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Uhh Who Feb 2013
As the dizziness sets in from fatigue
And you still taste the guarine and caffeine induced concotion from 6 hours prior
You **** away the neon green drink and the buzz it gave you
And chemical imbalance sets in
Your body crashes and your mind feverishly fights against that urge
To fall into the land of sleep where your nightmares
Stay ready to remind you of everything wrong with awake life
Something a net with some feathers can't save you from
Nothing can rescue your mind from itself
Except the mind itself
How absolutely diabolical
Almost as diabolical as
Right before you slumber
You get
That boost of confidence
Or that earth shattering idea
"Yeah, I'll take a crazy risk tomorrow"
"I'll do what I always meant to do tomorrow, for real this time!"
Then you wake up
And nothing
Uhh Who Feb 2013
and no I'm really not cold you can have my sweater
(I have a higher tolerance and enjoy cooler weather)
and yes I am really paying for lunch put your wallet away
(I don't pay rent)
and yes I legitimately am interested in how your week has been
(Mine ****** most likely)
and no, I'm not jealous that you think some super famous actor is hot
(but **** that guy with a rusty screwdriver)
and no, I'm not hooking up with a bunch of random chicks and eyeing everything in a short skirt
(I'm not bound to a gender stereotype and have control of my instincts)
and yes you do legitimately look good in that dress
(I'm not saying it just because)
and yes I do enjoy having you around alot more than I let on
(I'm not a very expressive person so what)
and yes I do like you more than just a friend
(In case it wasn't already obvious)
and yes maybe I do just want to walk through a park, and hold hands or some ******* and talk about "whatever"
(even though i am easily embarrassed)
and no I'm not hungry
(Those were butterflies)
and no we don't have alot of interests in common
(except humor, and each other's company- I hope.)

I can tell you alot of things
for example
I know what the fear of long words is
I can tell you where the best Belgian place in Manhattan is
I can never say where my heart is
But don't ask me about myself
I can't ever answer that question right
I just let my actions speak and hope they don't get lost in translation


— The End —