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teej wrote me
her prologue
to a 20-volume
suicide note.
ten days later
she was dead.
i wrote
my prologue*
to a 20-volume
suicide note.
111 days later
i'm still here.
but maybe not
they will say
i was sad;
they won't
my life
isn't sad;
the world
is sad.
they will say
i was crazy;
they won't
crying every day
isn't crazy;
the world is crazy.
and my words
are never really
quite enough.
so i am writing
my 20 volumes
without words.
do not read
my poems
if you will not
read me.

i jumped
from a bridge
and woke up
in the hospital.
the "DNR"
i wrote
in marker
on my chest
had washed away.
or maybe
they had washed
it away.
i left a note
and it said
"do not read"
as if
could ever
resist such
an invitation.
and all i wrote
inside was:
"what did
i tell you?"

["i love you."
that is what
*i told you.]
i cried on my way to school today.
and i will cry again.
about teej.
about life.
about love.
about sadness.
about pain.
about the world.
i will cry again.
and i will bite down
on my index and middle fingers
and pretend they're a gun.
and the moment will pass.
and i will cry again.
and i will laugh again.
and i will feel happiness again.
and i will live again.

**and i will cry again.

my heart races as i watch your gentle paces but everything you do seems gentle and every time i see you it's monumental because my mind moves so fast it even falls behind itself as if a thousand thoughts are moving, but with stealth, because as i see you walking by, each second seems to beckon a thousand more thoughts, leaving me a thousand times more fraught with emotions i never do process, yet in acknowledging this i have made progress, progress that will undoubtedly be undone by some internal battle that remains unwon and unlost, a stalemate between two sides fighting for the same thing, my hands stuck to my face like a magnet to a steel plate, two things uniting oppositely charged particles, as my brain continues to write this long, boring, hopeless article, understanding that as you walk away, the feeling doesn't stay... and everything.... slows..... down...... in....... the........ worst......... kind.......... of........... way............

i bought a bag of gummy bears when i was seven
and with each fallen bear i began counting off:
"she loves me, she loves me not, she loves me..."
i had been married at age 5 but i guess it hadn't worked out
the way we both may have thought at the time.
so i was hoping for love
and asking the gummy bear gods to bless me.
but as i finished, i ended on "she loves me not."
and that nearly made me lose all faith in my delicious friends.
but as i was sadly preparing to throw my bag in the trash
i found one last green gummy bear hiding in the corner.

*"she loves me!"
she leaned on my shoulder once and in that
moment i knew we loved each other more
than those around us could perceive.  but that
is often the way it should be.  i think

i gave her that hoodie in an attempt
to hug her even when i'm not there. and
although i fear the world may be too cold,
i will not stop trying to keep her warm.
many look,
but not
many see
what you offer.
i hold you,
with my eyes
and somehow
i see more
than anyone
ever has.
and perhaps
that is one
of the many
of the world.
when i look
at you
i see you.
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