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icelandicblue Dec 2014
I am your Dystopian girl
got a black leather vest
here at the bottom of the world,
wearing shades so I can't see the decline.

I stand in the dark and wait for nothing
under this rusted and broken street lamp.
Heat from crowded streets and hustling alleys
keeps the blood moving in my veins for now.

Lament if you need, cry if you want
buy into the creed, it's Dystopia baby
that we made by hand with our friends
we like to call misery and disease.

We're always looking for a hero
to step up to the plate but the
early bird special is apathy baked.
It's Dystopia baby, wake up and smell the decay.
  Nov 2014 icelandicblue
Margrethe H K
I find my mother in the strawberry field
Not far from the river, kneeling in the dirt

the sun beats down her back
gray hair ruffling in a hot wind

It hasn’t rained in a month
and the earth is an old woman’s face,
cracked with longing

I kneel beside her, our hands on the dusty earth
This earth that she has dug every spring
kneeled upon every summer

Barefoot and sun burnt, plucking ripe red fruit
For pies and jams

Juice-stained lips and tired backs
My mother and her mother, on the porch
Sipping Sherry in sunsets of July’s and Augusts, year after year
Comparing blisters, freckles, wrinkles, lives
Buckets of strawberries overflowing in the kitchen sink

This year the strawberries are withered
*****, red raisins on my tongue
That taste bitter and sharp

I watch my mother, keening softly on the ground
Her heart peeled open and raw

I whisper to her, The dead don’t live very far away

Her swollen grey eyes search the field across the river
As if she expects to see Grandma standing there
Waving, mouthing soundless words on the air

I know when it’s her turn to change worlds, it will be me,
Kneeling here, in the sun’s bright assault
My own daughter by my side,
Witness to this grief,

Her soft, comforting voice, telling me,
The dead don’t live very far away.
  Nov 2014 icelandicblue

The Snow Queen waved her magic wand,
the skies they grew so dark
Clouds moved in without a sound
as shadows did embark
Two happy lovers walked along,
they felt a chill blow in
He wrapped his arms around her soft
to keep her warm with him
The scenery was beautiful
with geese upon the lake
The scent of pine and winter breeze,
they saw the first snow flake
Then the sky was filled with more
ice crystals floating down
They marveled at the wondrous sight
now white upon the ground
She stared up at the heavens fair
in circles she did spin
He followed every move she made
as fun would soon begin
A thousand little snowflakes white
were falling from the sky
A perfect winter wonderland
about them it did fly
And then he saw her do it,
just like when they were young
She tried to catch a falling flake
right there upon her tongue
He chased the flurries with her,
their laughter could be heard
The neighbors out across the lake
said not a single word
Except to only wonder
why laughter they did hear
When snow was steady falling
and winter sure was here
Then they saw these lovers
running hand in hand
Catching snowflakes on their tongues,
now they understand
They heard him saying something
yet it was hard to hear
Because these two were far away,
not so very near
The Snow Queen she was smiling,
looking at these two
She knew it’d make them happy,
this magic she did do
When then she saw him staring,
a wink came from his eye
For he was saying thank you
to the Snow Queen in the sky
Now every time its winter
these two just look above
Sending her a message,
floating on their love
With beauty all around them
and snow geese on the pond
The Queen will grant their every wish
and wave her magic wand
And when the snow is falling
so fresh and oh so new
Between the laughter you might hear
him tell her, I love you
icelandicblue Nov 2014
She was Bordeaux;
full bodied with a dark
fruity scent, fermenting
more each day as
life pressed out
her sweet essence.

Her mouth, a worn out
label of words, never
deciphered , silenced
by ordinary men; she
had always been
their best kept secret.

The hourglass girl
keeping time
in measured gulps;
drop dead red
had always been her color.
  Nov 2014 icelandicblue
Riley Lavender
Hemingway said
that writing is easy
"All you do
is sit down at a typewriter
and bleed."

But sometimes
bleeding can be
the hardest thing to do
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