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 Nov 2013 anonym
Marge Redelicia
You are not the width of your hips
You are not the shade of your skin
You are not the fabrics in your closet
You are not the electronics that you own
You are not the papers in your wallet
You are not what you possess
You are not what you look like

You are the songs that you sing to in the shower
You are the shows that you stay up watching
You are the books that you read for hours
You are the poems and stories you make
You are the art you create, the strokes of your fingers
You are the subjects in school you enjoy learning
You are the dreams you have for tomorrow
You are the people you look up to
You are the friends you spend Friday nights with
You are the boys that you kiss
You are how you talk to your parents
You are what you love
**You are how you love
I love you
Every night
       (Sometimes twice)
And although I adore
Being drenched in sweat
And shuddering uncontrollably,
The thing I look forward to the most
Is afterwards, falling asleep with you behind my eyes,
Imagining you in my arms,
Taking you with me, into my dreams.

— The End —