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Angel Groman Apr 2013
i dont know what to do, i feel so lost and nothing i do seems to help me in this struggle, you dont seem to give me the respect and love i deserve,i dont think you understand how much that hurts me, because all i want is all your love and attention and kindness, but you kind of make it seem like im not worth your time, all i do is love you and talk about you,and am super nice to you,i have done so much for you its rediculous, and all i ask in return is that you respect and love me the way i deserve, and i know thats not too much to ask for, especially after all the things i have done for you and bought you, like that really nice and really expensive guitar! i have never once asked you to buy me something, because i dont want your money, all i want is you, and all of your sexyness and perfectness and your love especially, so please take that into consideration next time you want to be rude to me, and think does she really deserve this, because i dont!!! i love you sooo much ok, but i want you to love me too!! <3
this is not a break up note, because like i promised, i will never break up with you, no matter what, i love you sooo much! <3
Angel Groman Apr 2013
Without you all i feel is pain
the feelings i have for you dont fade or ever go away
they continue to grow stronger each day with every kiss
life without you is something i cant and dont want to imagine
we both have scars, with memories that can not be erased
but together we are stronger
in your hands my heart has been placed
if you do stumble or fall, please remember i will always be here for you to help you through the struggle,
I will love you no matter what, and that is a promise i know i can always keep! <3 :)
Angel Groman Apr 2013
Love me tommorrow for it is a new day, love me again like when we first met
love me always, for my heart beats only for you
kiss me sweetly and gently, hold me tight, for im afraid to fall
dont forget your promises, for i had too many broken
hold my hand to guide my way
hold my heart to keep it safe
tell me that ill always be yours,
because i know youll always be my only love
tell me you love me with all of your heart, and comfort me, and always be there for me,
I love you my perfect love! <3
Angel Groman Apr 2013
your my ******* brother, but you treat me like im your slave, im so sick and tired of the nasty way you look at me, and i promise i will never let you take advantage of me again, i cant believe you would even dare try and put your arm around me at grandpas funeral, you are a sick ****, and thats all you will EVER be, you make me sick to my stomach wen i think about all the horrible things you did to me when i was little, you took advantage of me in the worst way possible, and i will never forgive you!! you Jordan are the very reason why i was a lesbian for so long, after what you did to me, i pretty much lost all trust in ever guy, until i met my perfect man Nick, he has treated me better than anyone else, and he has givin me the love and comfort that ive always wanted, he is my everything, and when i look into his gorgeous green eyes, i know that everything is going to be ok as long as i have him in my life, holding me close and comforting me, so i just want to say thank you so much Nick for being the perfect bofriend to me, i love you SOOOOO MUCH!!!! and i also want to say a big ******* to my brother!!!
Angel Groman Apr 2013
You are my perfect baby, and I promise you I will love you forever and always, Nick you are my perfect boyfriend, and I will ALWAYS be here for you NO MATTER WHAT!!!! <9999999999 XOXOXOXOXOXO :)
Angel Groman Mar 2013
I am so glad we can start over knew, and forget both of our pasts, I love you so much and I can tell this is going to be a beautiful relationship, I promise to be the best girlfriend to you ever, you mean the world to me baby, and you make me so proud!!! I am always so happy with you, and no one else, I love you now and forever!!! <99999999999999 XOXOXOXOXOXO :)
Angel Groman Mar 2013
I can't believe that you would actually think I'm cheating on you, when I litterally dedicate my life towards you, and do everything for you!!!! You think that when I went to the movies with my FRIEND Ben was bad, how the hell do you think I felt, when I found out you were going over Alicia's house, that hurt me so bad!!! I love you and that's all that matters, and you need to see that if I didn't love you and only want you, I wouldn't have done all of the things I have done for you!!! So please baby take me back because it was just yesterday that you were promising me that you would never leave me, I need you now more than ever, and I know you need me too, so lets just get back together please, because we are meant for each other!!!! <9999999999 XOXOXOXOXOXO :)
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