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Ansley Popov May 2016
There are broken chords in the hearts of the most restless and at the ends they curl up oh so pretty
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
there are broken chords in the hearts of the most reckless and at the ends they curl up oh so pretty
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
Contrary to your belief instilled by your evidently crippling lack of discipline , no one owes you anything
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
I am the majestic black panther resting upon a tree limb as I observe the cantering wildlife below. They know who I am.  I am beyotchcé.
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.

It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive.
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
The idea of love may be exciting, but I find comfort in missing people.
I've never been to comfortable with being given love it puts me on edge rather than soothes me
Ansley Popov Sep 2015
only options were fight or flight.
couldn't do either....
You didn't even scar me man.
It's an open wound;
but I swear no one else can see it.
I'm going crazy.
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
We all receive 24 hours each day to prove to ourselves that we are what we think we are and also what we want to be.
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
I am the happiest person I know,
I get excited at everything,
I love the trees,
I love the way the air smells when it's winter, when it's summer, when it's spring or fall,
I love the people I've surrounded myself with most of all.
I do not know when this happened,
or who was behind my conversion,  
but I know that at this point in my life I truly love myself,
with make up or without,
I love every version.
I am proud of the protector, the artist, the friend,
and the student that I have become.
The game is not over, but now i love myself,
so I have already won.
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
Stale confessions told by anxious sinners to men in garments paid by the hour.
Ansley Popov Aug 2015
I need you to be my escape from this house I need you to be my home.
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
I have never lost a game of chance. As a newborn I taught toddlers to walk. My license requires no photograph. I see the satellites before they see me. When I enter a room I receive a standing ovation. I can manifest inside jokes with strangers. The old dogs learn tricks from me. God gave me the spare key to the gates of heaven. I set the pigs aflight. When I arrive in Rome they do as I do. I am recognized as a national treasure.  I am the most interesting person in the world.
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
Yeah you may be a ****, *****, *****, but that doesn't mean anything to me at all, whether you spend your Sunday nights on your knees to praise The Lord, or you're getting on your knees to praise a man, at least you don't think you're above everybody.
Ansley Popov Aug 2015
I'm freedom I'm pace I'm alone I'm grace I'm hardwork I'm no sleep I'm sightseeing while not leaving town I'm smiling I'm here I'm okay I'm great

You're trees you're wind you're old smells you're handholding you're just a minute late you're dads truck you're nameless  you're a mystery right now  you're everything i could never hate

Im on my way I'll find you soon I don't mind waiting for someone like you.
Ansley Popov Sep 2015
I'm not sure why I'm staying here
You aren't my home
I know my home,
I've been planning it since i was a child,
Decorations in my mind like a bachelorette's Pinterest
You could never be my home
Ansley Popov May 2016
Sometimes I dream about traveling the world,
all of the world,
    traveling it so fast that I can make it to each new timezone before it breaks noon,
  then nighttime will never come;
I'll never sleep alone again.
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
When I am laying down at night I can tell that the world is my backpack and I am carrying it through space.
I'm high right now.
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
I find myself constantly sleep walking to visit the grave of my innocence. It's just us there but you make it seem so crowded. You take my breath away in the worst way possible. Leave marks like open wounds. You've turned every path I travel into a mine field.
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
Why do you hate me I don't know what I did wrong even though you tell me all the time sorry I should listen better how is it that you were able to break free of the spell God cast on mothers the one that has them love their child more than themselves perhaps you're god yourself that would explain how you know that everything I do is evil especially since my actions and myself as a whole are completely perpendicular to you you must be God that would explain how you are able to constantly reasure and identify me as the "spawn of satan" you made me hate myself you begged me to **** myself people comment on my "talents" often they have such faith in me which is sad because why should a stranger love my future and appreciate what I've become more than the creator herself why do you hate me and what did I do wrong I may be The Fallen Angel but what you left out of your bible is how badly I wanted to be up on the cloud with you to show you that if you gave me wings like the others you created that I too would fly again I'm writing my longest poem about you I admire you and I feel sorry for you more than any single person I know you are the worst mother in the world to me only I would have been better off mentally had you just abandoned me instead of staying around to beat me like a dead horse but also I am better off with you    having you in my life has made me the best   you have made me so strong you constantly remind me what love is by the sparkle in your beautiful eyes when you talk to my brother that's when I remember what a kind lady you are and how strong you are     And lastly, I am better off with YOU, Donna, as my mother  because you showed me what love is not.
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
Sometimes I dream about traveling the world,
all of the world,
    traveling it so fast that I can make it to each new timezone before it breaks noon,
  then nighttime will never come,
I'll never sleep alone again
Ansley Popov Aug 2015
I hit rock bottom. I was 13. I died on impact.
I am better because of it. I will continue to remind myself that.
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
Sometimes I think that I am childish for flashing back.
My only justification is that I have no control over it.
Move on.
Grow up.
Let your innocence rest in peace.
Ansley Popov May 2016
They broke me, they broke me so many times, there are so many holes, so many pieces missing.
And this, this is how the light gets out.
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
Often when we are angry, we focus on what other people have done wrong, but the problem with that is that it gives away our power. If we, on the other hand, focus only on ourselves and what we could have done better, we will feel less bitter and more empowered.
Ansley Popov Sep 2015
Do your hands ache from all the people you've touched but never held?
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
we cling to music, art, poetry, we are desperately afraid to be alone in this life and we search for something or someone who feels the same way we do, we want someone to explain the parts of ourselves that we cannot.
Ansley Popov Aug 2015
Go forward into the night
The world it's waiting on you
Your reservation was at seven and it is now nine
skip the restiraunt
Grabs the wind, her hand, gently of course,
sprint to the beach
If your hair is not down now is the time to release it
You're stronger than medusa,
Test your powers get your time limits ******
It's time to run to sprint to squeal to seize to love it's endless it's endless our world the beach your love it's endless it's endless
Ansley Popov Sep 2015
Freedom in my eyes, my perfume in your lungs.
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
I often catch myself pondering on my response to God if he were to ask why he should let me in when I arrive to heaven.
Ansley Popov Aug 2015
I often find myself pondering what my response to God would be if upon my arrival to his kingdom he were to ask why he should let me in.
Ansley Popov Jul 2015
I grew up. **** was hard.
Ansley Popov Aug 2015
Please don't mind me passing time. I'm just passing time.

— The End —