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 Mar 2014 Annicole
 Mar 2014 Annicole

With No End In Sight

But Suddenly

You're There
 Feb 2014 Annicole
ajit peter
Death toll on the rise
pain and suffering none too wise
Tragedy in unexpected moment
disaster in life a torment
can the heart fanthom life
Doth life answer worldly strife
Past a history to write
future a clueless path to light
 Jan 2014 Annicole
 Jan 2014 Annicole
Sailboats race through the clouds
leaving soft salty tears
to tickle your ears
as you descend into the abyss.

When November takes his first breath
and nibbles on your delicate skin,
I hope the sun stretches her tender arms
down to keep you safe
as she rests above her kingdom.

And when she swims across the sky
to watch over me,
the moon awaits you high above
the heavens with eager eyes
through open skies,
abiding to catch your dreams.

Remember to keep your helmet strapped tight
while your wallpaper airplane carries you away.
When you leave this part of the world
don't forget to look down below
as you float across the sky.

For there I'll be
Reaching though gentle fingertips and tiny toes
waving you goodbye.

— The End —