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 Sep 2013 apathy
Sara Jean Hood
Keep it
whatever you have
for me
Keep it
I do not want it
cannot take it
hardly know what I have
Keep it
 Sep 2013 apathy
The Park
 Sep 2013 apathy
Once existed a wonderful and cheerful  park
Full of merriment and laughter while day
Such joy did not exist  when come the dark
A back and forth balance was always its way

Though things change suddenly with the  help of  time
The groundsmen who did guard could not suspect 
Acts of vandalism developed  with hints of crime
Issues appeared and were met with neglect

Current and future  ideas and plans were kept secrete 
Lack of will let disorder have its way
 Groundsmen gave up, they had met their  defeat
Uncertainty caused its lock up that just took one day

Though time and rust have broken the seal
Fear of much and many makes it conceal
 Sep 2013 apathy
Josh Taylor
Reflection lost
A sense of falling
Wings spread, then cut away
By the wind rushing up to meet me
Sweet agony courses through my veins
And yes, bitter, but…
Still oh so appealing
I smile as blood cakes my back
Relishing the smell
Wishing for the taste
To fill my mouth with iron -
So much better than the salty sting
Of regret
For how far I’m plummeting
I shiver - the ground shudders in turn
As I crash into and back through
It shatters into pieces
Impact takes its toll
My reflection on the floor
As blood slowly flows from my arms
Everything seems so…
 Sep 2013 apathy
Victoria Jensen
I want someone who supports me
No matter what you believe
I want a friend who says I know you did the right thing
I don’t want the friend with the convenient excuses for why you’re not there
Today’s just another day
Where you could have been my friend
 Sep 2013 apathy
Fey frost
 Sep 2013 apathy
Fey frost
Remember all those promises you made
Time caught up and made them fade

Now they are gone with the flow
Of times to come and times to go

And when the wind stops to blow
By then I'll be ready to go

To leave you behind envying me
For what I am and what I shall be

I'll overpower the ties that bind
Because now I see I'm no longer blind
 Sep 2013 apathy
christine hoyt
Dear you,
I just want some
Thing that is stable
One hundred percent able
A book of non-fiction, not fable
Sturdy as an oak table
I want you to hold me down
Like a steel cable
To the ground
Without a sound
I just want you to be
Bound to my heart without a choice
I’ll give you my heart, I’ll give you my voice
I love
You will be the one I say
That I want to wake up to every day
The beat of your heart is the music I’ll play
My head on your chest is where I’ll
Lay down with you every night
Just one look in your eyes and a flame will ignite
Nothing can convince me we wont be alright
You are the fuel to the fire that I
Write down all the feelings you have inside
Show me the feelings that cant be denied
Lets make a love that cant divide
Just show me some love and I will
Provide you with anything you could ever need
All your expectations, I will exceed
Your emotions will be so easy to
Read the heart I wear on my sleeve
It’s easy to love me if you just believe
If you ask to get, you shall receive
If you promise to love me I will never
Leave your side, I promise this dear
All you have to do is lend me your ear
I want nothing more than to have you here
For all of my life, I want you
Near to my heart, near to my mind
I want this to last until the end of time
So just hear me out and listen to my rhyme
Here, true love is the only thing you’ll find
I just want, you.

sincerely, me.
I performed this as spoken word in Iraq, it's one of my favorites :)
 Sep 2013 apathy
Catherine M
Textured feelings
Lead to confused hearts.
Sweet satin mornings
Mixed with sandpaper afternoons
And bittersweet evenings
Paint a picture of frustration.
Embrace the joy,
While caressing the edge of heartbreak.
Stop to smell the roses of life,
But in a bouquet of emotion,
The velvety aroma of love overpowers
The quiet odor of suspicion.
 Sep 2013 apathy
Robert Frost
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
The surroundings of home, centers, neighorhood
which I see and where I walk; for years and years.

I have created you in joy and in sorrows:
with so many circumstances, with so many things.

And you have become all feeling, for me.
 Sep 2013 apathy
 Sep 2013 apathy
you're a bone
206 of you
holding you together

you're a tissue.
connecting you together

you're skin
covering you

now you're biology
and you're not you anymore
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