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 Mar 2013 Angel Hoffer
I feel really stupid
For loving you without reservations.
I feel duped somehow.
For believing you were the one.
Every girl dreams of meeting him,
I thought i was lucky.
I never expected to end up broken
Beating myself up over the years wasted.
Greys and pastels by your side
Making you happy.
There must be something messed up with me
Why couldn't i be content with bits and pieces?
Instead i wanted all of it
Unending forever together.
Joke's on me,
It really is over.
BANG went the thunder,
As I poured out my fears.
Down came the rain,
As I poured out my tears.

And man, did it hail,
When I poured out my heart.
Guess I’d held that back,
Right from the start.

I felt the sand storm,
On the empty desert plain,
And cringed when it hit me,
When I poured out my pain.

I shook as the wind howled,
When I lost all control.
But it was incredibly silent,
When I poured out my soul.

The storm of emotions,
Wilder each time.
Tears on my heart strings,
Invading what’s mine.

Then calm settles in,
I relax unrestrained.
To quiet, to peaceful…
Then the storm comes again.
©2009-2010 Kimberley Fritz/todo-mahem
 Feb 2013 Angel Hoffer
Moments of distress
Don’t stay forever
When you are sick
Sad and belittled
Remember, Happiness
Is looking for you
She is on her way
To hug you and to stay with you

But sure she is a whimsical fairy
She will not stay there forever
She will however never leave you
She is forgetful, but she is loyal
Trust me she will find you soon
She must be somewhere in
The meadows dancing with the cows
Or maybe tickling the young pups
She gets tired by laughing aloud all the time
And then she smiles in her naps

She dreamt of you today
Now she remembers she has to find you
She is on a run, finding her way to reach you
She will be there soon
Hang in there
Wait for the best smiles
Careless laughs
And a happy beginning.

— The End —