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Apr 2018 · 653
Concealed Lace
AnnaMarie Jenema Apr 2018
There’s lace blooming in my mouth.
But I hold it down,
Hammering nails into my tongue,
So that you’ll never see,
What dips beneath the spit.

There’s lace blooming in my mouth,
And it grows from under the muscle,
Billowing and curling,
Until I have to clench my yellowing teeth so you won’t know.

There’s lace blooming in my mouth,
And it teases my lips,
As I try to bite them shut,
Until a trickle of blood dyes the concealed lace.

There’s lace blooming from my mouth.
It’s scarlet tresses cascade over my barriers,
And falls to the floor.
It takes over the carpet,
Creeping up desks and chairs,

Trying to bury in my fists what I could never suppress.
And I grip the fabric in anticipation.
Apr 2018 · 314
May 5th of 1997
AnnaMarie Jenema Apr 2018
The world will never forget May 5th,
when my birthmother’s piercing call disturbed the atmosphere,
Forcing the Monday clouds into hiding.
It will never forget how the rivers dried up,
After the months of mourning my coming,
And Jordan’s death,
How within that nurturing cradle I ended his existence,
Before he even had a chance to live,
The twin I’d never come to know,
A name I’ll never forget.
The new moon shriveled at my arrival,
Bringing forth a moonless night.
My birth being the beginning of their war,
As my grandma and birthmother fired their weapons,
Mere inches from gashing each other.
I became the ruin of their lives,
The downfall of my birthmother.
And yet this catastrophe lit up the sun,
So that even at night,
A halo circled the Earth,
“Wished for child”
My future parent’s hope,
A candle in their devastation,
To the stranger’s willing to save my life.
Mar 2018 · 323
Starless Desert
AnnaMarie Jenema Mar 2018
Did your eyes ever become for me like stars?
Or your name,
my beacon when I'm lost in a desert,
Starved and piling sand into a gourmet meal,
As if the wealthiest have met with me,
And I, an honored guest at their party,
I bow to the host,
Before his flakey head crumbles to the ground,
And the other guests shriek at his absence.
The stars could've guided my way,
Out of this birthing grounds of delusion,
But here I sit,
throwing a fit in the sand,
as grains shoot against the sky in my frustration.
As they plummet back to Earth,
Another guest comes crashing to the ground.
Who needed her company anyway?
I begin to kick the guests,
Letting their knees buckle as they meet my floor,
until I'm once again all alone.
Mar 2018 · 355
Mirrors and Fairytales
AnnaMarie Jenema Mar 2018
This surface,
So cool and smooth,
as if such a portal could devour me.
I trace my hand across it's crystal edges,
And hers follows mine.
But can't she see,
I'm not her.
Maybe once upon a time,
but that land was years away.
When witches nibbled at her arms,
And the prince took one glance at her sleeping face,
Before running away with the dragon.
I'm not her!
I threw away that facade,
And like her prince,
I too ran,
far away from my femininity,
Far away from the tower society built me.
Now I stand,
staring into the surface of my past,
chanting to the mirror, mirror on my wall,
to remind myself of the flesh I never wish to inhabit.
The shadows creeping under her chin tell stories and dance across her ears,
They march under her chest and through her hair,
And I, an observer,
delighted to have left this scene.
My hand trails down her face,
not an ounce of longing nor care,
Wishing that one day she too could be on this side of the glass.
Because; She is not me.
I wanted to try writing a poem from someone else's perspective and put myself in their shoes.
Mar 2018 · 419
Vanishing Chairs
AnnaMarie Jenema Mar 2018
On this path she walked down,
She found a wilting rose,
Alone in it's sorrows.
Once there stood names,
each containing a face she would never recognize,
A story her lips could never speak,
Unless she first asked.
These names were chairs,
waiting for someone to sit,
But their owners will never again visit them.
She found a wilting rose,
But once there were many,
Blooming Roses,
As red as the vibrant liquid that once filled these names,
Now empty words sitting on tongues unable to be whispered.
Bright White carnations,
Hoping for doorsteps to be walked on,
and the sweet sweet tune of, "I'm home"
To ring through the entrance,
Families would smoother their loved one,
Just for walking in the door.
But the wind pushes the flowers from their chairs,
To be trampled on the path.
She places them back in their seats,
As if she too believes the carnations lies.
The next day a name was removed,
An empty chair stood,
as if no one belonged there.
For who would dare remember a single name,
When a whole aisle stands before you?
Again she left the chairs to mourn their emptiness,
To forget their existence until the next time through.
But there were only flowers lining the grass where chairs once were,
As if the disappearance of a name reminded the others that they too would vanish,
And just like that,
The field was barren besides a single rose.
The snow turning to grass,
Winter to spring.
For the world moves on,
And names will go unspoken in time.
This rose will wither.
AnnaMarie Jenema Mar 2018
Everything you say is but a lie,
It melts over your lips as if stormy winds were ascending,
This caged monstrosity within my chest was but a butterfly,

The murky waters pouring from your eyes will not dry,
as if your words were worth defending,
Everything you say is but a lie.

And I am done faking my reply,
As if what you say could ever be less than offending.
This caged monstrosity within my chest was but a butterfly.

I am sick of forever trying to satisfy,
an ear so condescending,
Everything you say is but a lie.

But no matter how hard I try,
To you, my heart will never be worth lending.
This caged monstrosity within my chest was but a butterfly,

To someone I could not defy,
To your every action I am done assenting.
Everything you say is but a lie,
This caged monstrosity within my chest was but a butterfly.
Mar 2018 · 303
Bonded Butterfly (Original)
AnnaMarie Jenema Mar 2018
Everything you say is but a lie,
It melts over your lips as if stormy winds were ascending,
This caged monstrosity within my chest was but a butterfly,

The murky waters pouring from your eyes are unending -
streams, as if your words were worth defending,
Everything you say is but a lie.

And I am done pretending,
That what you say could ever be less than offending.
This caged monstrosity within my chest was but a butterfly.

I am sick of forever venting,
to an ear so condescending,
Everything you say is but a lie.

But no matter how hard I try,
To you my heart will never be worth lending.
This caged monstrosity within my chest was but a butterfly,

To someone incapable of spending-
time with me, to your every action I am done assenting.
Everything you say is but a lie,
This caged monstrosity within my chest was but a butterfly.
Mar 2018 · 231
Rocking in Awake-ness
AnnaMarie Jenema Mar 2018
'What ifs' are the sheets I choke on at night.
They Knott around my tongue,
And pull tight,
Till sand pours from the small muscle.
These waves of questions, forever lapping at the shores of my bedside.
I lay on it's beaches,
Unable to be lured to sleep.
Self-reprimandation is the caffeine I drink at 3:30 am
and by 5
I'm surfing the waves of mistakes I've made over the last few days,
and every hour stacks years into the currents.
But I'm pulled under by the tidal waves of
'what's wrong with me'
until I drown in the slumber of my tears.
Mar 2018 · 184
The Sky's Face
AnnaMarie Jenema Mar 2018
They say there is a man in the moon,
How he got stuck in that orb they’ll never know – But I do.
I say that there is a man in our sky.
The stars are the freckles dotting his face,
Gifted to him by his golden eye,
Each dot fading behind a pale blush by morning,
As his glimmering eye guards the day,
So his moonlit eye can rest.
A quiet observer,
He watches over this world,
A dinner table of his entertainment,
Watching the living from day to day.
But by nightfall,
Our man in the moon,
Is but a reflection of himself,
Painted in the glimmering iris.
Mar 2018 · 191
War of Love
AnnaMarie Jenema Mar 2018
The battleground lays between you and me,
A Patch of Earth build for this very cause,
'Neath rock and tree.

I see your army,
Laid out weapons at the ready,
Your soldiers carry guns loaded with ' never good enough'
And bows notched with 'ugly'
The soldiers let out a cry,
Letting me know I'm an unwanted foe.
They spit at my feet,
And laugh,
The grins displaying rotting teeth,
Covered in slime,
Laid thick from their poisonous words.

But I,
alone on my patch of grass sit back and smile,
Your wars begun,
But mine is already over.
Making my way across the field to you,

I take your men by the arm,
And weave mine through theres,
Hugging away the armor,
Away the guns,
And the annumition,
And say, "Go home to your families. Your loved."

Yet a single dagger pierces my chest,
As I fall and lay flat,
Hypocrisy drifts from the wound,
And the war starts again.
Feb 2018 · 206
A Dragon Guards My Heart
AnnaMarie Jenema Feb 2018
A light flickers inside the cavern of my chest,
A space never quite empty,
But never quite full,
As if treasures sat in my stomach,
But never reached my lungs.
Yet this light tries to fill the darkness,
And with it,
a warmth invades my thoughts.
A dragon lives inside me,
guarding the jewels in my kidneys,
and he makes his rounds through my heart.
Never once did I imagine that a thief could return to me,
What a loved one stole.
And yet,
My dragon sighs,
asking for me to wait.
When will this light shine so bright that it cannot be hidden through flesh,
And I,
a lovely flashlight will become your beckon?
Feb 2018 · 178
Throughly Chilled
AnnaMarie Jenema Feb 2018
The wind embarrasses me,
Her wispy hands tug on my skirt,
As I try to keep it from her grip.
The wind embarrasses me,
She drags her fingertips through my hair,
freeing my hair from it's tie.
Her breath sending shivers down my spine,
As she blows on my neck.
The Wind embarrasses me,
She toys with me,
One moment enveloping me in her cooling air,
the next giving me space and allowing warmth to edge it's way back into my veins.
Yet why do I,
find such a warmth in her presence,
as if her cold breath was nothing more than a loving embrace?
Feb 2018 · 212
AnnaMarie Jenema Feb 2018
I am capable,
Of many things.
Of using large words,
To tell you that your excuse was nothing more than a confabulation,
Or how ominous the sky is at night,
especially when your alone.
I am capable,
Making you smile when things havent went your way,
Or lending my ear to those in need,
I'm capable of drawing you,
in a series of words,
to express the aura you give me.
I'm capable of wearing lace and ribbons,
Or being clumsy and cute.


I am Capable,
of Many things.
My words become daggers,
piercing your skin,
I slide them down,
Only to watch the red drip from your spine.

I am capable of ******,
If only I could find a way,
in an arsenal of possibilities.
but I'd rather not.

I am capable,
of tricking you into trust,
Only to tell your deepest secrets,
and watch as your world falls.

I am capable,
of ripping my own heart to shreds,
and I have on many occasions.

I am capable,
Of many things.
Do not underestimate me.
Feb 2018 · 209
Dripping Caramel
AnnaMarie Jenema Feb 2018
The floor is sticky,
It tugs at my feet as to keep them in place,
And refuses to let me abandon it.
Liquid chocolate courses through my veins,
Rushing to elate me,
Break the bond the floor has made.
A smile crinkles the edges of my cheeks,
And effort pushes my calves as if to move me from place.
Can someone cut away this floor,
So that I can hurry?
I need to get there.
Let me go.
Set flames to my tracks so my steps are quickened.
The fire lapping at my heels,
As I blaze my trail.
I need to get there.
Let me go.
Could someone set flames to my heart,
So I never forget this longing?
The fire reminding me to continue,
And I can reach it.
I need to get there.
I have to go.
But this floor pains me,
It covers my toes in goo,
and it oozes,
caramel melting,
I can get there,
But I'm stuck.
I have to go.
Free me.
Feb 2018 · 196
AnnaMarie Jenema Feb 2018
She is a waterfall,
Her hair cascades in giggles,
As it falls from her mouth,
And she chokes on the strands.
They were only tourists,
there to bask in her halo,
a veil of mist,
and sunlight reflected in her smile.
They could never see the caves hidden,
Smothered behind her rocky cliffs,
Nor would they ever visit such caverns.
She was one waterfall in billions.
Each shining in their own glory.
And yet she could never see her own brilliance.
Feb 2018 · 205
Outside of Me
AnnaMarie Jenema Feb 2018
I wish to leave my body,
Keeping my soul tacked beneath my skin,
So that as Gemini I could exist,
Both within and without, myself.
I wish to kiss my insecurity,
And tell myself of my worth.
Judgment lays before me and God,
None other  know each and every causation.
Yet instead,
This other me is poised,
Knife in hand.
Her palms are stained red,
Cutting my soul is no new hobby of hers.
I long for her,
To recognize me as good enough,
But she refuses,
And stabs the knife again.
Feb 2018 · 192
Self Creation
AnnaMarie Jenema Feb 2018
I want to invent myself,
In such a way that even sunshine,
Raises to meet my cheeks,
Or flowers bloom,
In the shade of my footprints.
Light falls from my smiles,
As contagious as laughter.
I want to invent myself,
So that all those around me can share in my cheer.
But Instead,
I slumber in darkness,
The past a rusty chain,
Twisting my ankles,
As I long to break free.
Yet I’m too much a coward to run.
I want to invent myself,
So even in this unrelenting darkness,
Those around me smile with light.
Feb 2018 · 238
Begging to Stay
AnnaMarie Jenema Feb 2018
I want her to stay,
How I long for winter snow to never melt.
I beg her tires to fall from the axels,
To keep her near.
To cage such a bird,
Who has never sang before me,
Yet I can’t help but question,
What if she were to stay?
I long for a mother’s embrace,
And tremble at it’s absence.
Her words fall bittersweet,
Kissing her tongue in sour tones.
Telling me of our alikeness,
Makes the flowers in my ribcage bloom,
As she simultaneously picks these,
Greed glowing from her ghastly eyes.
But I want her to stay,
Beg for her love despite the pain.
She’s landed herself on one of my pedestal’s,
And fear coaxes me to let her stay there.
Distance offer’s salvation from her,
But my heart crumbles as if it’s foundations weren’t quite complete.
I want her to stay,
But it’s best if she goes.
A mother who cannot love,
Isn’t really a mother at all.
Feb 2018 · 238
My Mom and I
AnnaMarie Jenema Feb 2018
We are a poem,
My mom and I.
But I’ll never let her read it.
We are the kind of poem who laughs over pizza,
And my little brother crawling on the floor.
We share stories of her history,
Each one a fossil,
I try to recreate its towering beast.
But even so,
I can never get a word in.
A mask was created,
As to never let her in,
Block her from meeting the real me.
I crave her acceptance,
But hide through lies.
That’s the kind of poem we are.
I wish we had more in common,
Things we like to do together,
But excuses slither from her tongue,
As if these snakes are second nature to her.
Most nights I dream of what life would’ve been like,
Had I stayed with her,
And the nightmares begin,
Soon I catch myself crying in my sleep.
Because of her,
I am scared of myself,
And any potential for evil I may contain.
This is my least favorite poem,
The kind I wish I could chop off,
But somehow it’s seeded itself into a heart,
And grew there,
A wilted tainted tree which should have never sprouted.
We are a poem,
My mom and I,
But I’ll never let her know.
Feb 2018 · 173
Temperature of My House
AnnaMarie Jenema Feb 2018
Isn’t a home warm and welcoming?
Safe and soothing?
A home is good food,
And heartfelt laughter.

But each river has two banks,
One could be the perfect beach,
But on the other,
Mud and dirt await.

Sleeping in that room gives me nightmares,
Conversations are always arguments.
Home is a spider web I’m trapped in,
But never quite sure If I should escape.

One day they’re all teasing and tickle fights,
Smiles bubbling to the surface in my mom’s homemade chicken soup.
The next their faces contort,
Disapproval filling their countence.

Home is warm blankets while we watch movies,
All huddled together,
Hot chocolate at the ready.
But home is also a room I lock myself in,
Running from their yelling.

Home is secrets kept between sisters,
Whispered to eager ears.
Or surviving a bus ride together,
While sharing our music.

But home is also a bus ride away,
An eternity of mockery,
And name calling.
Of music to block out their voices.

Cold one day,
Warm the next,
My family is my home.
Feb 2018 · 1.0k
AnnaMarie Jenema Feb 2018
My little sister was stuffed into a teapot,

Its waters are constantly boiling,
And she blames visions invisible to me,
I cradle her burning *** and begin to pour,
As if she’ll come back to me,
But her hair flows into my teacup,
As she refuses to come out,
But no one can see her stuck in her teapot,
And she can’t see the light outside,
Nor hear the cicadas chirp her name,
As the stars fall from wanting to meet her,
Yet the shadows stuff her back inside,
As the world sings to greet her,

She writes notebook after notebook of poems,
Eloquently portraying her teapot,
And the beasts who’d quickly harm her,
But each one winds up thrown away,
As she’s chosen to turn from her gifted talent,
I wish to capture each wrinkled page,
Mounting them on wall after wall,
And give the cicadas a museum of her words to marvel at,

Each one more strange and surprising than the last,
Cat’s meow symphonies of comfort,
As black horses raid the night,
Yet her sacred bible of words,
Shed sooner destroy,
Feeding the fire with her glorious imagination,
As it’s fueled by beauty,
What beauty could possible be created by a girl trapped in a teapot,
What beauty could be found in such a crevice,
And yet she’s found such powerful inspiration from such a space,
But refuses to call upon her power and adore it,
I might as well have a teapot setting in my brain,
Pouring tears for every flame,
Every spark ignited,
Every work abandoned,
She holds a knife to the page,
And slits it’s throat,
As if this creation inside of her,
Is capable of death,
And with each cut,
Destroys pieces of her own heart,
She slides the strands through the spout,
And pretends they’ll disappear,

My sister is stuck inside of a teapot,
And refuses to come out.
Jan 2018 · 370
My Type
AnnaMarie Jenema Jan 2018
Cascading light,
Feather's falling from smiles like giggles,
Tall and confident,
Sure but uncertain.
How I love a lie,
Yet lies are wistful beasts,
I cage myself from.
She glows,
He glistens,
Who am I?
They are unsure.
Glass shatters,
As theses shadows in my heart resembles shards,
Or perhaps it always rested there,
Dreaming to become a lantern.
But will they hold it?
All that they see,
and bring the petals to their lips,
Kissing the taintedness,
Making it beautiful once more?
Jan 2018 · 243
Soulmate (4)
AnnaMarie Jenema Jan 2018
Dear Soulmate,
How many?
How many lovers will I mistake for you?
How many kisses until my lips reach yours?
How many, "I love you"s,
The beautiful lie,
Until it becomes a truth upon your ears?
How many tears,
Sleepless nights,
Until I can sleep in your embrace?
I miss someone I've yet to even meet.
I love you,
But I don't even know you.
Jan 2018 · 218
Soulmate (3)
AnnaMarie Jenema Jan 2018
Dear Soulmate,
I'm sorry it's taking so long to meet me,
Every minute,
Every hour,
Every year,
Every decade spent,
Is so that you'll get to see the me designed for you,
Every trial we go through,
All so that I'll grow into the girl you meet,
Or you,
The perfect one for me.
And maybe your lonely,
Or scared there without me.
And I'm sorry,
I long to be by your side.
But it'll all be worth it,
The day I finally meet you.
I'll love you.
I wanna meet you.
Jan 2018 · 1.2k
Soulmate (2)
AnnaMarie Jenema Jan 2018
Dear Soulmate,
I've finally made so many friends.
So many passions,
and aspirations.
I know who I want to be.
I've made so much progress in my life.
But I still find myself wishing you could be by my side.
I wonder how your doing.
If your happy and whether life is treating you alright.
I want to meet you soon,
But I know that I'll see you at the perfect moment,
Fate knows when It'll bring me to you.
And I'll be overjoyed to get to know you,
Your beautiful imperfections,
and your own joys.
Until that day,
I hope life treats you well,
I love you,
Keep going.
Jan 2018 · 218
AnnaMarie Jenema Jan 2018
Dear Soulmate,
I hope your out there.
Are you listening?
Sometimes I'm trapped,
my thoughts being the walls that hold me in place.
I question your existence.
I wish you'd find me soon.
I know I'm insecure,
I have so many flaws.
Could you wrap me in warmth,
kiss my tears away?
Cradle me with your time?
I don't want your money,
Or objects.
I just wish you'd enjoy being by my side.
I might push you away at first,
My walls as thick as my tears.
I'll feel too much,
Be shy one moment,
outgoing the next.
I ramble on,
Or not at all.
I'm easily jealous,
over emotional.
I hate myself.
But could you love me anyway?
Know that I'm working on it,
and love me where I'm at?
I'm by no means perfect,
But im happy.
And I want you to be too.
I no longer am a weak princess,
needing to be saved.
But I'm moving forward,
Hoping our fates will meet.
I love you,
Please find me.
Jan 2018 · 219
AnnaMarie Jenema Jan 2018
There's a caged child within me,
Somedays it's happy and immature.
Other days it decides to throw a temper tantrum.
There's a caged child within me,
I poke it with a stick,
and starve it.
It begs for food,
any morsel will do,
but I call it ungrateful and filthy.
The child keeps screaming.
It won't shut up.


There's a girl out there.
Somedays she'll smile,
It's a beautiful sight.
Other day's she's sad and crying.
There's a girl out there.
She pokes me with a stick,
And won't feed me.
I try to pretend I'm not hungry,
But my stomach keeps rumbling.
She gets angry,
and yells a lot.
It hurts,
and I can't stop my tears.
I don't want her to know.

Now she's crying.
She says she's sorry.
Im still
Jan 2018 · 218
Self Conscious
AnnaMarie Jenema Jan 2018
Aware of yourself,
Your existence,
Taking in your every breath,
Realizing your now paying attention.
You feel your fingers scroll this text,
Self Conscious of your thoughts,
And perhaps if I the author feels the same as you when you read this.
Your every exhale,
and inhale.
Don't you see?
This is existence.
Make it count!
I'm with you.
Jan 2018 · 222
Slow My Time
AnnaMarie Jenema Jan 2018
Slow this heart,
It's pulse due in time,
Unhook the veins that pump this life,
not as to end it,
but to pause the clock from ticking.
The world begins to pace,
The animation goes page by page,
until they are revealed,
no longer a flowing river of occurrence.
Perhaps then I'll have captured you,
Oh elusive one,
Lord of time.
I need more,
as to better understand this heart of mine.
Why it coils in knotts,
Or fails to fall,
Why it gets attached when it should not.
For my heart has it's own mind.
Let me understand it as if it were my own,
give me the time to do so,
and slow my breathing,
the world's extension,
so that I may finally grasp that,
which no one may.
Jan 2018 · 165
Gifted By Muses
AnnaMarie Jenema Jan 2018
A being was born,
Cast in emotion,
The iron that molded her.
Embedded with jewels,
Feelings of every fragment.
But this grandeur didn't suffice.
She pleaded with the muses,
Begging for a way to share her talent.
And so they armed her,
An arsenal of words at her command,
Formed to relay thoughts and feelings.
She spoke until her mouth ran dry,
And her inspiration low.
Once more she came before her muses,
Hoping for a medium other than her voice.
For words do not last and can be easily forgotten.
Again they complied.
This time she was gifted paper and pens as to record her portrayals.
And so she went to work,
Writing and creating as the inspiration struck.
And the muses rejoiced,
For more began to take up pens and spread her gift beside her.
Jan 2018 · 187
Blue Fields
AnnaMarie Jenema Jan 2018
A field of crystals,
Obstructed by light,
Pouring from the wheat.
Shining bright blue,
Particles floating,
Dancing through the air.
Summer mist,
Swaying in sweeping winds.
Here I sit,
And wait.
Dec 2017 · 236
You Are
AnnaMarie Jenema Dec 2017
You are sparkling darkness,
shining in hopelessness,
shivering flames,
a flicker of longing.
Dec 2017 · 362
You Fell to The Ground
AnnaMarie Jenema Dec 2017
My Sky,
You fell to the ground,
The clouds rained to Earth,
Sunlight poured out
     ­                                         Remained.

My Sky,
You fell to the ground,
And though the puddles belong there,
I find myself scooping them up,
And desperately throwing handfuls,
As if to pick you back up.
But My attempts only result in failure.

My Sky,
You fell to the ground,
But you are still charming,
Still lovable.
Yet I find a knife in my side,
Telling my heart to die.

My Sky,
You fell to the ground,
But that does not mean I need to follow.
Maybe I could become the sky for another one day?
Nov 2017 · 211
Pontent Pain
AnnaMarie Jenema Nov 2017
Her house reeks,
It smells of smoke and disappointment,
The potent fragrance of instability,
And broken families.
She breathes in the fumes,
And exhales the wispy threads of anguish,
As if she gets her high from my misery.
Her stench of lies unending,
Broken promises,
And Abusive love.
My nose screams to leave,
But my shaking body knows I must stay.
I become encased in this smoke,
Reeking of her false pride,
Entailing my worst fear;
The smells of smoke transfers to me,
As I fear her future will.
Finally home,
Cleansed in the shower,
Safe and sound.
Nov 2017 · 224
Inner Demons
AnnaMarie Jenema Nov 2017
"Look, it's my blood!"
Words written on paper,
Oozing red,
Her finger leaking.
Her unable to see this twisted logic.
Trip her,
Lick her,
Push her,
These creatures of darkness stalk her.
You see an odd girl,
laughing over blood,
Giddy over absurdities,
I see a hurting child,
Haunted by inner demons,
Confused through mental insecurity,
Trapped within her own mind.
"It's not her fault"
But they run from her,
As if it were.
Nov 2017 · 208
A River Flows
AnnaMarie Jenema Nov 2017
A river flows,
From faucets abundant,
It's rising tides ongoing.
The grasses lashes blink,
As the water trickles and flows,
Created from love,
From life,
And it's absence.
A river flows from within me,
and tears well up.
Nov 2017 · 201
Love, Listen, Life
AnnaMarie Jenema Nov 2017
I can hear your heart beat,
It dances to life's music,
and I wish to dance along,
1, 2, 3, 4
My steps worshiping it's existence,
I cannot live without this melody,
5, 6, 7, 8
It rebounds proof int my ears,
Traveling through the canals,
Across my auditory functions,
Allowing me to slow my breaths,
As to better listen.
Pay heed!
For you exist,
And that itself brings me much happiness.
I shall rave of the wonder that is your existence,
Until I myself find my own years fleeting.
So let me dance on!
My feet tracing the beat your heart has acquired,
And rejoice,
For you are here with me.
Nov 2017 · 219
My World Rumbles
AnnaMarie Jenema Nov 2017
I do not wish,
To put feelings to paper,
To write of this heartbreak,
And it's agony.
Of the mosaic they created,
Before you bashed it.
I do not wish to tell of all the tears,
Nights spent crying,
The pain and questions,
nor the desire for death.
Feeling the rumble,
as my world fell,
The sky lowering in pieces,
as I cower,
worrying that they may hit me.
Because if I told you this,
It'd be all too real,
and I can't stand a reality without you.
Oct 2017 · 208
AnnaMarie Jenema Oct 2017
What is the relevance of time?
Why does forever have to be so short?
When do promises become lies,
And happiness sorrow?
Forever is just a word,
Used by those who hope.
Fools who dream,
And idiots like me.
Sep 2017 · 352
Own me
AnnaMarie Jenema Sep 2017
That's what this mark alludes to,
This vampiric nibble on my neck,
That I am owned by you,
Marking me as your property,
A dog leash,
I am yours.
I don't resent this proof,
Instead I take pleasure from it,
Knowing that you dominate me,
Embarass me,
I am yours to control.
Such power over me,
Reduce me to ashes,
Heated thighs,
Pulsing inbetween,
Dominate my thoughts,
Look a what a mess you've made of me.
Sep 2017 · 259
Consuming Flames
AnnaMarie Jenema Sep 2017
They say love is a flame,
But how can I agree?
For a flame consumes,
Until only ash remains.
But love gives unendingly,
Wouldn't it be better to say,
Love is water,
Life giving,
Guiding you home,
Rocking you to sleep.
Water comforts
But a flame,
It eventually dies out.
So let this love consume me,
Not as a flame would,
Selfishly taking for myself,
But comforting and lively as the waves.
Sep 2017 · 594
Swan Salt
AnnaMarie Jenema Sep 2017
The fall days are over now,
I stare at the cold blue water,
Waiting for summer to come home,
Watching the blue sky hanging overhead,
Yet it continues to sit there,
Now a relic of the previous fall,
It's body within clear blue waves,
Gracefully diving beneath blue water,
Now but a representive piece,
Tainted from its original beauty.
This round vessel makes mockery,
Sitting on my porch, how dare you Swan Guord?!?!
Sep 2017 · 272
AnnaMarie Jenema Sep 2017
Glowing red,
Myface heated,
As I try to be myself,
Thigh high stockings,
A mini skirt,
Corset pulled over,
And the piece of resistance,
A small black choker.
But oh,
My face,
My real skin on,
Showing true,
On goes a sweatshirt,
I can't do this yet.
Sep 2017 · 236
This Apple's Orgin
AnnaMarie Jenema Sep 2017
This round, ripe fruit,
That I now hold,
Once fell from that tree,
Sitting in a grove.
it's tangy taste lasts on my tongue,
This free once bloomed with fervor,
It's branches sprawling out,
Greeting the morning sun.
Sep 2017 · 199
Bird Song
AnnaMarie Jenema Sep 2017
He who sings outside my window,
One of many my dad has fed,
Your melody brings peace to this soul
Sep 2017 · 279
Old Days
AnnaMarie Jenema Sep 2017
That canal where we fished,
The passing of ships,
Bringing with them waves and wind.
Sep 2017 · 210
AnnaMarie Jenema Sep 2017
The snow piles high,
I lay within the December storm,
As the sound of the wind envelopes me,
Filling me with peace.
Sep 2017 · 245
Heaven on Earth
AnnaMarie Jenema Sep 2017
"Heaven is the place,
Where you think of nowhere else"
Oh? Is that so?
Then that playground,
When I was a hurting child,
Swinging to dismiss reality,
Letting my feet rise to the sky,
And with it my worries fall,
Those swings became my nirvana,
A safe haven from the pain.
Sep 2017 · 414
Bittersweet Goodbyes
AnnaMarie Jenema Sep 2017
With each goodbye comes tears,
Not because the time shared was sad,
Nor unvalued, but
With each goodbye comes tears,
Because every fleeting moment,
Was one more minute we could've shared.
With each goodbye comes tears,
Because a piece of me is left behind,
Within our shared memories.
With each goodbye comes tears,
Because our time together has passed,
And now I must wait to see you again.
With each goodbye comes tears,
Because patience is not my virtue.
With each goodbye comes tears,
Because I love you more than I could ever know.
Sep 2017 · 195
AnnaMarie Jenema Sep 2017
Lacey Bows,
Ribbons in pastel,
Poofy dresses,
Victorian style,
This is my aesthetic,
An aspiring ******.
Garters and stockings,
Bows and floof,
Poofy in pink,
Sweet and blue,
Cuteness sourounds me.

Morning light,
Heavy eyes,
Just a dream.
Jeans & a Tee,
Patting my pillow,
I'll be back again.
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