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I told you
"Gently now. Hold my heart gently."
You said a soft
I told you
"Slowly now. Steal my breath slowly."
You said a quiet
"I promise."
I told you
"Kindly now. Share my feelings kindly."
You said a hushed
"I plan on it."
I told you
"Patiently now. Love me patiently."
You said a star-kissed
*I can't
it lifts like silk from the skin:
soft and slow, extremely sensual,
and gives goosebumps
that shiver through my eyelashes.

it whispers to my senses,
gently pulling
until I am lifted from the ground
purely ecstatic; purely silver.

it is in my eyes when I see you
and under my skin when I don't
tickling me to madness--
I think I need you.
 Feb 2014 Anna Bear
Rebecca Joy
I want to know how your bones curve
Under your skin
And I want to know how your skin
Feels in the morning
While my touch is still waking
While your body is still waking
I want to know how you’d lay
I want to know how you’d stretch
Whether you’d curl your toes
Or bend your back
I want to know if you’d wake with a sigh
Or a smile
Or both
At touch

Backs arch
Atoms flare

Limbs unravel
Eyes reveal

Lips like pink petals open
Mouths filled to overflowing

Still  there is no sound
Other than their uneven breathing

Moments that affect us so deeply we are moved beyond words
we used to never hold hands like that,
with mine on top and yours on the bottom,
i was too small
you were towering like some office building calculations running through your mind,
yet art on the tips of your fingertips,
and I was short like the stack of books by my bed,
and it was like a mix of night and day when my hair spilled down your golden skin,
golden hair,
tousled blonde like some kind of lion lying on the bed,
veiled in a dark slumber.
you stroked my skin and it sent shivers down my back,
and kissing you was like lying in summer sun,
and you’re so different from what I have now,
because now I have fall kisses,
on a bed of crimson leaves,
with another blonde haired boy but this time he’s a wolf,
and this time he holds me while we are skin on skin in a forest of cattails underfoot,
the stubbed filter of a cigarette to my left,
our clothing to my right.
he’s full of fire,
it’s all over him, on his skin, branded across his face,
but I don’t love him,
i just like the way he says he loves me when he’s looking at me like sunlight filtering through leaves,
with his crystalline blues,
biting my lips with passionate ferocity
 Jan 2014 Anna Bear
 Jan 2014 Anna Bear
hot summer raindrops boil
like memories on my skin,
and i remember when
the wind helped destroy
the power surge within me.
i am pure electricity
and i hope i am strong enough
to cause a blackout
in the place
we stole small caresses:
the eye of the storm.
thunder booms and
i am consumed
more and more
with my loud tongue
and vapid thoughts;
not instinct,
but rather, taught.
i seemed to have forgotten
or lost the notion
that someone else could want me
in your sultry words,
sparked with lies.
i will keep the narcissism,
but you can close your eyes
against the onslaught
and get the **** out;
and no, i do not care
if you get soaked.
i have had enough
to know i do not
need you anymore
and that this
is only a joke to you.
i am a thunderstorm
and you will only drown
in the downpour.
the origins of this poem are the scalding hot shower I took this morning to try to numb myself for awhile
 Jan 2014 Anna Bear
Inane &
 Jan 2014 Anna Bear
"You are inane,
   That's why I love you."

"Are you calling me all things, unintelligent, nonsensical and lacking sense?"

Her eyebrows knit together; the corner of her red lips twitch upwards slightly.

A soft line brackets her mouth.

Parentheses to all the words she has ever voiced and will say.

"Well, clearly not then. I was just checking."

His eye winks; curving into a
upside down moon crescent.
I don't know about you, you and you but deducing from what I wrote, I am a hopeless romantic.

 Jan 2014 Anna Bear
Axl was his name.
But we're broken.
Cause of me, quite really.
Don't think I'm being modest.
Everyone knows.
Feelings can physically manifest into hurt.
Ghosts of his touch linger.
I miss them.
Just letting you
Love is a very strong word.
Meant it every time.
Never haven't been in love with you.
Perfect, puts me through hell boy.
Quite a reaction I've had to this.
Really, it's okay.
So I've said.
Thousands of times to you, to them.
Universally, you can tell it is a lie.
Very unhappy.
Well, trying to fix that.
Xerox my name a thousand times, is it as dead as you last uttered?
Yes, I'll answer.
 Jan 2014 Anna Bear
"we're not psychologists, you know"
yeah, but we can pretend
lying under pine, oak + ash

i watched them hold eachother mostly every day
until we felt everything was going to be grand
or at least okay.                            
it felt less and less like a therapy
more like addiction, a prescription, need

nicotine hands, freezing fingertips
whiskey breath + colder lips
 Jan 2014 Anna Bear
and turn me on instead
the night is not as young as they say
our bones are a thousand years old
make poetry
of me
while our flesh is still juvenile
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