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Pacing slowly
In the gallery of dreams.
On display to the masses,
The elegant and obscene.

Indescribably lost
In a forest of words.
Too quick to be caught,
Now muttering, absurd.

Invitation to
The cosmic dance.
Toss your handful of dreams
And ****** one by chance.

Hold it now, tightly to your chest.
Inhale deep the allure.
Earth now swallowing up
All the unjust and impure.

Misplaced somewhere in time.
Where fear survives.
Where when the sun goes down,
The soul comes alive.

Ancient, tribal chanting
Off in the distance of dark night.
Cloaked by the wind
With demonic grin
Across an ocean of fright.

Tribal dances on the
Shores of desire.
Lost in this world,
Awaiting the pathway,
Lit by moon and fire.

Strings have all snapped.
Chains busted at the link.
Stuck in the gallery of dreams
Amongst memories of which
You cannot unthink.
Beneath wide, clouded horizons.
Radiant, expressive hues.
Fires aglow in the hillsides.
Build my castle with you

Amongst ancient, antediluvian villages.
Knowledge, wisdom of times past.
Across waving, silver plains.
Which spoken word will not outlast.

Oracles murmur among the ruins.
Caused of covetous desires.
Shaman’s chant
Possess the virgins’ dance.
A savage ritual across the fires.

Our love unites us
Across seas frozen in time.
Our love that frees us
From this fortress of solitude.
Knowing that you are mine.

Vibrations from the wings
Of electric delight
Scream thunderously across
The night sky.
Our passion providing the light.

As we journey,
Take my hand.
Do not wander,
Do not falter.
United we will stand.
In a state of
Liquid suspension.
Lost somewhere
Beyond apprehension.

Softly we whisper
Words of divinity.
Slowly we creep
The enigma of reality.

Cautiously we move onward
Becoming a single entity.
The beauty between us
Transformed in unity.

No voice of reason
To pretend.
As our being
Escaped amends.

Dive head first
Into uncertainty.
As long as I have you,
I live for eternity.
She is the essence of mystery.
The center of all my desires.
She is the essence of beauty,
To which each night I retire.

She is the essence of comfort,
In which I confide.
She is the essence of love,
Where my soul is alive.
The man with the ****
Crouched huddled, shaking.
His friend beaten, in pain.
The man remained faking.

The man with the ****
Stood shivering in fear.
His friend taken away.
His conscience unclear.

The man with the ****
Sat bewildered and tense.
Watched his friend, hauled away.
Spoke not in his defense.

The man with the ****
Whom his friend saved innumerable times
Let his friend take the blame
And left him far behind.

The man with the ****
Turned his back in shame.
Although he knew of the innocence,
Silent he remained.

The man with the ****
Who could have saved his dear friend
Remained silent and unspoken.
Let him down in the end.

The man with the ****
Where there should be two *****
Sat shaking on the curbside
And let his friend take the fall.
I burn for her.
Perched in soft, diamond sky.
Millions of miles away
She glimmers
And quickly turns blind eye.

I cry for her
And slowly drown in no worth.
I call out to her
And begin to shake the earth.

I point in her direction
Streaming light across night sky.
I call out searching, tirelessly.
I wish my need for her would die.

I catch her stealing a glance
And warm the ground beneath
With love.
I see her running back to me
And earth floats calmly,
Tender sky
Passionate, Warm
Revere, Embrace, Mystify
Heart, Emotion, Unrest, Anger
Control, Sever, Abhor
Fervent, Cold
Diamante 2
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