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Anonymous Mar 2015
The anguish I feel at leaving you
200 miles down
438 to go
This distance hurts my being
You struck lightning through my heart
I miss the way you feel
I miss the way you touch
How your kisses were so sweet
And your hands were so rough
I miss the depth of your eyes
The hurt, despair, and hope
I wish I'd had a chance,
To help you expunge your ghosts
I wouldn't change anything looking back
I just wish I could answer "what if"?
USA your smile is branded on my brain
My retinas imprinted with your image
Your scent and your memory will forever be a part of me.
I left my heart in Texas.
Anonymous Oct 2014
The ethereal world at the twilit hour
Is soft
Soft like the touch of mother to child,
Soft like the lines on the paper skin of the wise,
Soft like the remnants of deep sleep on your glowing face.

The intense violet hue wraps me in pensive thought-
It bounces off of windows,
And settles in the puddles after the rain has fallen,
Surrounds me in a dimming moment.
Twilight brings me peace the day before erased.
Twilight brings me the feel of your embrace.
Anonymous Jun 2014
Encased in sea-salt misted towers,
Above a carpet of teal waves,
I am surrounded by the howling of summer wind.

Storms pass over our worn walls-
As winter approaches,
It's grey hue ever more foreboding as the time slips past the gloved fingertips of the towers' lonely ghosts.
Anonymous May 2014
You're never far,
From my mind.
From my thoughts, my actions, or my words.

Your laugh,
        Your glowing eyes,
                The rise of your cheeks in a smile,
All make my heart swell with joy!

Your love lifts my soul.
Anonymous May 2014
I feel empty
Like a shell without its contents
Being pushed by the wind

The heaviness behind my eyes
Weighs down my body
Sinking into a sea of blankets
I forget

The warmth can be suffocating
But comforting in its trapping nature
A body cocooned in darkness

I wait for you to fill me-
Anonymous Mar 2014
Sometimes a night can be so long
Stretch from horizon to horizon
Take the entirety of your future
To get through

Can last forever instead of 12 hours
Can take the feeling from your soul
Can hold you hostage inside yourself
Without letting you go

Sometimes a night can be eternity
Bending and melting your mind
******* your thoughts out to whatever unknown there is
Twisting your dreams into nightmares

Sometimes a night can break you
Make you sob
Make you bleed
**** you

Sometimes one night is all it takes to end you.
Anonymous Feb 2014
The long moments of these long days...
They bring me closer;
Bring me nearer to touch you,
Feel you again next to me.

My future is a never ending whirlwind,
So many things and so little time.
This dance we step to more complicated by the passing second-
Take me in your arms and quell this rising storm!

My strength is ebbing-
The smile you wear my only hope.
With the memory of your smell, the soft pads of your fingertips on my cheek;
These are the moments that carry me home.
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