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 Mar 2011 Ariana V
Wilfred Owen
I have been urged by earnest violins
And drunk their mellow sorrows to the slake
Of all my sorrows and my thirsting sins.
My heart has beaten for a brave drum's sake.
Huge chords have wrought me mighty: I have hurled
Thuds of gods' thunder. And with old winds pondered
Over the curse of this chaotic world,-
With low lost winds that maundered as they wandered.

I have been gay with trivial fifes that laugh;
And songs more sweet than possible things are sweet;
And gongs, and oboes. Yet I guessed not half
Life's symphony till I had made hearts beat,
And touched Love's body into trembling cries,
And blown my love's lips into laughs and sighs.
By A Foreigner

I like Canadians.
They are so unlike Americans.
They go home at night.
Their cigarettes don't smell bad.
Their hats fit.
They really believe that they won the war.
They don't believe in Literature.
They think Art has been exaggerated.
But they are wonderful on ice skates.
A few of them are very rich.
But when they are rich they buy more horses
Than motor cars.
Chicago calls Toronto a puritan town.
But both boxing and horse-racing are illegal
In Chicago.
Nobody works on Sunday.
That doesn't make me mad.
There is only one Woodbine.
But were you ever at Blue Bonnets?
If you **** somebody with a motor car in Ontario
You are liable to go to jail.
So it isn't done.
There have been over 500 people killed by motor cars
In Chicago
So far this year.
It is hard to get rich in Canada.
But it is easy to make money.
There are too many tea rooms.
But, then, there are no cabarets.
If you tip a waiter a quarter
He says "Thank you."
Instead of calling the bouncer.
They let women stand up in the street cars.
Even if they are good-looking.
They are all in a hurry to get home to supper
And their radio sets.
They are a fine people.
I like them.
Music curls
In the stone shells
Of the arches, and rings
Their stone bells.

Music lips
Each cold groove
Of parabolas' laced
Warp and woof,
And lingers round nodes
Of the ribbed roof

Chords open
Their flowers among
The stone flowers; blossom;
Stalkless hang.
It's not too late.
It's not too late for you to come back.
For you to come back to me,
and set us on the right track.

It's not too late.
It's not too late to hear those sweet words,
Those three simple words, that all say,
but when you sat it with truth, cure my whole day.

It's not too late.
It's not too late for you to sweep me off my feet.
For us to make believe and create our own fantasy.
For you to kiss me so tenderly and so sweet.

It's not too late.
It's not too late to make things right
and bring that moonlight glow
that you and I both know.
But it's your turn now, to come to me.
It's not late, that I can clearly see.
 Mar 2011 Ariana V
Kevin D
i woke up this morning alone.
i dreamed that there was someone with me,
but when i woke, there was nothing but a pillow.

i felt empty and upset,
like something very dear had been taken,
and that i would never feel her warmth again,

but i saw my clock,
it was already time to go to work,
and so i forgot yet another feeling.

 Mar 2011 Ariana V
Alex Caldwell
You send shivers down my spine when you walk in,
Cause the butterflies to flutter like mad.
When you look in my eyes,
You burn right through me.
You are the sunshine when my skies are clouded,
The light when I can't find the good in the world.
I could be all that you need,
You are all that I want.
My stomach knots when you are next to me,
You make me nervous and giddy.
I smile at the thought of you,
Quake in your presence.
You have all control over me,
And you don't even know it.
It was many and many a year ago,
  In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
  By the name of ANNABEL LEE;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
  Than to love and be loved by me.

I was a child and she was a child,
  In this kingdom by the sea:
But we loved with a love that was more than love—
  I and my ANNABEL LEE;
With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven
  Coveted her and me.

And this was the reason that, long ago,
  In this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
  My beautiful ANNABEL LEE;
So that her highborn kinsmen came
  And bore her away from me,
To shut her up in a sepulchre
  In this kingdom by the sea.

The angels, not half so happy in heaven,
  Went envying her and me—
Yes!—that was the reason (as all men know,
  In this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of the cloud by night,
  Chilling and killing my ANNABEL LEE.

But our love it was stronger by far than the love
  Of those who were older than we—
  Of many far wiser than we—
And neither the angels in heaven above,
  Nor the demons down under the sea,
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
  Of the beautiful ANNABEL LEE.

For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams
  Of the beautiful ANNABEL LEE;
And the stars never rise but I see the bright eyes
  Of the beautiful ANNABEL LEE;
And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
Of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride,
  In her sepulchre there by the sea—
  In her tomb by the side of the sea.
 Mar 2011 Ariana V
John Roark
Let’s break free of those..
rusty, binding chains we call fate;
once hidden behind the façade of a safety net.

“everything happens for a reason”
My sincerest apologies but… no it doesnt.
Refrain from complaining.

“I am the captain of my Soul”
And all that glorious *******.
Cue the dramatic pause.

We’re ****** into this world
searching…searching for a meaning.
Something, anything! to justify our suffering.

---I’m here to tell you:---
--There is no inherent meaning.--
--Create your own.—

Your destiny is a blank canvas,
Paint yourself a masterpiece..
Or angrily hurl paint at the walls.

It makes no difference.
Be happy, live passionately.
There is a gentle thought that often springs
to life in me, because it speaks of you.
Its reasoning about love’s so sweet and true,
the heart is conquered, and accepts these things.
‘Who is this’ the mind enquires of the heart,
‘who comes here to ****** our intellect?
Is his power so great we must reject
every other intellectual art?
The heart replies ‘O, meditative mind
this is love’s messenger and newly sent
to bring me all Love’s words and desires.
His life, and all the strength that he can find,
from her sweet eyes are mercifully lent,
who feels compassion for our inner fires.’
Your eyes; windows. Naked glimpses of a lonely soul. Exposed.
Your breath; liquid. Filling my lungs with each inspiration. Remorseless.
Your heart; desolate. Your solitude, echoing my own. Aversion.
Our bodies; shoelaces. Twisted and intertwined. Messy and knotted.
This love; unspoken, but there.
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