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To those who may ask, how are you? My answer is none to simple. Like an ocean I may say. For I too am filled with currents. Waves flow freely upon my surface. Underneath I have icy depths and the warm inviting shallows. I too am ruled by tides. The pull me back and forth between extremes. Dragging me to the whim of the earth and fate. Flashing between sadness and depression. Loneliness. Anger, to the other end, gods euphoria. Joy, happiness and optimism. And as any ocean does, it too carves out parts of me. Chiseling away at my edges. Wearing me down. Only to bring new sands to my shore and once again rebuild. That is how I am.
 Oct 2013 Argashia Lewter
One door. One window.
One desk. One bed.
Alone. A single.

He’s there.
I know he’s there.
He’s always there.
I’m not paranoid.

Watching me with those eyes.
He has no eyes.
But I know he’s watching me.
He’s there in the mirror.

He knows my thoughts before I do.
He knows my actions before I do.

He controls me.
I am merely a puppet.

His door. His window.
His desk. His bed.

— The End —