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 Feb 2014 Antony
You're breathing art
Every moment
Is in tact
Wrapped up
In sweet love
You, I dreamt of
And got to hold
Who cares
American dreams
Love is above
And beyond all
For you
I'd take the fall
Because I know
You would too
Spent my life
Looking for bliss
I found happiness
In your eyes
In your touch
In your arms
In your I love you's
And electric charm
You are everything to me.
 Feb 2014 Antony
The End Of This
 Feb 2014 Antony
Your *******
Astounds me
Your messages
Are quite laughable
But they're not even funny
Your ability to point your finger at me
For my supposed negativity
Simply makes me lose
ALL the respect
I ever had for you

I'm not saying you're wrong
I admit, I have my share of sin
But don't start the victim crap
I thought you were better than that
Not gonna bother writing about you anymore.
 Feb 2014 Antony
Insecure Hell
 Feb 2014 Antony
I don't feel good enough
I'm just average
Look at other girls
With their confidence
And perfect curls
They look fine
And I look dull
Beautiful smiles
I'm still waiting for my time
To actually shine through
Nothing compared to her
What am I to you?
Insecurities are ****.
 Feb 2014 Antony
Positive Day
 Feb 2014 Antony
We have a bond
No one will break
Not even the worst
Of times can
Bring us down
We'll hold on tight
And win this fight

Best friends
Through life
And death

Love him so much
Having such a fun day. I feel positive.
 Feb 2014 Antony
You want to find me at my worst?
Go back a few years, and find a fifteen-year-old nothing
With infinite depression and thoughts stuck on repeat,
playing the same suicide song over and over
As you watch her slowly transform her legs to scar tissue
Please tell her you've noticed she's not eating

You want to see me at my lowest?
Watch me lap up the blood after bathing in blades
When you search for the places that my mind visits so frequently
It will truly test a flexibility
that not everyone has

You want to know me at my core?
No, you don't
Curiosity is not the same as desire and
the darkness would only blind you
I'm too sweet to show you the type of insanity
most would cringe in disgust at
And honestly, at the end of the day, all I'm left with are notebooks and razors
 Feb 2014 Antony
Andrew Lepreas
i don't know why i bought them
i just did
like my brother and sister i set it alight
ablaze, like my lungs, and i try
i try so hard to be like them
and yet everything i do in life sets us apart
they are so alike, the trio, the children,
they are so alike, and yet i am exiled.
Perhaps it is age, and perhaps it is the boy
Perhaps it is because he blew me away
out of his life, just like the smoke
and now only the smoke comforts me
and the heat keeps me warm
for nobody could
 Feb 2014 Antony
Phillis Wheatley
While raging tempests shake the shore,
While Ælus’ thunders round us roar,
And sweep impetuous o’er the plain
Be still, O tyrant of the main;
Nor let thy brow contracted frowns betray,
While my Susanna skims the wat’ry way.

The Pow’r propitious hears the lay,
The blue-ey’d daughters of the sea
With sweeter cadence glide along,
And Thames responsive joins the song.
Pleas’d with their notes Sol sheds benign his ray,
And double radiance decks the face of day.

To court thee to Britannia’s arms
  Serene the climes and mild the sky,
Her region boasts unnumber’d charms,
  Thy welcome smiles in ev’ry eye.
Thy promise, Neptune keep, record my pray’r,
Not give my wishes to the empty air.
 Feb 2014 Antony
Sia Jane
Anaïs Nin once wrote;
'And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.'

Life has been a roller coaster, few words
describe this journey, taken,
swaying from belief to imperforate betrayal,
doubting all I am, do
and in, an unfathomable manner, enticing myself,
to the darkness, where I may find resolve
allowing me to not only, wholly, scratch the surface,
but dig deeper into the skin,
cutting through skin, membrane, muscle
I delve right into my bones,
the veins in my body flow,
with rhetoric and rhyme, infiniteness
climbing up the walls, the skin tears
a sempiternity of knowledge pours,
red sanguine fluid,
purge my body, pierce my mind
a carcass remains, ready
for devour.

© Sia Jane

Please feel free to learn more about me and my writing on the Facebook page I just started.
My poetry at present is really concerning the fears I have about finally widening my audience to my work.
 Feb 2014 Antony
Sia Jane
Under my bed, hid
a tendered angel,
who had
broken wings,
and she was,
terrified to move
for all she knew
was to

She sat,
knees wrapped,
to her
chest, crystal tears,
dropping to
her pastel pink
and embroidery

She looked,
glancing at me
saying she
in the pools
of her own
and that she
lost strength.

Her endeavours to
swim further,
were stinted,
she was forced
to be,
and so,
she closed her eyes
letting go.

When she woke,
she found herself,
in darkness, only
the moon lit,
her darkened
phrenic activity
haunting her

As delicately as,
my body
I lay flat down,
so not to scare, her
reaching out,
I collect broken glass,
shattered wings,
bleeding from her.

(The angel was called Rebelle Fleur, she allowed me to ever so carefully, take her from under the bed, and to hold her, with grace and elegance, she lifted her tiny frame, and stood, without her wings, and ever so softly whispered her name, asking me to help fix her wings, so she could once again fly and be free)

© Sia Jane

— The End —