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Anthony Leon Mar 2016
As the river flows,
with it swim my worries.

When the wind is bold
and your cheeks get cold

A deep breath then dive,
don't let life make you hurry!

Anthony Leon Feb 2016
Life is never lived
By the week-hearted,
Not because of love
Or any of the other
Foolish things,
Simply because
everything Worth living
is ever without risk.
Live !

Anthony Leon Feb 2016
Puzzles seem to flow from her lips,
as you nervously fumble to find
the tools that will aid in deciphering them.

All the while, your heart is thumping away
furiously to an unrecognizable beat.
Neither the melodies of your favorite tune
nor the taste of another's lips will ever be able
to replicate, her love.

Anthony Leon Dec 2015
NO-one ever tells you that you will likely 
fall apart, that there will always be something 
that doesn’t make sense and that no matter how
hard you try you can never hold onto anything forever.

That is, I believe the key to life.
Understanding that being happy is a traveling
Carnival. Some attractions we will enjoy, while
others will frighten us at the corner of every 
step we take. 

No-one ever tells you that nothing is meant to be,
That life is an idea. An idea that from the moment
we open our eyes in this world we begin to construct.
That we can be happy, Sad, and afraid all at the 
same time. 

We must place more trust in what we cannot see, than
what we can observe. In every moment there will always
be something that can be fixed, So long as we do not
waste all of our time trying to make the moment special.
You see, Nothing is similar to a moment. A shared period 
of time, usually brief, that will most likely be dearly
remembered by two or more individuals for the rest of their 

They are the result of the universe deciding,
You will be connected. Wether it is a joyful
memory or a sad one, is up to you.

Anthony Leon Dec 2015
I know, I am lost too

My brain judges me at night,
yet never does it tell me
what it is that I should do.

My ears are open,
Always willing to listen.

I am afraid though,
that everyone might be
on a different frequency
than me.

Still, I tune in every single
day religiously. So far
just silence and static,
tomorrow I will
take another crack
at it.

Anthony Leon Dec 2015
It is a funny place this grey space.
For the longest i had not noticed i
was here.
Good is grey and bad is grey,
today is just as dull as yesterday.

My mind it's own
full of time and stones,
my beard would swear i
tamed it.

When the lot is sold and
the *** goes cold
we seem to get a craving.

we seek light and warmth,
such a silent scorch.
when we arrive
we won't even
we made it.

Anthony Leon Dec 2015
Home is where the pain
can hurt it's hardest &
yet your smile still
shine it's brightest.

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