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Angela Herzig Jul 2012
Go back to your old friends
You emo little *****
Paint yourself as black
As your decaying heart
I hope the blood pours
From your wrists
When he beats the ****
Out of you, I'll laugh
I tried to help you
But you never wanted anything better
How could I have cared
About someone as ****** up as you
Continue on your crooked path
At least it was straight for a while
I refuse to care about
Someone who hates himself
You have pushed away
What you needed most
And now you know
You made the mistake
Harden your heart
No one will care as much
As I stupidly did
Chase after the fading highs
Try to replace me with those
That can't stand your voice
Don't ever expect me to
Respect you
You were the one who
****** yourself
I have wasted to much time
Caring for a selfish *****
You have eroded my feelings
There is nothing left
I can no longer give you
Everything that I am
There is hardly anything left
And what is there isn't for you
Angela Herzig Jul 2012
The poison seeps
Into the minds of the weak
They all follow
Their meaningless lives overcome them
They are just wasted time

Blindly they accept
The lies of their seemingly perfect world
Until they become numb
And the poison becomes their happiness

I have lived their life
I have told the lies
But the poison burnt me
Instead of controlling me
It has turned me against the living dead
I refuse not to question
What others accept
And the poison forsakes me
Leaving me alone

When I look I see
Nothing but those who mindlessly follow
They take their pills and smoke their drugs
So that they can escape from their poison
But it is temporary
They need what kills them
They want to slowly die
I watch and am sickened
Their fake smiles and plastic friends

Praise those who are alone
They are the ones who are really alive
They have rejected their poison
They see reality as it really is
Not as it is painted for them
They are the ones who really feel
And because of this they are hated
Angela Herzig Jul 2012
I look to you for strength
But your fear shows through
What you did is what I hate
But I can't help but love you

You turn from me to hide your shame
I just don't want your lies
Your coldness cuts through me
Tearing me up on the inside

I don't want to leave you
But I don't know if I can hold on
How can I live without you
When it's you who makes me strong

So here we are, you and I
With no more tears to cry
I don't want to be the one
To say this last goodbye
Angela Herzig Jul 2012
I can’t always be the one who smiles
I said I would always be there
But I’ve had my own issues too
I am in pain and you can’t see
You’re not the only one who needs help
You’re not the only one suffering for mistakes
That you never chose
I can’t give you the help you need
I’m still looking for something to heal me
I’m not a miracle worker who can see the future
You hold it in the palm of your hand
I can only smile so much
Before the pain becomes unbearable
Don’t ask for me to care
Cause I really don’t
Care about me first
Then maybe it’ll be ok
For me to feel some emotion towards you
But you’re only a selfish *******
That only feels for yourself
My life isn’t perfect so why come to me
The log in my eye is overpowering
I can’t always be the happy person you always see
My tears fall and **** my innocence
But ignore feelings that I might have
Because they really don’t matter
I don’t know if they even matter to me
But they are there
And there isn’t anything I can do
But pretend nothing matters
That’s what you want me to do
You act as if it wouldn’t affect me
But how am I supposed to take that news
How do you want me to react
Because it’s all about you
Should I smile like always
And cover up my spilt tears
It is what is always expected
That girl who is always happy
Am I supposed to be an unfeeling *****
I’m sorry but it’s too much
And I just don’t care enough
Angela Herzig Jul 2012
Emo *****
You're so beautiful
With maggots as eyes
And venom for words
Crush the coal
Known as your heart
It hasn't been beating
It is useless to anyone
Oh pretty girl
***** and lost
Why waste your time
You knew all along
What would happen
No happy ending
This is no fairy tale
Your prince carves death
Into everything you gave him
And you keep hoping
With everything in your destroyed world
That this isn't so
Continue on
For a maggot is just a maggot
Not a precious jewel
And maybe someday
You'll be able to see it too.
Angela Herzig Jul 2012
Take what you've got and be done with it
I want to crawl into your window
And carve out your unfeeling heart
It serves no use to anyone
Because you were burnt, you burn others
You, the living dead, drown in your fears

Take your pain and let it poison you
Nothing is better than being alone
And while you face your empty fate
There will be nothing left, you're stone cold

The empty grave is all you are used to
You yearn to be void of everything
Never expected to trip into love
And with no choice it enters and consumes your soul
The only good thing makes you feel
But you hate to feel

**** the only thing that has ever cared
Just because you can't face the truth
You were worth fighting for and I tried
But you wanted to hate yourself
And you break me because you can't stand to be happy
I hope you stay the hell alone
Angela Herzig Jul 2012
Last night was home
I saw heavens gates
I let go of feelings
Of all my wants and dreams
I found peace
I was loved by something more
More than anyone else could give me
Everyone became a speck
Nothing more than a bother
I was drunk with more than love
And I was alive
The angels held me
Because I have felt this
Nothing of this world matters
Because nothing is worth anything
And everything is worth the world
But the world is meaningless without peace
And the love we give to each other
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