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She was so upset, while tears ran down her face.
Her ugly crocodile tears socializing in the corner
Of her Bambi blue eyes.
Biting into whatever muscle feels most like guilt.
My heart I think… but
It still hasn’t thawed
From months of her
frigid shoulder and icy
I can’t get past this
Because you decided
I’m worth something in this second.
Cant take that pain again you
Are mentally mad, you said I was nothing.
I’m sorry I keep thinking
You must be on something,
A bad trip, malice
Seems like motive Alice,
But I’m getting the fuuuuccckk
Out of wonderland.
I can’t stand you like this , no bye bye kiss
**** it up baby girl, I know your strong
Then you were just so big…
Now you say your small
But you
Already crushed my world.
You keep spewing words at me yapping,
After this and that, pulling every trick from your hat,
But I wont have it I’m
Not going to be chasing no white rabbit.
No need to create bad habits.
You made me crazy
I’m talking like jabber jabber-jabberwocky
Seriously kid, you slay me.
You've got greed on your mind
and may have better things to do,
but we've seen grander sights
and have had better nights than you.

I have a closet full of costumes
yet not a single ****** disguise,
I can forever change my shape
buy I'll always keep these eyes.
I know I look worse for the wear,
I swear it's from nights spent on the move.
How do I know when the limits been reached
with no one there to disapprove?

We ambled 'home' through the streets
and arrived, just me and you.
We found comfort in the sheets
soft and smooth as scar tissue.
But If home is where the heart is
where do the heartless rest their head?
I guess I'll never know the truth
and tonight will bring no rest.

I'll keep stumbling around
until the crowds fail to gather
or a woman comes to my side;
I lie about preferring the latter.
And I've stumbled onto hard times
but caught myself before the cliff
and yet I took another step,
just for the simple sake of it.

Dead men speak with fallen angels.
Blind men in the silent presence of fate.
Ride the waves of a sea long forgotten.
The deep blue of her eyes covers the hate.

Oh God, what a conscious man I've been.
There was a time
where I didn't know anyone
with a child.
Where I hadn't been
a groomsmen
in three weddings.
Where I didn't feel as though
I were losing some imaginary race.

There was a time
when T.J. was still alive,
when Lisa was still alive,
when Peg was still alive.
But every flower wilts with time.
Some by choice,
some after a hard fought fight
and some after a long lived life.

There will be a time
when this all makes sense.
When I will see why my road
took the course it did.
When I will be humble
with my fate.

But time is relative
and it is man made.
Life is but a fleeting single flash.
It is just one big bang.
That day the grass boiled,
the sky churned
and the trees melted.
That day I felt better
than you will ever comprehend,
I felt a joy that can only be described
as purely indescribable;
I was the king of my own universe,
tucked neatly away
behind a small suburban neighborhood
where the flowers sold secrets
and the hills truly had eyes.
I was the god of a bridge that evening,
it only stood because I willed it to.
My consciousness was not as sturdy,
gaining omnipotence
took the wind right out of my step.

I woke up
swearing I'd never eat
another mushroom.
Is it too much to ask for
A pretty girl with a crooked face
Who's happy just to wake up
Just to have me every day
And maybe she doesn't believe
In the beauty that I see
But maybe that's the reason
She ever fell in love with me
Or am I bound to the loneliness
A man tied to a ball by chain
Left to drag the weight around
Forced to deal with all the pain
Pulling bones right out of sockets
Tearing muscles at their seams
Slowly slowing me down
Until I'm in the depths of dreams
Where just the thoughts of something warm
Are more soothing than the reach
Towards the always failing stars
Before they crash into the beach
And where things that don't exist
Have a shot at seeming real
And where things you'll never touch
Seem like something you can feel
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