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Uhh Who Feb 2013
Wood rots
Tires deflate
Grass dies
Cars rust
Paint chips
Everything is temporary
Including that fleeting feeling
Everything feels right
You get caught up
You fall into a routine
The novelty of your existence wears off
You're all figured out, like a cheap magician's trick
Gimmicks all worn out, colors faded as if left out in the sun
A change of pace is needed perhaps?
You are boring me...remember?
And soon
Something that once felt as certain as five fingers and toes
Is toast
Uhh Who Feb 2013
So here I am
Few hundred dollars worth of electronics
Bored beyond belief
And I'd rather pace
Grabbing a remote and pressing a button?
Too much work
I'd rather pace about and overthink pointless ****
I'd rather kick myself over how that time I couldn't be honest about how I feel
Than to turn on my DS.
Or I'd rather fantasize about a perfect world where everything goes my way
As opposed to turning on my laptop and taking steps to make it so.
Something about walking lost in your own thoughts
It's a trap you set on yourself.
It's a peaceful break from the age of information.
But I'd rather that than all these fake dreams of misinformation
Self deception
And other nonsense
It can never be too simple
Not for me
Uhh Who Feb 2013
no control over my mind i never had a choice;
except when it comes to what's projected by my voice;
empty brain filled with negativity;
look what it's ******* done to me;
a smile is more than a parenthesis and a colon;
it's like my life's been stolen;
by external factors i don't care about;
responsibilities and ******* that make me wanna shout;
**** it all
Uhh Who Feb 2013
Grade A *******, check my report card
Master of my own craft, avant-garde
Sincerity eludes me, but I used to be so warm to it
Mostly a foreign concept now since it's ******* me in the end
It's easier to not care, or at least act like it
Travolta I'm not so that's not an option
Butterflies in my stomach as if I never ate dinner
Yet that's my gut telling me that I've picked a winner
Should your past be taken into consideration
Or mine?
Or the notion we have very little in common?
Or the fact that you have way more options than me?
Thats the issue with the information super highway
Less is hidden so it's easier to judge or create false doubts
All this stemmed from a single moment or a lifetime of self-doubt?
Even after I found myself there was more i still didn't know
Overthinking is my worst nightmare, and I'm living it
How outrageous
Uhh Who Feb 2013
into a routine every day
into the same traps as always
into obscurity or something worse
green with envy and i got the blues
skip the weather straight into the bad news
who the hell are you? i barely know you
but i still wanna pay for your dinner and ****
see you laugh, tell jokes and stories
other corny nonsense
told myself i didn't want anyone for a long time
but a long time may be up by now
mixed feelings diced with blender blades
this **** is too difficult, i was never good with girls
or none of that romantic feeling or whatever stuff
Uhh Who Feb 2013
Why does the music stop?
It wasnt supposed to stop on its own
Not like this anyway, it was too abrupt
It happened out of nowhere, too
Just...kaput, done, silence
No warning at all
Cant dance without it, what gives?
Waving around on my own like a fool to no background noise
Aimless gesturing and random movements
But before it stopped, there was coherence
Those same motions made perfect sense
A dance with a song that goes together
Now there is no more melody
So there shall be no more dance neither
Cease and desist, and walk away as if there was no song or dance
Why did it stop?
I'll never know
Uhh Who Feb 2013
A daydream
Forgotten instantly
Small remnants left behind
A daydream
Where our best ideas are crafted
When exhaustion takes over
When second guessing yourself is so tiring you dont even bother
A daydream
Where time skips at random intervals
Destination: anywhere but here
A daydream
Where am I again?
I don't want to wake up
I'm happy here
In a daydream
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