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Apples are delicious
Gems are precious
Complacency is vicious
But, Your look is gracious
And Laughing is infectious

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
 May 2017 Annie
Shelby Mccrary
I was lost and distracted by my own desire too blind to see

But you opened up my eyes when you came into my heart

You wrap your loving arms around me and saved me from the darkness Within

Now I can see that you were the father I was always looking for I was just too blind to see that you were right in front of me

Protecting me, loving me and showing me the way

To show you my love for accepting this black sheep I write these poems of love and send them to you on wings of a dove

My writings are the way I worship you let them ring from heaven so all who is lost can found they're way.

Let them know your loving embrace so they will not fear what they do not know because you will be there to take the fear away and give them hope and love.

Love comes from you god and you are love.

You are the artist who created us and we are one of your greatest work of art.

It can be seen as plain as day you made this world for us to thrive.

Because you are our father and we are your children.

who you loved since the beginning of time until the end. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale

— The End —