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Don kingsley Aug 2017
Simple day

I lay within my haze

Far away from civil way I wave estranged from my mental gutter

My mind laughs at the distance I have made between us

Twinkles toes

You know the do's and dont's.

I dont, I ask as I look in the mirror you does it show?

Shifted minds

We play within the grind

Make a dollar through sin and feel some sweet skin.

But shrewd thoughts you thought you had a plot but it fell through the cracks

Remember though we're all long far gone

We all try to go

Where to?

No one knows

We all climb

But what do we find?

Some emptiness and a nice behind

Were all long gone

Lost within the heart
Don kingsley Aug 2017
I prayed I'd never get old

My heart had grown cold

Life's disappointment's I found beautiful

Instead of taking the fold

I rather would grow

Deep within as a man

For when I was young

No man was there to take my hand

So with each fall

Came a quicker rise

I found with surprise

After some falls comes success

But the breaths in my chest

They never settle

Cause I'm always prepared for the fall.

I've learned the most delicate ways to land.
Don kingsley Jul 2017
You hum when you're alone

Does a ghost walk beside you?

Or is the darkness not behind you?

What is it to walk alone?

Your mind can simply guide you.

Or is it sadly hide proof ?

Belt out all your pain

Some paint some would sing a song of frustrating pain

The venting's all the same

Except for you.

You vented a little different didnt you?

You are definitive you have name
what is it?

Can you say it ?

The vines will bind to what they find

Did your vines go a little too far this time?

Left yourself behind

You are you

As I am me

Complete with two feet

You never saw it that way

Your mind a gentle plague

Spreading only within the blood that once flowed through your veins

You are you

But not anymore

Sorry i wish I'd done more
Don kingsley Jun 2017
Content I would fold my fingers

The wrong way everyday to have you decrease this fever

Water your soil multiple times a day

Just to see your growth

Content you are a foe i'll never know

Sickened my stomach aches for a little easing

I feel ripples deep within my mental seasons

Reaping thoughts of transparent waters

Never a man to put an image

To the word's of a lovely author

Just one to be constantly bothered

By the son of my own Father

My mutters sputter my head to collapse

Never falls just jostles like a train

Almost, But never completely

Falling off the tracks
Don kingsley Jun 2017
I like hell

It seems kind of fine

You do some bad

And you run a little and fry

I would burn with a sick little smile


As my skins melting

My bones would find another

Melt together the two glued


Is pretty bad

But I think I could get used to it

I'd get as comfortable

As one can

In the river of fire

In the demise of the rotten man
Don kingsley Jun 2017
I know I'll never be wealthy

I never wanted paper

Kind of wanted that cape

Or the privilege behind a cape

Tame I wasn't

But I am now

So i'm not me

But who was I anyway?

I was a fool.

Thought I could be charming

But charming doesn't

Put the rock on the band

Just put's a band on the finger

With nothing to follow

And you know

That's a road most travel alone.
Don kingsley Jun 2017
Sleepless with desire
On fire in my head
Sad what transpires
Too many hearts left unfed
She had such pretty eyes
But they were told too many lies

I went down that same old street
It was dark and raining
But I kept a steady pace
It's nice sometimes to let that rain
Touch your face
A face which has told some lies
Whatever gets you by

Now the world spins as it should
Deep within the infinite
In the grand scheme we are tiny things
But we're living like we're everything
Living a big fat lie
I think the truth is kind of nice.
The type of gospel to make you always try and roll the dice.
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