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 Jul 2013 Angie
Darryl Barnes
We were meant to be
I promise I’ll love you, tenderly
And give you my life, my soul
My everything
My hearts' for you
My hearts' for you
My hearts' for you

We could make a love story greater than Romeo and Juliet
I know that's not hard, but it sounded good in my head.
The spotlights yours, only you make me feel so infinite
Heart racing faster, I'm hanging on every little thing you said

You're the definition of America the beautiful
If only because you're in it
Only you can make me feel purposeful
I know it won't be perfect
But I know it'll be worth it
Love is meant to be erratic
Otherwise it's not worth fighting for

We were meant to be
I promise I’ll love you, tenderly
And give you my life, my soul
My everything
My hearts' for you
My hearts' for you
My hearts' for you

When it comes to you, even the simple things make me smile
Like when you lick your lips, or sway your hips
Even looking at your profile
I know, I'm a mess
This list goes on forever
Because with you I'm truly blessed

Who knows what the future holds
But let's ignore all the warnings
See for ourselves how our stories told
You're everything I saw in my dreams
Even to this day, I want to say you're make believe

I've never felt this before
But I know of this for sure
We were meant to be
Like our story was used to teach like folklore

We were meant to be
I promise I’ll love you, tenderly
And give you my life, my soul
My everything
My hearts' for you
My hearts' for you
My hearts' for you
I thought you loved me.
I thought someone cared.
You lied to me.
You said you just wanted a break.
But you didn't want me around.
You could have just said so.
Said it right to my face..
Told me that I'm not worth it.
That I mean nothing to you.
That you wouldn't care if I left.
Do you know how worthless you have made me feel?
Do you have any idea how ****** up I am?
Whats your reason, for doing this?
You told me I was your treasure that I mean't something, that I was beautiful.
Were those words just lies too?
I thought we could tell each other things.
Confide in each other.
I thought there were no secrets in our relationship.
I thought you were trying, I thought we were helping each other.
I thought wrong
Everything you told me were lies.
Everything I said was vague, but maybe its better to be like this, then to be like you.
"Curiosity killed the cat"
Your secrets killed me.
 Jun 2013 Angie
Samantha Page
I would love to say I am one of those people who just doesn't give a ****!
I would love to say that it doesn't hurt or bother me..
when people say "people like you"
are what's wrong with America...
I would be lying...
I don't know why-
Why I care what they think
or that they hate us!
Or, think we are disgusting...
Or, that we are so different from them.
I shouldn't care!
But, I do....
Just the same
I should not feel inadequate
or sad because I cannot give you a baby...
But I am...and I do...
Part of me feels that moving somewhere
that we could get married would change things...
That somehow the whole population
wouldn't be like that.
I know that I am just kidding myself-
I know that people will have their views no matter where we go.
But, it doesn't stop me from wishing-
That we were not considered so different...
Because we love someone of the same gender...
And for those that think this is what we have chosen.
I wouldn't, I didn't!
It chose me, God chose me!
To even begin to try to think I could fit in
to your lines defining "normal" is ridiculous.
It would be impossible....
Besides that fact that I would never be albe
to lay with a man-
I have already found love.
Yes, LOVE! with a woman..
And no, neither of us are perfect...
But, together....we make a perfect couple.
Like two weights on a scale we balance...
I'm sorry
I use these words to much
I hurt you
You hurt me
Why can't we live in harmony
I know you don't know what you did
But maybe it's because you did nothing
And I'm just confusing my words with my cussing
See I'm really confused and I'm sorry I did this
But are friendship I don't want to miss
See your a great person
And I'm sorry I'm like this
But maybe without me you can finally have bliss
I want to be your friend,
But I'm too messed up to be
And I know I just can't let you see the real ugly me.
I'm sorry
 Jun 2013 Angie
Daniel Kenneth
She told me
She would rather a broken neck
Than another broken heart
I hugged her then
For there was no right answer
Just the silent acceptance of the fact
Life is pain, sometimes too great to handle
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