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Don kingsley May 2017
Don't touch me when I am cold
The warmth forever not as bold
I found my horizon on her shores
She let's me travel no more
Don't you know my unspoken love?
Kissed your lips so you would know

Hit the top
So you remember the bottom's floors
Baby doesn't know my frozen body
I freeze for her
Cause she not here to melt me up

Guide me through this tomb
Arms which carried veins
Veins carry blood
Wheres your blood for me?
I would bleed for you
Don kingsley May 2017
Delicate angel
I was sedated
Seems my schedules always waiting
For a single addition
But a constant addiction
To a fickle position
Has me swinging but missing
I looked the pitcher in the eyes
He went through the pitching routine
And threw a ball so fast I thought I was blind
But at the last second it caught the corner of my eye
And I swung and I surmised  
After I hit for that very first time
That it was time to get to hitting
I've been swinging
Sometimes hitting
Sometimes missing
Don kingsley Apr 2017
Walking underneath the ***** sun
We belong to no one
Yet together we feel as one

The grass is our warming bed
We see no beginning
Though we have certain ends

We are friends
We are lovers
We are starving

Hit that high point
Warm me up
You know my soul
And I know yours
Like none I've ever known

Now it comes down
But we make up
We know how to rise
Our love
Is forever long
See the triumph
We've traveled over
So many foreign roads
Your legs
And my eyes
Our arms
Are one
And this is something
We shall forever know
Don kingsley Mar 2017
The drugs are kicking in
So is my second wind
Work was such a shame
My blistered hands touch the bar
She looks at me from across the water
Sauce tossed and full of lip gloss
Making my heart warmer than sweat dripping from a convict's head
I go outside to have a smoke
She followed me but I didn't know
She said hello and may I have a smoke
One **** and she was far from a choke
Inhaling deep as if she was about to go
But she was mine
And this I know
She left in my car
We zig zagged
Into the home
We binded for long
Grant me this moment
It's better than the drugs I know
Don kingsley Mar 2017
I seldom can breath slowly
I seldom know I am right
But being wrong has become a habit
I no longer fight
It's been a long life
I remember faces
So many minutes
So many deeds
To touch again all the skins now
To go through the regrets again
Coming up short
Was beautiful
If you knew my failures
You would see beautiful
If you knew my hate
You would know whats unusual
If you knew my love
You would be me
I look back now
As if my hair was gray and
And the echoes
They shatter me
And the past now
Let me see one moment again
I blurred so much
But it can't be all wrong
Don kingsley Mar 2017
I got long lists
Of those I adore
I saw a beautiful monument
Inside my bedroom floor
See I have seen disaster
She's dressed like a queen for once
My father's lonely *******
I close my eyes
And only see shores

Let get a bit creative
Send all our troops ahead
We heard the enemies flanking
Shouting loud
Off with his head!
I know of temptation
She tastes bitter
But is so quick to warm
I found my purpose
Once you saw them coming
But still held my hand real firm

We play the living
Breathing ghosts clawing at our skin
Unbeknownst whether it's cold or warm
Acknowledge your oxygen
We made it to the ships though
Set sails and never
Glanced once at the departed shores
Wherever we land
Will be fine
Together to us is home
Don kingsley Dec 2016
Redemption is a hand I won't take
Rather slide myself down to a grave
She said I always knew the perfect words to say
The last thing I said
Was we'd never be the same
I was hungry for the story to finally change
So I headed south the very next day
I enjoyed the sun
Washing me of my burdens
I enjoyed the sun
For what it was
Warm my skin
My own voice is an endearing friend
I will live a little different
No more today seeming like the end
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