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620 · Nov 2009
For Once
Anne Cameron Nov 2009
For Once.
The pain is gone.
The heart ache is over.
My belonging is back.
I hurt, but not so bad anymore...
The wieght has been lifted and removed,
    from this immortal soul.
I have done right by me...(For Once!)
redone /11/16/09/ac
601 · Oct 2009
Do you see her?
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
Glass is broken.
Her wrists are bleeding.
Warm droplets hit the clean white floor.

She is here...
Do you see her?

She is now calm.
Her body is relaxed.
The tears have ended.

She is here.
Do you see her?

The glass has fallen from her hand.
She has given in.
The hurt is almost gone...

She is here NOW!!
Do you see her YET??
V 10/11/09
601 · Oct 2009
The Vessel
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
The body is a vessel that takes love or gives love...
The hands are the ones who touch you softly or put you in pain...
The lips we kiss can be soft and gentle or raw and charged...
The heart tells all, tells you lies and deciet or of love and honesty...
The eyes are the window to the soul, they speak volumes with out a voice...
V  2008
601 · Oct 2009
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
Don't push me, I will fall.
Don't hit me, for I will cry out
Don't cut me, I will bleed
Don't turn your back on me..........
for I will surprise you.
10/14/01 AC
589 · Oct 2009
don't know..
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
Some times I hurt so bad, I just don't feel real.
All I want it truth and honesty from those I love more dearly then life.
Is that too much to ask?
Tears run down my face and feelings, so upset I can't bear it.
What do you do?
When you love someone, it is for the good AND the bad, not just the good...
Nothing and no one is perfect and I don't ask for perfection.
I only seek it for my self even knowing it will never happen...
There is no way to control the out come of things, they just happen,
because they happen.
Just for now...............Know that I Love You.
Please don't leave me. I would miss so terribly if you did.
I can not try to make you stay, if your feeling you have to leave,
but you have to know that my heart willl break apart with out you...
584 · Oct 2009
Need So Little
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
I don't know what to think, distraction, confusion, misunderstandings.
This thinking_ all it does is mess me up inside.
Making time and space unbearable.
I don't want to be here any more.
just want to be with you.
I can't believe you found me.
I can't trust my own mind or think straight thoughts.
Everything is every where...
A hand to hold.
A body to hug.
A heart beat to hear as I lay sleeping.
I want so much....
But I need so little...
;..; V ;..; 2009/ac
572 · Oct 2009
Sword and Staff
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
I will stand and face thyne enemy on the road to death and distruction.
With sword in one hand and staff in the other.
For I fear evil, but not enough to run and hide...
For when you hide from your prey, you don't face it, you don't understand it.
I believe in my self and in those who walk the same path beside me.
560 · Oct 2009
Whispers on the Wind
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
As the moon rises to it's nocturnal throne.
The children of the night awaken to weave
thier web of gothic enchantments.
Through the shadows they creep whispering
thier dark secrets on the night winds.
ac 2003
535 · Oct 2009
The Hour Within
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
In the midnight hour,with an evil grin you shine.
Darkness surrounds you, but you glow with a fire,
that brings me closer and closer to your soul.
But sending me to heaven is your last request.
Fear of Lose, Fear of Gain
08/26/07   V
530 · Oct 2009
My wish
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
If I could have just one wish...
I would wish to wake up everyday to the sound of your breath on my neck,
the warmth of your lips on my cheek,
the touch of your fingers on my skin,
and the feel of your heart beating in tune with mine...
Knowing that I could never find that feeling with anyone other than you.
511 · Oct 2009
The Mark
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
There will be a day that I leave you, My Love.
A day that I will walk on rose pedals threw heavens gates.
But untill that day comes...
Remember you are the man that touched my heart and my soul.
I love you now.
I will love you always,
You will see it in my eyes, when I look at you.
In my face, when I smile.
In my arms, when I hold you close.
In your ears, when you listen to my heart.
This is your mark...
Invisibale to all....But you.
510 · Oct 2009
Sad and Tired
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
I am so tired of explaining who I am to poeple...
Why should I?
I love who I am and those who know me except that I am who I am.
I AM GOTH, My way...
Should there be a special way to be who you are?
Should I be like everyone else?
Why? If I am so different am I told to be another way?
I am just who I am...If you can't take it....
Then your a very SAD person.
What is in my heart and in my soul is what should matter the most, not the colour of clothes I wear nor the make-up or the jewlery I dawn.
How come that matters so much to you?
Do I shock you that much?
5/6/2008 Vampyress
493 · Oct 2009
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
Why should I listen?
No one understands.....
All is black now, fading to and through.
Once there, now gone.
Once heard, now nothing.
01/01/09   AC
464 · Oct 2009
Anne Cameron Oct 2009
The air surrounds me now.
I feel it.
It whispers to me as I float threw it, into it, and beyond it.
It does not stop me, nor does it control me.
All moves so slowly, but yet I move so fast.
All will be over soon.
The beauty will begin once again.
With out me.

— The End —