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Justice has exhausted her empathy
and is content with apathy for the time being
because contempt makes one resent senses.

She could choose dissent, or ascend
to the throne of lethargy.
Either way, no more empathy.

Justice is cloaked in ambiguity
and resents attempts to set her free
because she just wants to be.
Sewn into the garments of despair
Swaying to the sound of dirges
Souls trapped in crystalline miniature jars
Undefined, frozen
Glassy-eyed and drunk as lords
Cigarette thrills
On the terrace where dreams die

Society perceives them to be degenerate cretins
With no hope

The poets
Whose melancholy birthed creativity
And gave way to brilliance

Their astonishing translucency from laying it bare
To write poetry is to unclothe
Oneself in front of the masses
I believe that every brilliant poet is ****** up in some way for sadness is fuel for excellent writing.
 Jan 2014 Anndersen Fremin
A crystal prism so frail and quaint,
A fresh white wash of brilliant paint,
seconds pass and still you fall,
Until you have,completely covered all,
glistening silently, you set your trap,
And presence prints to form a map,
For upon the surface one can see,
where the former seized to be,
Beware the image, heed my advice,
For danger lurks in frozen ice .
From far, far away
They come to sit and stay

They gather and witness
New ****** spirits of greatness

Who trek new paths
Through the unknown

The Future
They come to witness, touch, and experience the Future
Like we go to see a movie

For them, it's a delight of vision
To see the connections

We spirits here
Connect with the Gods there

Through true greatness

Enormous beings of tremendous proportions
Full of laughter, greatness, and brilliance

A season is but a blink of an eye to them
A lifetime is just breakfast

Full of higher thoughts, unknown to us
which float through distant paths unseen

Only their magic dust can we sense
Their walking to and fro

Concerned with mortals and their ideals
I want to sit in a room
And watch the days turn to night

I want to watch the shadows dance in circles
Around the room
Time and time again

I want never to have to get up
To use the bathroom, eat, or shower

I want to give in to the endless chains
Of hopelessness

I want to just sit there
And not have to answer

Just sit there
And feel
The Gold light, the deep dark, and the twilight

I want to sit there
And watch the world pass
As I crumble with each tick of the clock

While I sit there I do not want
Neither your pity nor your condolences for
My wasted life

I want you to take my energy
Like you did time and time before


I want you to take it
And use it to fix
The things in your life that are broken

Use it to make you happy

Because I…

Because happiness refused me
Because it was a tease a time ago


Because I did not love it back like I should have

Because misery seduced me
And then chained me up in its basement

I want to sit there
I could not answer the…
The most complicated question
Are you ok?

Without tearing myself
From the inside

Tahnee Calderon
Cascade my skin in cool relief,
A small savior from this grief,
I want a shower-make me wetter,
Make me cleaner,
Make me better

I want coffee, a book, a smoke,
Something to save me from this joke,
I want to be clean and tidy and new
I don't want these lies I tell myself to be true
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