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Annie Dark Aug 2016
I’d rather feel the pavement 

I’d rather skin my knees

I’d rather feel the warm rust
underneath this
gross flesh

I’d rather tounge my own
My own
forgiveness would feel better
Annie Dark Aug 2016
He didn’t give her time

Just ripped the petals

with not even enough thought to ask

She loves me, she loves me not.

She loves me

She loves me not

He just stained them pretty blue

Like the blue that attracts birds to the sky

He didn’t even explain how gravity worked.

Children need that
Annie Dark Aug 2016
We saw Godzilla today

I ate too much candy

I gave my doppelgänger a ride home

A home that has never been mine
It’s never really been hers either 

She was so ******* excited to ride in my car 
It made my stomach hurt
So excited to listen to my playlist

It made me want to jump out of the car
With her on my back
A left turn into suburbia would have led me to my “childhood” home
I wanted to weep with the willow they tore down in that park
Instead I took a right onto dodge
And threw up
Annie Dark Aug 2016
That biology project you do in 7th grade where you put a kernel of corn inside of a wet paper towel, and a week later it sprouts cute little green roots

When Jacob told me I had gunk in my ear, but didn’t know what it was, and that it was disgusting

middle school
Quick moments of total awe and mortification

I think I’m allergic to this face cream I’m using 


My hell is someone telling me how to do something, without me even asking

I’m cutting these green beans and barely missing my fingers,
I can’t tell if it’s on purpose or not

They (the green beans) smell like a 6th grade field trip,
where we went to that lake and scraped pond ****, and then looked at its inhabitants’ tiny glass bodies, writher around on top of that hot ***, glass microscope slide. Burning in the focused light. Poor bbs
Annie Dark Aug 2016
I love hearing my mom talk about the first time I watched Madam Butterfly.
I was 5 years old and it was the primordial moment of complicated emotion for me.
Annie Dark Aug 2016
translucent seashell

sitting in the big blue blue

Moon mother watching
Paled, for the proud sought Sun

best when her craters are blue
Annie Dark Aug 2016
Hearing your name is 
like hearing an infant say 
dada! for the first time
Phonetically I know it’s easier
The babe will never have daddy issues at the rate she’s going
But I’ve got mama issues
To you
I must be

like her
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