know what you were going through

I blame myself for not being there
But that doesn't mean that I didn't care

Memories play back in my head
Life without you is what I dread
Aug 2010 · 578
The Real Thing
Ariel Ellis Aug 2010
Your face appears
An image I’ve seen throughout the years
I get this feeling deep inside
My smile becomes impossible to hide
I try, but I can’t seem to speak
And my knees are growing rather weak
Time stands still
Up my spine goes a chill
In my chest my heart pounds
Everywhere I look happiness is found
I find warmth in your eyes
This kind of love you can’t disguise

— The End —