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I'm annoyed with you - catching my eye, as you do.
The lustrous auburn of your hair,
The curve of your white willow-whip body.

The dreams I have
Of where your cardinal pout may go...

I'm enchanted by you - teasing my mind, as you do.
The tight formation of your wit,
The pictures a stray word can speak to me.

The dreams I have
Of what your wicked mouth could do...

I'm spoiled by you - chipping away at me, as you do.
The cold cut of your diamond heart,
The rainbows it casts over my better judgement.

The dreams I have
Of what your tasteful lips could whisper...
 Jan 2013 Angel Hoffer
Oh, how I dread this time of day
when the ghosts have crawled back into their crevices
and the immortals that **** blood fall asleep
and the gremlins that eat little children again wait underneath their beds
and I, my poor adolescent soul,
must force myself awake and head for school.
(She Speaks.)

I MEANT to be so strong and true!
The world may smile and question, When?
But what I might have been to you
I cannot be to other men.
Just one in twenty to the rest,
And all in all to you alone, -
This was my dream; perchance 'tis best
That this, like other dreams, is flown.

For you I should have been so kind,
So prompt my spirit to control,
To win fresh vigor for my mind,
And purer beauties for my soul;
Beneath your eye I might have grown
To that divine, ideal height,
Which, mating wholly with your own,
Our equal spirits should unite.
 Jan 2013 Angel Hoffer
A memory that had kept me awake the whole night,
Took me onto a walk, in the dawns flight,
While a stranger walking past me that morning,
Nodded with a smile and unknowingly swept a tear from my eyes,
A reason to smile back to him, was enough to pave through my solitary plight,

Walking by a lonely pavement one day,
My watch broke away from upon my wrist,
into a splatter upon the cracked road,
I looked upon the shards,
as the last touch of my mother lay scattered bereft and cold,
Just as I was about to hold the cracked glass with a heavy heart,
A tear rolled down my cheek, and was glimpsed by a kind soul,
Who walking past my loss said,
“Don’t let the metal break your heart,
Let the heart breathe life into those shards.”

A smile, a nod, a word, an advice,
A glance of hope, a gaze of strength,
Will find you the way to the happiness deep within,
Happiness, shared by a rose, passed by the wind,
Cradled in the waves of the ocean, lapped in the waving leaves,

All you need is a reason to find its way,
Way to the depths of happiness ,
bundled in the bounties of a thundering heart.
 Jan 2013 Angel Hoffer
Yielded to the toast on plate,
it's a quaint morning but it
began in boredom. I closed
my eyes and kept them tight
because I knew I had nothing
to do but keyboards and screens
with a side of cleaning. This is
freedom? I suppose freedom is
the choice to this multiplied
one million, but when you
wake up bored, now what?
Someone once told me that
motivation is like a bath-
recommended every day or 2. I
suppose they're right. I really do.

— The End —