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Angel Groman Mar 2013
Unfortunately I'm not perfect, and I make mistakes, and I'm definitely not the most beautiful girl in the world, but you know what, I've had such a hard life, but i have such a huge heart that only wants you, I know we are perfect for each other, and I love you soooo much, so I really hope you can just except me who I am, and realize no body is perfect especially not me, and I hope I can still be the only love in your life, I want to know how much I mean to you, and I want to know I'm the only one for you baby, because you are definitely the only one for me and if I can't have you I don't want anyone else!!!! <99999999999999 XOXOXOXOXOXO :)
Angel Groman Feb 2013
Nick your love is my drug, every morning I wake up to the thought of your perfectness, every day you amaze me, you make me so proud and I love you more than anything, I would literally do anything for you baby, you are my world and I need you like I need air, I just couldn't live without you, I will always be here for you baby, forever and always, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and you keep me happy on a daily basis, without you I would be a miserable nothing, you complete me, and I can't wait to make you my husband and the father of our kids, words can't even explain how perfect you are my love, I love you soooooo much, FOREVER AND ALWAYS YOURS!!!!! <9999999999999999999999999999 XOXOXOXOXOXO XOXOXOXOXOXO :D
Angel Groman Feb 2013
each second that goes by i love you more and more baby, and my heart has only beat for you, our love is so strong and perfect it could NEVER fade, i will ALWAYS be by your side just like i have been all along forever baby, we were meant to be together like peanut butter and jelly, but so much better, your the only thing that can keep a smiling all day long and when your not around i cant be happy, your voice is so deep and **** and perfect, it makes me the happiest person alive when i hear it, when you hug and kiss me i fall so deep in love its crazy, its a love that never ends, your lips are so soft and so sweet, i love you soooo much baby now and forever i promise!!!!! <3 <3 <9 <9 <9 XOXOXOXOXOXO :)
Angel Groman Feb 2013
all i ever do is love you so i dont understand why you disrespect me sometimes, i dont think you realize how much it hurts me, your practically breaking my  heart a little bit at a time, i have given you all of my love, and ive given you everything youve asked for, ive actually gone out of my way so many times just to get you what you wanted, but i do that because i love you, and your the only guy ive ever loved and actually had a serious relationship with, i understand your going through a lot right now baby, and i promise ill be the best girlfriend to you ever and ill be by your side through it all i promise, ill never let go of the love that we have because its so strong and perfect, just like you baby, i love you now and forever!!!!! and please Nick just talk to me if theres anything wrong, because i will try my hardest to fix it, you just need to open up to me, and i cant wait till our date its going to be so much fun my love!!! :D XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX <3 <3 <3
Angel Groman Feb 2013
I'm so sorry my love that I haven't been able to see you in a while because of this stupid snow storm, but I just want you to know how much I love you, and I guess the next time ill see you is on our date during the vacation, because I have no school the rest of this week, and I am so sorry about that!!! I can't wait to see you again soon though, just remember how much I love you and we can get through this together baby!!!! <3 <3 <3 XOXOXOXOXOXO :D
Angel Groman Feb 2013
I always knew that we were meant to be baby, our love will last FOREVER Nick, i can promise you that, i didnt believe in love at first site, until i met you my love, and i know that no matter how many mistakes we make, we will still be together, because everyone makes mistakes, and if we didnt then there would be something wrong with our relationship. i love you more than anything in the whole world, and that will NEVER CHANGE!!!!!! Our love is stronger than the hardest diamond, and when we kiss its magic, and nothing else in the world matters except our love!!!! XOXOXOXO <3 <3 <3 :)
Angel Groman Jan 2013
I love my Nick, he is so dear to me, he is my only love EVER and no one or nothing will EVER change that!!! When I picture my future, I can't picture it without him, he will be my future, my husband, and the best father to our child, I know for a fact I want to spend the rest of my life with him, my only love love <3 <3 <3 :)

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