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Fragile, Pure
Bestow, Gamble, Struggle
Breath, Love, Freedom, Immortal
Fight, Question, Transform
Certain, Inescapable
Diamante 1
Just as wide, clouded horizon
Began to fade to gray.
Kissed softly by your sweet whispers.
Presenting me with reason to stay.
Glowing fires in the hillside,
A reincarnation of forgotten dreams.
Brilliance in beauty;
Magnanimous affection soulfully gleams.
Once, I departed on a wondrous journey,
When, upon arid land I did arrive.
Finding unrivaled comfort in your heart.
Discovering everlasting solace in your eyes.
Exuding an inimitable beauty,
Radiating from supple face and glowing smile.
Surely angelic attainment of said virtues,
Bestowed upon such a divinely gorgeous child.
Offering my unfaltering love and loyalty,
Happily adorned in sweet reverie.
I had a dream last night
About the outcome that
Could have been.

I saw the wonder and
Sheer beauty
That we ruined with sin.

Now bound to sadness
Unable to rid myself of

Longing for the truth
And meaning of life
We had the opportunity
To share.

Never ending sorrow.
A wound unable to heal.
Punished for eternity.
Happiness forbade to feel.

Deserving of such ramifications.
Punishment won't relieve this crime.
Forever lost in a sea of madness.
Will you forgive me when it's time?

I saw the face of a little girl.
A dream that felt so alive.

I saw the vanishing of
A dream come true.
The possibilities I've deprived.

— The End —