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 Mar 2013 Uhh Who
Floyd Alsbach
Pterodactyl tech in the firmament
Prophets dare speak in invisible ink
Leaders conspire to make average permanent
Long lines form the sweet pink Kool-Aid to drink.

Faint white rainbow in winters’ dull bone sky
Say can the blind see dysfunction’s junction?
They whisper quit, and we can’t though we try.
Tarot cards tell of death and destruction.

What did you expect, believe or aspire?
Master politicians play right the wrongs.
Feigned respect the cheap price of desire
It don’ matter ‘cause they pick the songs.

Black market work, lost dreams silent shout
Walking in star shadow, power is out.

Floyd Alsbach
 Mar 2013 Uhh Who
Cam Stoker
Soft curvy hips
Sweet smiling lips
Eyes so deep
Kisses on the cheek
Warm embraces
Safe places
A strong sound mind
A million words kind
Heaps of laughter
The morning after
A gentle touch
I can't get enough
Curvy and perky
Spontaneous and quarky
Full of fun
Bright as the sun
Laying in bed
My chin on your head

These are the things I love about you.
 Mar 2013 Uhh Who
M Clement
Color me confused,
As one most often will do,
To strike a note with a concordance of thieves.

Away, away sweet thoughts on paper,
Melodrama and cherishment be thine.
Add a dash of insecurity
And away all conscious thought processes go.

A tongue-tied shade of green, you always seem to put me.
Playing without knowledge, with my thoughts and mind.

Deep within the castle walls, a creature stands listless,
With eyes of hazel and face chiseled in anguish and confusion.

To say that a man is a man is but one side of an ever-evolving equation,
And I can’t help but feel at loss.
For what should be with great elation to be near, all I feel is lost

With emotions in a tizzy,
To keep my mind busy,
One must try almost too hard.
So take what I say,
Writ it okay,
And pay no attention to my advances.
Sharing is caring
My poetry's pretty dark, right now; this was something lighter.
 Mar 2013 Uhh Who
One must suffer for beauty
But not in this self-destructive fashion
Maybe after we put ourselves out there
They'll worship at the pedestal
Some skewed mindset of what glamour highlights

Re-invent yourself
Not innovate another's identity
We're just templates
left to be traced by another
Who wants to be the photocopied poster child?

She just wants out
You can't blame her for exploiting herself
This was after the *sext
Sent to his phone
forwarded to all his friends
sent to all their friends
inevitably the internet

Girl's got a sickness about her
She wants to go viral
Starving for attention
Starving herself for perfection

Caught somewhere between ascension of ego
and descension of the soul
She's lost like a lighter in a smoke circle
Won't somebody spark the way?
I was channeling an anti-heroine

...Happy Women's Day?
 Mar 2013 Uhh Who
these days
i am constantly reminded
of how much i need to remember
where i came from...
where i've been.

i went back through all these old pictures of me
when my face was round
and chubby
when my hair wasn't perfectly straight
my bangs a mess...
before the idea
that i needed to be
entered my mind.
and i remembered my background
the importance of the foundation
that i rest on...
i sit and remember
what made me

i'll look at my life like this long line
that sometimes goes haywire on me
sometimes it comes
to the edge of a cliff
plummets downward
and then climbs back up
i'll think about holding little kids
and being friends with different people
and being so
so untouched
(i didn't think so then)
by the complete horror
this world truly

i will sit in this room
that i have never had the heart
to call 'mine'
it is small
with one window near the floor
with three white walls
and one chocolate colored
in a house
we don't own
in a town
i always wanted to live in
just not like this
and i'll picture
the girl that lived in that crazy
falling down yellow house
with the green roof
and the rusty door
and the green fields
in the brilliant,
royal purple
with all the funny hair things
and colorful tights
and big
that say nothing
that resembles
'**** me'
and i'll think....
did i get here
 Mar 2013 Uhh Who
Elizabeth Smart
With graceful strategy the circling hawk
Whips my circling sorrow to dive and strike;
Indiscrete for action the poison oak
Thrusts up her flushed face for attack
Lizards and herbs and flowers admonish me,
Strict in their innocence: I am cowardly,
Nor will the mourning-dove condone my fault
Who ******* all hazard for a humble scrap
And when she coos courts punishment. My guilt
Is obvious, and I cannot escape.
 Mar 2013 Uhh Who
Lisa Zaran
 Mar 2013 Uhh Who
Lisa Zaran
I went looking for God
but I found you instead.
Bad luck or destiny,
you decide.

Buried in the muck,
the soot of the city,
sorrow for an appetite,
devil on your left shoulder,
angel on your right.

You, with your thorny rhythms
and tragic, midnight melodies.

My heart never tried
to commit suicide before.
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