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Anonymous Apr 2021
Silver flutters of silken hair,
Elongated plains of buttery skin,
Her luscious lips tempt men and dare
The powerful and mighty to gravely sin.

Her heart as sheltered as a tomb,
Sensation stirring in her womb,
She felt the whispers of a secret
As her memory conjured images of bodies on velvet.

No pleasure derived under sheets of ebony,
Her mind rejected any talk of destiny.
The pain she embraced, a darkness falling
Her dreams, a reprise from night terrors calling.

He grabbed her hand and forced her down,
To take what he believed would serve the crown.
Her virtue shattered, tatters of the innocence of childhood;
How could anyone believe his falsehood?

The featherlight weight of her tethered to her mare;
She a slave to the master of gin,
They together fled to escape his lair,
Completing the exile of her kin.
Part 1.
Anonymous Jun 2017
I'm having one of those days
One of those no good, very bad days.
The kind where your vivid dreams haunt you
The kind where you can't escape the gnawing guilt inside yourself.
Even though you should have let it go long ago.

But I know the sun still shines.
I know there is still hope in those eyes
And I'll keep trying to be better, do better.

I miss those moments where I had the chance
The chance to go right, when I headed left
And I miss the moments that linger
In my memory, that come through in my dreams.
I wish I could relive the day,
We lay under the waterfall and all our worries melted away.

I miss the day,
Oh I miss that day.
Anonymous May 2016
The dissatisfaction I feel,
Makes me empty.
I am numb to my surroundings;
The daily chores of my life are neverending...

I want to scream!
Run away into the sunset-
Bath in the ocean every night under the moonlight.

I want to cast my clothes into the forest,
Dance around the underbrush like an ephemeral sprite,
Into the dark and twisted paths of the everafter;
Where fiction becomes reality.

I want to swim with mermaids,
Feel the shells entwined with their hair-
The scales of their tails;
Wrap myself in seaweed and sleep among the beasts.

Show me a way to satisfaction,
Adventure and awe,
Bring me to the place where the sky meets the earth,
That unknown corner of the waking world.
Anonymous Jan 2016
(Not titled)
Blast off,
Lunar eclipse,
Sparkle and fade,
Amongst stars shining bright.
Ombred night,
Shades of aquamarine and indigo,
Wash over me and hold me still.

A small warm body,
A lithe, tight form,
The magnitude of you overwhelms me;
Let it be.

Keep me steady,
Form my solid ground.
Show me the light where darkness reigns.
Call me out,
Tangle your fingers in the chords of my soul,
Home is where the candles burn the brightest.

Inky confusion,
Diamond sharp insight,
These things-
They fissure and crack me.

Hiss while I burn,
Mingled with the ash of old and new embers of flames not quite gone out.
Anonymous Jan 2016
Robin's egg eyes,
Disheveled blonde hair,
Pupils that burn,
Entreat me to your lair.

Held me as I slept,
Caress me awake,
I watched as you wept,
About a life fictionalized to date.

Floral patterns surround us,
A ceiling of sky blue,
Close your eyes to imagine,
A mingling of two.

Under the star filled sky,
Above the deep black sea,
You suspend me,
You arrest me.
Anonymous Jan 2016
It's totally fine
Guys are supposed to express how they feel first
Because girls dont know what they want, right?

But I know what I want
And it's you,
You won't want me too,
Because I need you and you don't know what need is
What trust in me is.

My hope is in your soul
But I try too hard for you.
Make something out of these feelings,
Show me I'm not the only one.

**** me or hold me,
Just let me know what to expect so I don't take too much by surprise.
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