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Angel Groman Mar 2013
If you can't be successful where you are now in life, you can never be successful where you go in life :)
Angel Groman Mar 2013
I'm so glad I have you baby, you really are my everything and I love you sooooo much!!!! <3 <3 <3 :)
Angel Groman Mar 2013
Please don't loose me because that will be the biggest mistake you ever make, I give you literally everything you ask for and I always try to keep you happy, I love you with all of my heart. Everyone makes mistakes, especially me, and I am truly sorry for all of the wrong I have done to you, I really hope you forgive me because you mean the world to me, you really do my perfect love love :) <9999999 I will hold you in my arms forever I promise XOXOXOXOXOXO <3
Angel Groman Mar 2013
I'm so sorry for all of the mistakes I've made baby, I am so sorry I'm not perfect and I really hope you can forgive me, I'm so sorry for my jealousy issues and I promise I will work on them for us baby, because I want this relationship to last forever, and I just love you soooo much and can't wait to hold you in my arms forever and always have you!! <999999999 XOXOXOXOXOXO :)
Angel Groman Mar 2013
I need you to show me that I'm the only girl in the world that truly matters to you, I want you to love me with all of your heart, I will always love you and no other, please just prove to me you need me too, and I am your only one, please!! I just want to be treated like I'm your queen, because you are my king, again I just want you to see me as the only girl in the world that you truly love, because I truly love you and you are my one and only baby, I promise!!!! <999999999999 we've always had something special and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and make you my husband because you look soooo **** in a tux, and I'm going to look great in a beautiful wedding dress ;) XOXOXOXOXOXO <3
This is based on true facts
* I love you Nick SOOOOO MUCH, and ALWAYS will!!!!! <3 :)
Angel Groman Mar 2013
Why do I try to be perfect, when it's not possible? Why does my dad hate me, and is never proud of what I do? Why did my brother do what he did to me and ruined my life? Why was my mom always drunk and stupid? Why did I let her physically abuse me every day? Why would she think its ok to fill my baby bottle up with alcohol when I was a child? Why was my father never there for me? Why did he nearly **** me and my mom? What did I do to deserve such a ****** up childhood? It's just not fair!!! But you know it's ok now because I just keep looking forward and try not to look back at the past, I have an amazing life now, a perfect boyfriend who I love so much and a best friend named Jenny who has always been there for me, I love both of them very much and they mean the world to me they really do, my boyfriend Nick always makes sure I am ok and always keeps me smiling and laughing and lets me know that I always will have him and how special I am, I am so luck to have my man Nick in my life, I really am, everything I've gone through in life, I know I need him, because he is so perfect for me and he's always here for me when I need comfort, I love him SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!! AND ALWAYS WILL!!!!! <9999999999 XOXOXOXOXOXO :)
Angel Groman Mar 2013
I've had such a ****** up life, and if you we're to ask me what it was like I would say imagine the worste possible childhood ever and that would be my childhood, I've gone through so much, but it's ok because I've turned out so well, I have an amazing and perfect boyfriend who I love more than anything, and I know he'll be by my side no matter what happens, and I know for a fact that I want to spend the rest of my life with him, I am the luckiest girl alive to have found such a perfect boyfriend like him, I've lost so many people in my life, but I am so happy to say that I know I'm never going to loose him, and he will be mine forever, he has changed me in so many great ways, I never thought I could love someone as much as I love him, I didn't even realize it was possible to love someone so much, but anyway the moral of the story Is that no matter how horrible and rough your life has been, it will always get better I promise, and you will always find someone who loves you for who you are, and they will always be with you, like me and my boyfriend Nick, it will get better though don't worry :) <999999999999999 XOXOXOXOXOXO
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