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Jun 2012 · 372
Write This Down
Andrew McElroy Jun 2012
When did things get this real?
What happened when I last saw you?
Did the words I say not mean a ******* thing?
I guess, my vision is a little blurry
But all I see, all I need is a little concentration
All you are is a voice of my past
The wind sings songs of my sins
But the water cleanses my burnt skin
It washed my rough hands clean of the blood from the ancients
The sky is getting darker
And your words are only getting softer
My ears and eyes can't take the lashing that I deserve
But there is no time to be hasty or rash
The decisions that are made, cannot be replaced
So that is when you get off of your high tower and drown yourself in your fears
They have come back from the dead to haunt you
The ghost won't stop
She was unrelenting
I can hear you begging for daylight to come
Please wake me from this horrible day-dream
It is all too real
I don't think I can stand you anymore
My heart and mind cannot take the beating I deserve.
I have put up with this for the last time
I don't think I deserve this
I have taken as much as I ever could
I am truly done trying
Get ready to live or continue your life lying.

All I needed was your word.
But it's all too late now.
The worms have eaten their way into my brain.
And yet, all I hear is your ******* and complaining

I have lived for you, for the last ******* time.
Jun 2012 · 359
What Have You Done?
Andrew McElroy Jun 2012
These scenes of aggression stab through the depression
Holy times flickering against a wall with a slow burning feeling
Salvation is on the tips of our tongues
Our final days are appearing... over the horizon
Blood stains the sun and watches us wither and writhe
Like an anxious man standing at the end of a line
How many more times will this haze cover the way home?
Hungry for something more that lies will not reach
Lying face down on the white sandy beach
Found the last known residence of her other world.
Now close your eyes I am way out of reach.

Nothing like a closed door.
Locked out.
Jun 2012 · 480
Vuck Falentines Day
Andrew McElroy Jun 2012
It's hard to see us on this bright day
When you're sitting all alone in your head
Before you continue, I must say
For the past two weeks I've been fighting back death
The sickness has finally caught up
To you... I am just a person
Trapped under this rolling rock
To me... I am the monster
Hidden behind your door that is locked

You reeled me out then cut the string.

It's hard to see how this love works
When you're standing in a dark and empty hall
No ceilings, No lights
No ending at all
Just you and your lonely black heart
Beating. Screaming out to the wall
Take the clock down. Reset.
Rewind the tape. It's over.
Be sure and retrace your steps
To find nothing at all. No lover.

It's hard to see how beautiful you are
When the thirst for something is always more
You hide your face in material scars
Just open those eyes and unlock the door
There you'll find a mirror and a heart
Take a good look and think back to the start
Maybe next time you'll choose the right one to break
I hope that it's that thought will keep you awake.
Jun 2012 · 496
Try This!
Andrew McElroy Jun 2012
In this body that hold
My fears collaborate with dreams
and they shake my foundation
My balance of ions
cookies of chips in the minty air
sticking to my ribs and inside my lungs
my recognition becomes a new home
a face in which I live for
a home and I am not there anymore
So when the fourth day is through
I will be again with you
they will come aloud out now
so how, when would it be now
remind me of my mortality
remind me that this is only an illusion of their false reality
only an imagination of harsh content
completely ****** up the opening
flash borders with guns
cash orders us more guns
shoot away at the milk in a moldy carton
that is breeding more and more mellow mold
put the car in drive and take me somewhere far
what a strange word that is
another one
to find nothing
to find rain
come today
and then
come again tomorrow
no more
no more
Jun 2012 · 423
This is...
Andrew McElroy Jun 2012
This is it, this is it
Make up a cloudy sky in the dark
For what it’s worth
I left my mark
Let’s get down to business
For the last time
In a crowded room
You kissed me
He dissed me
Shot, shots, shots
Drain me out
Of all things that make you sick
We will run through this room
Like no one is watching
We won't be stopping
You have a dangerous face
and an illegal taste
I hope this will make it all end
So everything will be alright
I love you so much
Let’s finish this right
Jun 2012 · 317
The Word.
Andrew McElroy Jun 2012
This is my final testament
All my possessions are yours
You have put a change in me
I left this beautiful gift in her name
So god bless you all
For the song you sang us
I'd give my last breath to you
If I could only find you
Lay still and this will cover your eyes
With a beautiful scene wrapped over your head
Bring this back and you will forever be in
With the saints and sinners
A word floats softly through the wind
The word that could save this world
Let it be and she will be
With you until the end
Wait until I'm gone to read this
It might **** me soon
So you may be in luck
Let the word fill your ears and eyes
And let it free your mind
The word that equals freedom
Jun 2012 · 334
Andrew McElroy Jun 2012
The walls are breathing
They all have eyes
They know my every weakness
They bring me to the light

Keep me still, in these changing times
In the middle of the night
Lay me down, just close my eyes
I don't want another night

Like this...

I too have felt this change come
It sometimes leaves me broken
It feels like no one else does
It brings me closer towards the sun

Heavy is the heart that keeps the crown
Her signs are showing
Golden apparitions flowing silently through her hair
Just before the sun meets the ground

I was in the air.
She wasn't there.
This sudden movement that we've made
Will hopefully one day make a change

In your life and in mine

A silent song to keep us along
A worthy cause left us to carry on
Jun 2012 · 417
Rock He Shock
Andrew McElroy Jun 2012
Oh mother Mary, no
Bring the fires to your doorstep
There’s a piece of you that I kept
In a little black hole
In the side of my heart
He thinks
Crooked are those that pay their taxes
Upside down makes me sick
Downtown there are cars in crashes
Sliding hastily
In the rain
With poison in the clouds
The party was loud
to many people faking
Their own death
right in front of you, but
What are you to do?
Just sit there and stare at your "boo"
**** who?
**** me?
we'll see
about that
Second coming of Judas
Priest doesn't understand me
he thinks I'm like the man in the tree
But I'm a man you can't see
You'll never see
Cover it up with all the ink you can
Ugly doesn't go away
Get your own life
Stop sweating me coward
Let’s think, Hours
From now
I can be gone
Away afar up high
With no guys
Just she’s with me
Not you
so *******
I'm getting this ****.
Jun 2012 · 1.1k
Pelican's Breath
Andrew McElroy Jun 2012
The words flow
Overflow the brain and tongue
Come out like a machine gun
A million miles a minute
In your mind
The time isn’t right for you
I don’t understand this
I want to be the one to show you
The sideways streets of the heart strings
Or how my heart sings
In and out of time with the bass beats
That flash the lights
In and off of your sweet eyes
Last line
I want to see you again
I want to take you off and then
You finish the rest…
Jun 2012 · 455
Andrew McElroy Jun 2012
I feel a euphoric wave of love
When you kiss my lips
I hear a faint whisper, Hello
When you embrace my ears
With your words
You can make hearts stop
Make stars drop
I see an angel
When I open my eyes
I feel your touch
In the hazy night

The taste of your sweet lips
Will never be gone
You hold the world’s treasures
On the tip of your tongue
Long waves of hair
Smother me every hour.
Eyes sparkling diamonds
So overpowering
Like an ocean of waves
You bring thousands of waves
To demolish my beach
Every night.
How do you do it?
Let me in
I need your touch
You want my love?
You need my love.

In this starry night
Two starrs have crossed
They have ended in lust
Down falls the dust
It covers us up
And ends the night
with love

a stranger in the crowd.
Andrew McElroy Jun 2012
I need to write
I need some words
Words of comfort
Comfort for sleep
Sleep for nothing
Comfort betrays
You have me restless
My mind can't seem to figure you out
Who are you?
What are you thinking?
When will this end?
Where are you now?
Why are you doing this to me?
How can I go on?
Not with you in my life.
That’s for **** sure
But yet again...
Maybe so
That’s your decision
Not mine
Jun 2012 · 381
Give Me Seven Minutes
Andrew McElroy Jun 2012
Just wait on time
I'll wait in line
Call me down
Bring this through
Shot eight down
Last one made you
First and last time
You say you care now
Just give me seven minutes
And we will scream this out
You say it is
My last time
To forgive and forget this
I'll start ****
Just so you'll give me
Another seven minutes
To rewrite this
And you could
Make a good list
Of all the things you hate about me
My charm is your weakness
I am all you need
Forget about it
I won't
Give you another seven minutes
I'll lie again
My fight
Is you in my sight
Let's begin again.
She says...
Jun 2012 · 438
Failure to Control Me
Andrew McElroy Jun 2012
When were we left behind?
Was there a last word said?
I do believe you are not for me
My faith in hope has been dead
Wait for the last verse it will bring you back
I wish for this to be real
But like I have always said

Nothing is
Completely ****** up
You are
Not real enough for me

Where have I been?
Outside. Looking at the non-existent moon
Isn't it beautiful?
It's covered up by the clouds
I'm sorry... Goodnight son.
I love you.

Have you ever been here?
In this exact moment
The moments that will never pass us by
The times that make you wonder why?
Jun 2012 · 346
Andrew McElroy Jun 2012
I wish I could write you a poem
Every day of your life
Every moment that you smile
Or in the rare times that you cry

I wish I could kiss your lips of cherry
And hold your hands of pine
I would love to hear the voice of Carrie
Pass through these open ears of mine

I also wish to carry your struggles
As far as my broken back can bear
As long as I could lie back in the field of love
To feel your ways pass through my ***** hair

Completely catastrophic
The distance that is
Almost forgot what my name is
But I never could have lost it

Fall through the barstool
Oh the way I look at you
I knew you felt the cool black eyes
Appearing and disappearing all over you

I want to write you a poem
Every time you lie
To help you gain a new outlook
on this thing called life

So remember the words that I say to you
I will always write these poems
I love you, too.
Jun 2012 · 427
St. Stupid
Andrew McElroy Jun 2012
These premonitions are coming true
My eyes do not deceive me
The world before these broken hands is falling
Its falling down
But you can't see it yet
The make believe dreams of yesterdays sorrows
Are all I have left
They are all I have left
I guess I'm just destined to walk this world forever alone
Forever hollow
Forever without a home
**** the memories that I had as a child
They are meaningless to me now
**** the sad story that I have left to tell
Its all burnt out like my brain
So when I finally go insane
Remember the message hidden in between the letters that scream out your name
I will find you
I will follow you into the dark

Lie still now
Speak never again
In this hall

With no doors.
Jun 2012 · 337
The Empty Pages
Andrew McElroy Jun 2012
I wonder where I’ll be when you come down...

Could you even think to speak?
To explain the actions behind such a disastrous act
With the words that I speak
They are held on my tongue
                                             ­   I should have ripped his head off

Watch the blood from my eyes slide down inside
and fill you up with the irony ironic blood that you chose
                                                           ­               So when the door is closed and you can’t go back
                                                       Smile loud and sing out somehow to somewhere out of town
                                                            ­                      to the distant lands of my youth and re birth

This is your brain without me
                                                  Rotten to the stem
                                                  The core is empty

Tattoo your ******* face and lose your job that was never there
Turn around click undo but don’t forget them there
they held you up once

She did find me in the wicked night
Sinning about the city
Living in and around the city
                                                     I should have killed him when you had no chance

This may come as a shock to you all
But I’m done here or there
                                            Or anywhere

I’m done with the light that once shined so bright in my eyes
It is now a vacant home for the demons to return
Enjoi my dreams and fears, demon ******
Take all of my sleep and drink it down with your pills
Split my back open and let me forget how to fall perfectly still

                                                                          Give up Andy
                                                                        You will not win

                                                                           I will rise up
                                                                       But only in the end
May 2012 · 426
To -------
Andrew McElroy May 2012
Oh cursed one!
Why did you lay me down to die?
Beside the quiet waters of my memories
I feel rotten inside
I feel rotting outside
Another door closed
Another mouth left wide open
Another man taken away
By the fire inside his burning soul

Oh hollow one
You came and walked beside me
For so long, I wondered faintly
What took you so long?
Your empty shadow now
Cast inside of mine
I must go now

To find what once was mine.
May 2012 · 734
The Watchman
Andrew McElroy May 2012
Watch me,
Watch him.
Watch him,
Watch me.

Lurking beyond the outskirts of the country
Peering into every crack that forms on my skin
Like an old road map that has seen the ways to your heart
And the trees that climb and fall just like my mind
       Always falling
But only to try and climb again
He’s persistent
I guess that’s what you could say
Or just broken
                         Left empty of the day
That made the whole world go away

A hollow fear
Lives within this
Hollow man

A vacant soul
Left open from the sore
That was picked open a little too soon
Or maybe it wasn’t
My mind can’t think back now to recall
Such doom

Oh hollow man
Fall away from me
Bleed your last drop
So that I have nothing more
Open me up
And see what was there before

A shriveled up man
The size of a boy of seven
Whiteness surrounds
The ghost
Now in the heaven
Or hell that he crafted
Out of luck

Hollow man return to me
Send me your love
Apr 2012 · 392
Andrew McElroy Apr 2012
So smooth like light rays coming down
So perfectly high and I can't come down
I will one day someday.     be there.           now.
Always in the moment
Follow me around
Stay so sweetly in the sound
So sweet in the sound
So sweet in the sound

The night, the moon
The kite, so soon
To be flying

So soon we'll be flying again
Like the kite
Like the moon

To the moon
To the end
I'll see you soon.


We are there again
Mar 2012 · 268
Laughter In Silence
Andrew McElroy Mar 2012
Oh my heart...
How it is singing
I feel the sun with all new skin
I see the sun with brand new eyes
I laugh
This is the greatest thing in my life
I found it again
This time its for good, I know
The night will soon be with us
And everything will fall as it should.
Mar 2012 · 759
Andrew McElroy Mar 2012
I feel like...
Uhh I feel like an unknown...
An unknown soldier
A beautiful monster
A complete disaster
Resentful of the shades of grey from my father
I fall farther
Farther away from the sun
or a son that was one
One more brighter than the sun
Alright I'll admit I didn't do much to change it from being like this with him.

I guess I could have tried and been more like the passing wind,
or the falling stars that appear for a show and then disappear back into the dark
only to be wished upon again.

Last one,
Remember the times that were spent in the woods behind our house
The closer I get to you the more I feel alive again
I wonder if it will reach your mind somehow.
Somehow, somehow I figure I must have fallen out
I fell out

I don't know the whispering answer for the unknown question from the bleeding woods
that stain my heart and tattoo my arms with all the memories and mementos
that bring me back there again with you
in the dark morning...

I'll never remember your lines again
They are unknown to me now.
Mar 2012 · 501
Hurry Home
Andrew McElroy Mar 2012
Where are the meanings?
Who were they writing about on the walls inside their minds?
When was I gonna go home?

No more worries about what tomorrow will bring.
No longer forgetting where I came from.
Will the prolonged status of my arrival bring life again?
My man, my friend.

Were the mistakes I made all a part of my re birth?
When I fell off and came back down and then got so high, so high with you girl.
I found God.

So breathe in, breathe in,
Hold it inside and never let it die.
So smile now, smile now.
I'm on my way to a perfect life with this happiness and the angel mist that blooms around my insides, so bliss.

Remember me now for always and forever
I'm always speaking of forever as if I know it like a friend
But I do not
I know not of the future aspects or present accidents.
I wonder if they'll be okay with this or be alright with the mist the blows about my insides.
Probably not though...

But I'm okay with it
I'll be alright soon enough
Outside the world of the freakish ghouls and snake eaters.
I will **** them with my hands and fists and knives of glory, of ******, glorious, holy fury.
How long will I withstand this hurried worried mighty angry misunderstood feeling.
The longest night, the shortest day
Will it be long?
Before long, yes.
Feb 2012 · 681
Aloud. Aloud.
Andrew McElroy Feb 2012
Describing a feeling
Like shore breaks out off of the coast
Almost the time
Almost the time to leave
I left the town behind
Came down alright
Unkind, no words spoken to begin the feeling of annoyance in that ****** city.

This city of beauty and lives
opened up to the smallest things that open up to the smallest things.
And bring daylight to you and I
Sing all night and true words will always be spoken, aloud.
My love for you cannot and will not be broken,
We howl, at the blood red moon.

So say not the worries that are of tomorrows hurried state
Close down the bar to bring me back to the farthest reaches of your outer space
Out of space and the ability to trace us back to the furthest place of their worried minds.
Foolish fools pulling tools out of the mathematical realm.
Smell the soft air. Reach them sometime later out there.
Outside of the other side.

So long old burning town.
See the change that you never brought to me unsound.
Or taught to me from the beginning you see?

What's that beyond the distance
A disturbance along the disturbances
Among the turbulence in my mind
Beside your beauty in the mine
Of my heart and soul shining so bright.
No dark or fright.
My might beside your light, your sun, I can't get enough!
I can't breathe enough, for you.

My god, my angel, my friend.
My love, my beginning, my end.

The end with you! Aloud
So loud is my speech about
My journey to the end with you.
So loud!
I'm proud and complete with you.
And now...

My love: my being.
See what I'm seeing.

Breathe to be living.
Sing to be given my gift.
Jan 2012 · 731
Always Remain
Andrew McElroy Jan 2012
The continuous **** of the vacuum cleaner's hose that ***** the filth from your floor.
Cleaning the dirt out of the eye of some cabinet followers.
Stabbing swallowing swallower's out of the nasty bile that smells of walking dead feet for miles.
At last the solemn, stolen watchman wonders the truth of the moment.
The collapse of the structure, the business, the final straw.
The word of the liars mean nothing at all.
All the while we wander about the outer borders of their eyes that ponder unsaid complaints.
**** everyone else.
We are one together.
At last we are one together, at last.

Why should they even try?
We can't be deformed or bent out of shape or form.
Lies they tell you! Lies about the air and work place that swallows.
Standing for hours will hurt your shoulders and boulders fall around when you're down.

You love the slightest bit of happiness that I love about you and happiness surrounds you
everyday completely today about your very lovely being.
I love you.
When we marry the sky we will be soul spirits and sighs of the lights above our eyes
complete the paintings that skies can give to us.

And at last,
We see that there is nothing that will last without us together.
We must be forever and we can be forever.

Let's do it!
Why don't we do it on the isle of the rasta.
Be happy forever.
Let me be yours forever.
Jan 2012 · 455
33 33 33
Andrew McElroy Jan 2012
Wait, the sun is coming
She is rising to my eyes
They are falling from existence
I am growing a hate for this persistence
Lying back in an open field
I fall short of what I thought was real
Should've kept an easy head
Just kept on talking about big ideas
Left behind what I thought was correct
and put in something else to cover it
Paint the town red
With my blood
Color their dreams and shut them out
You can't get enough
Live for their lives and never feel a thing
Too numb from the contact
                                               come back
Come back from the false reality in which you live
You'll go to hell for what your ***** mind is thinking
You'll live in a false array from how you're living
                                                calm down
Calm down those hurried thoughts
Breathe in your last few breaths of us

The fire is beginning to freeze
It's beginning to freeze
                                                 almost home
You are almost home
They can't feel you anymore
All souls can't come back when the fire is to hot
Some just choose to live the life
Burning alive in the flames of their lies
Got to keep an open mind
Have to keep one open eye
On the last day of July
I fell for her sunshine
It cost me an hour of my time
What a simple thing to gain
Nothing to waste but a week of her time
It will come back with the passing fall
Let's hope no one calls
Go away in the last summer of this year
The first summer of my life
It feels good
I feels good
I feel good
I feel God
I fell, Go.
Now just go for it!
Take what you have and learn your own life
Keep the knife by your side
The whispering ghost will ask
"Where have you gone?"
"Where are you going?"
"Do you know me?"
"Will you die by the fire of your lies?"


Don't be a victim in the battle of love
In the war of webs from the basement
The light shines through the undertow
I am what I am and that's all I know
Jan 2012 · 447
It says this...
Andrew McElroy Jan 2012
It’s about time to say this out loud

Scream to me, scream to me now

I wonder if, I wonder how

This could ever make any since
To anyone that may read this
Or try and grasp the sense

Of my words through the font on the page

Like the letters that will never be sent
Or the last kiss that won’t be given
And the sin in the whisper of the ghost
That left me smitten, for her

I want to disappear into your eyes
Lose them with my song to the sky

Lay down in a lost city of gold
Somewhere out there in her forest of old
I’m cold, I’m so cold

Let’s lose the snow and find the sun
Run, run with me

Can you stand to be outside the lines they draw?
I don’t think I’ve ever been there before
Or in their common dream of a star

The last lines that could be drawn, would be

If I could just draw you a picture
That would show you my face

I would wonder if I would be remembered
Or just be replaced

With other memories of a lost soul
Was that the meaning or the goal?
Where are the words to be sold?

Not before your eyes
Like the tears from the sky

They will never fall again
Like they did that night
They will never fall in love
Like I did that night
Jan 2012 · 444
The Foolish
Andrew McElroy Jan 2012
I came back down to watch you play
I had to see what I was going to miss
Or what I was in for…

My secrets aren’t so locked up in the abyss of my mind
They have been on display for years

Who would have thought that you’d be here?
In this exact moment with these infinite people

They never stop.

But they won’t keep coming back for more
When everything is left drained and empty
What is on the other side of the dark?
Where have you been for so long?
Shameful and weary of the sun
I am going to the other side of mourning
Find me in the far side of the graveyard

But don’t get to close…

They are near and they watch my every move
Keep them at bay so that I can run away
And never be seen again
I’ll never be back again
As long as this beating in my chest persists
I won’t be back
Keep the screaming to your self
Maybe it will do you some good
But my head is up above the clouds
I see her fall
I wonder…


I’ll never.
Watch the world through your eyes
Mine have seen enough
Keep the screaming to your self
I will do you no good
Shut the ******* door
Let’s turn back the pages
And remember where we are

Let’s forget about the years and leave them all to fall.
Jan 2012 · 499
Lost One
Andrew McElroy Jan 2012
I’m tired
Completely exhausted of my flames
But yet I’m still burning
How could I feel anything?
When my inside is a fire
Burning all that it sees

O death
Save me now
Release me from this prison
In which I am held

Against my will

I feel the echoes fall upon me
Arousing lost senses of the old me
I forgot where I was for a bit
Hidden under some stones
Of a man that had no home
And barely a soul
Big enough to withstand
The pressures of this wretched world

**** this wicked world

The eye of the seeker is upon them
And me and my eye too
Are searching for the better land
But not here

Jan 2012 · 422
Andrew McElroy Jan 2012
So secrets will sell souls if sold
Don’t barter your secrets for souls
A simple quote could ruin a life for good
You should look into yourself for gold
And lock them up for golden souls
You will know them when you feel it
You will feel them move in you
Just like the whispering one
With the ghostly face
Oh her ghostly face…
It haunts my nights while I try,
To sleep is to die every night
I don’t sleep.
So therefore will I not die?
Does that make me vulnerable to the light?
Would I only be able to live at night?
I would hope that she would guide me through
(To the other side)
To die is to sleep for life
So sing don’t lie, just sing and if you cry
Then you know it’s from your heart
I will live in your heart
I want to sleep through the dark
I want you to die here in my arms
Will you cover the ground, with your love all around?
Can we go back and forth?
From the times in between
These fading memories of mine
No more answers remain in these questions
I want to go back to last night
Back in the whirlwind that was the light
Do you remember the dreams we had during the fights?
Oh I think I’m alone in here
I’m pretty sure I’m done with this
She is killing me.
Jan 2012 · 690
Andrew McElroy Jan 2012
Her skin is like the smallest of olives
With hair like the softness of the rain
Her scent carries like the rose of Sharyn
With teeth whiter than ivory on black silk
The way she moves so slow is how do when I'm in pain
But she glides so smooth with out a care
She seems to be fine with the way that she moves me
Her silent eyes are singing out to steal me
I wonder what it would be like to just touch her hand
Sinking ever so slowly into dreamland
Sun rays shine down upon her head
Like headlights in the dark night
She digs her way out of my sight
I fall my way down that rabbit hole
Just to see her walking away from me
Oh God this isn’t over… ohh
Here I will sit on this earth and hover
Don’t deny the signs that fall on you
Don’t collapse the space that consumes the truth
Open up to fall in love again
Close the door and let it fall in
Oh sweet angel, sweet, sweet angel
On this dear day of love
Are all these words I write even enough?
I need to know you just to show you
The light that is deep within my eyes
It can brighten the darkest skies
One kiss will help this, one touch will open up.
Jan 2012 · 374
Night 1
Andrew McElroy Jan 2012
The sun breaks through
The dark that does creep
Below the signs,
That is obviously attracting you there.
Wasting away again,
Under the glow of the streetlight mistakes.

Lost it all on a bet for the call girl’s storm.
Somewhere off the shore of my cloudy mind,
There is a hurricane killing the strangers
Shame on them for lying to us.

Where did you lose the thought of the dream?
At night? While you scream?
I think you will see the way to the path
That I have paved for you still.

Under the dark of night
We fought to win through the smoke in the air.
Jan 2012 · 329
From You, For Me
Andrew McElroy Jan 2012
I must eject this from my mind
The very thought of it burns so.

The ideas of the perfect one
Are not found by searching;
It is by waiting on time
To even allow such a thing to perform.

But would I be able to complete such a task?
Or would I just fall short and lose it fast

Who will write down the words?
That come like a storm on the horizon.

Could it be you?
Or will it be the very one who saved me
The only one it can be.


I must project this image from my mind
Onto the pages that you read.
I’ll cut myself away from it all
And watch the wound slowly bleed.

Don’t stop.

All the while, I long for that sweet sound
But I’ve known for a while,
That it is nowhere to be found.

It is to be given by a name…
Nov 2011 · 358
What Was It Like?
Andrew McElroy Nov 2011
When will they know me?

   I want them to feel the soft caress

The moment they lie still

I want her to know what it’s like to be killed

                                                         ­                    Under it all

I thought it was a message

Written in the stars

  The cause was in the trees

                                        You saw it

                               You saw me standing there

                     Glowing in the moonlight

           Behind your eyes

You thought that…

                                                          ­    Do you remember me?

            The shade of blue that casts over you

                                            In your eyes

                                         I forgot the time

                                             That it was

                                           Not important


             The time is too late

             To remember your face

             In front of mine

                                                         For an elaborate mind, it seemed

                      You were never there

                                                  Brushing away the webs from my staircase

Now the path has become a memory for me to venture down alone

                             Hand in hand with fate

                                 A kiss on the cheek  

This is a ****** up poetic ending

                                                         ­              to the reflection on the water

                          A face once remembered in the sunset.
Nov 2011 · 428
Last One: Steal It Away
Andrew McElroy Nov 2011
I turned down time
As if I knew the circumstances of her parting
The clock had run a little too long
For my heart collapsing
The door had shut soon there after
The ability to turn around and go back in
Was now lost, there somewhere, out there
Away from here

                Anywhere but here
                                                 I long for

When will I remember how it was when that light was on?
When the fire was burning,
While the birds were singing
I hurt for the birds that sing the blues
I am there with them too
I'll sing my song out loud for you

          Love me strong
                   Or love me not
          Like the time is just wrong
                   On the hands of the clock

You wonder why: I wonder why
You plague my mind, I plague my mind
You will be left behind, I was always left behind
You wonder why: I wonder why

I am still alive.
Nov 2011 · 653
Andrew McElroy Nov 2011
I stumble in the path that leads
To all of the wrong roads chosen
Maybe I should wake up from this dream
And worry about my heart that has been broken
I can’t remember what it is to be content with life
Or the light that once shown
In my black eyes
I remember a feeling that was once a flame
It consumed the very being of my better side
Now all I can feel is the dark side
From these dark eyes that seek to know the truth
Or struggle to find you
They fell short under the wing that shades
That fed me waves when I needed calm seas
I can feel the deadweight
The boat is drifting away
Out past the reaches of my aching limbs
I may drown if I don’t remember
The way that you moved me
Pushing out from the hollow hole in my hollow chest
Peaking out through these hollow lenses that think they know best
Or the empty eyes that look over my body as it waits
Burning skies seek to warm the wicked and sick
The wretched and weak will **** for a sense of love
Look at the eyes of the worried and stuck
They wonder about the name of this beautiful thing
Unknown member of the underworld
They call me out from the other side of the stained glass
I’ve been cast out from the badlands
Does that make you love me anymore?
Or will I begin to hate the very thing that makes me, me
Her heart that ate me in the light of the stage
My heart won’t fail me
It will rise again
Nov 2011 · 363
A Silent Question
Andrew McElroy Nov 2011
In my life
These faces that I encounter
Remind me of the demons
That enjoy my dreams.
They mark passages of time
Lost in the pages
Why am I this way?
Why do I hate everything?
But put on a smile that wins
Eve­ryone must suffer to understand
How I am the way I am
How are you the way you are?
Drowning in your shallow pit of realistic values
**** that!
Where are the others that won’t see the truth behind the black holes for eyes that I have been given from time?
When they broke in and stole the shine,
I felt the ghost wrap its dead arms around me.
Embrace the pain; let the death feel its way about your veins.

Nerves a wry
Scramble the message below

Where are you, God?
Nov 2011 · 378
The God of War
Andrew McElroy Nov 2011
He walks

He thinks of nothing else

But the thought of a dream

Once had as a child

Burning the seams in which he is crafted of

Losing something dear in life will travel with you

But being afraid of fear

Will surely let you die

We will be sure and let you leave in peace

Alone like the largest tree

Sitting atop; tell me what you see

Does heaven really have green?

Will you be alright to be?

Alone on the rocky sea

Or forever tied to this land

A hollow man.

Let me know when you get there.
Nov 2011 · 900
Andrew McElroy Nov 2011
Ghosts in the trees
There are ghosts in the eaves
Of the houses I sail past
In the memories at last
No more wretched letters
That I have written
In spite of the curse you cast
A long time ago
The witches were right
They didn’t know my name or my might
Leave me along the road
Alone I’ll stumble
Alone I’ll crumble
Too weak to speak
The words left a while back
Out there in the ocean deep
Purple waves in striped layers of film
I see passing the ways of my weary eyes
The days passing my aching back
On the woody wooden white water well
I left the secret that you asked me
Well I must be on my way
Across the universe
Across the universe
Write down the sweetest verse
I could sing to you
The silent reproach
Of a million stacked waves
Of a million thoughts raised
Out of the ground
Questions remain
In the tear stained floor boards
Of the house that once stood
Aboard the ship that has since sailed past
Along the way I stopped to study the orchids that bloomed before me
I dreamt of an angel that night
Just as I had before the night before the night before
The night before me
Left me there
In my bed

For the sea below me
Knows me
Calls me
Loves lonely

I have been sorry.
Nov 2011 · 532
Home, Alone
Andrew McElroy Nov 2011
This is it

Little by little

It has become what it is today

A common demon


******* up what I perceive as real

But what are you?

Do you get grouped into that theory?

Make believe

                     the present future day passed by me


Although I put cracks in the ground where I step

I carry no weight that a man could not get

Many different times I wonder                 about it

                                                    not worry

            Just looking down upon my feet


                   ­                my



alone                                                          ­       with her

           with her                                       alone


Smile kid you’re almost home

          Pick your head off the floor

                         Take the **** of the fact

                                    That you won’t see them anymore

  I almost made the mistake of dying to soon

          But my soul has a heartbeat of its own

Shook me still when I was awake but ******

       The river flows and carries me slowly on


                           Life’s changing,

                                                      ­   Deep breathing,

                           Gone from it all,

I’m going home.
Nov 2011 · 392
Last Night,
Andrew McElroy Nov 2011
I had a vision of black and white

                              Nostalgic Nightmares in Haunted Hallways

                  Seven doors burned and bottles of un opened happiness left swimming to shore

                                                          ­                                                                 ­               they left me

                       . .ing alone

                                                          ­                          d

                                    ­                                                  o

            ­                                                                 ­          w

                                                              ­                           n

                                                              ­                             the corridor

Naked streets in the indians dream,

     Blowing trees are all I see...                          running WILD!

        The west was ONE and won by ONE

               All over again they will come around

     When I remember them

                      I'll come around....

                                                     ­                                              : Just like they told me to. Do what they told you.

                                        Breathe no more in this soggy air,

                                                           ­                                               the smoke in the air....

                          Staining the floral patterns on the wall,

                                         I can't get out of this hall                                                        .from­ hell.

                                                          ­                                    the morals intention

                                                      ­   on a blue sunday in October

                                      The crippling last words are always remembered

                  Sometime in December,

                                                      ­                           I'll dance again

with you,                                                             ­                                                                 ­ my love

                            It's all I can do...                                                            ­                           my love

                            I'll see you there

                                                               ­            Like a dove

Like last night.
Nov 2011 · 352
Andrew McElroy Nov 2011
And then I was there
Back in the real world
With no one left to see
Or any stories yet to be told.
I was a lost soul again
Wondering about, wandering about
I would love to take off again
To seek her out in this wicked land
But I want to go back to my old life
When I knew nothing of her
And the evils behind those green eyes
Oh how I despise
This new ******* life
Without innocence
And a brand new sense
The sense to look in, get in
Love long and destroy
That's my pitiful story
To take on your burdens
And swim through the oceans
That my mind can't seem to swallow
I just want to follow you down
But it gets me so down,
Now I see that...
I want to go back to my young life.
With my naïve eyes closing
When the world says to lie.
I will still live, when the world says die.
I will continue to swim, with the worst things in life
Wrapping around my neck.
They are ripping up my shoulders
And drinking my blood through a straw.
Andrew McElroy Nov 2011
For TC

The hands that guide us
Will certainly not contain
The hatred that does consume
All of these wonders in my way

I can’t bring you back here
To where we once were
The tides have washed the beach
Over and over, and over

The siren cries and sings,
She sings us back to shore
I can’t believe this anymore
Will you still live here?
Just live so still here

Say not the things that are not before us
Keep in mind that we were one at once before
It’s just that now I’ve forgotten what love is

Since when did life become so dull?
I wanted a way out,
When they turned the lights out
Only to find myself
Sitting in her chair there
On the shores of the black water rising
Just right where I had been,
Before I started drowning
The water had flooded my veins
And got up and left this place
Oh the horror!

All over the lanes were their screaming faces
I began my search of more beautiful places
I looked for comfort there in the incurable city
But only lost all sense of hope, pride and dignity

Once the water became too much
Was when I started to lose touch
Don’t lose touch he said,
I’m sorry Tom, but you’re right…

This is where we get in
This is how it ends
With her and I sitting here in this lonely room
But only as lost friends…

Remember there was a fire?
But now the smoke has gotten to be too much
For you to see me here now.
Nov 2011 · 532
27 Right?
Andrew McElroy Nov 2011
Oh, I can see your eyes

Searching out across this silent room

Looking close by for someone

That may understand you

Oh, I can feel your eyes

Peering over every secret spot of my body

Needing to be moved by someone else lately

Can you see my eyes?

These eyes of a blackened mind

Wandering, lost somewhere in time

Can you feel my eyes?

Tearing off each thread of cloth

From your body of gold

To the earth from the stars

You are reeling in this love

You are pulling at this heart


I wonder if they can see our eyes…

Giving each other time,

To admire the smiles given in between

You left so fast I had no time to speak

My words all left so fast

Just so that you wouldn’t leave

Don’t fall away from me

Please fly away


I won’t lose you again.
Nov 2011 · 417
Andrew McElroy Nov 2011
Oh, how my thoughts

Tear through my open & stained mind

They feel like the world wings

Stretching out to scoop me up

Whilst I stand in this field of night

The dark curls in every direction

But I am not confused

Mother’s moon shines upon me

In the light of her eye

I learned how to fly

With the smell of the pines

Shifting through my cloudy mind

I calm with ease

As I feel the breeze

Against my eyes and in my spine

Oh crooked spine, don’t fail me now!

Mother please, Mother Green

Don’t take me out of line

Don’t let me lose this time

Keep my sight on her eyes

You can leave my heart dead in the pines

But just pick me up and bring me back home

Back to the only place I’ve ever known…

Oh go now, into your secret garden

Retreat into the trees that sway

They say to you “Oh my child, cry to me!”

So I wept to her

And this is what I say…

"My Sweet mother, I thank you

I will breathe all of you in.

The love is in your voice

I can hear it in the wind."
Andrew McElroy Nov 2011
In order to fully explain my actions
I must first start with the beginning of it all

At the peak of last fall is where I made my fall
Right down the sinking stairway to heaven
There was no one left that I could call
I was back at the age of seven
The water under the bridge
it runs slowly now
for the ghost on the other side
has called it back.

Oh, how I wish to lie under the branches of your knowledge
Under the shade, out from the harmful yearning rays
Of a son that has lost its ways
and a sun, now hidden by haze
But there, a door, it has been opened now
and the thoughts and fears come rushing out
Over flowing your once empty cup
and now you just can't seem to get enough

Your space is being filled in with little monsters and demons
and your eyes can't seem to leave my face.
Nov 2011 · 530
Day Of Rain
Andrew McElroy Nov 2011
Beautiful scenes
of nightmares
& dreams.
In my vision,
streams of colours
leave like strangers
passing me by.
Nov 2011 · 463
Andrew McElroy Nov 2011
The persistent ringing of their voices are left

Buzzing about in my brain

I wonder about what tomorrow will bring

I miss the yesterdays and todays

I feel the memories of love and hate through her life

I am broken by this

A life in which was in need of repair

I am in need of repair

Remembering the better days

And not forgetting your sad face

In my mind they circle around

Time after time.
Nov 2011 · 833
When You're Alright
Andrew McElroy Nov 2011
Because it's quiet

that's why I write ****

that's when the best ****

comes alive

through the screen

The lights fade from orange to white

and I'm a ghost trapped in between

Shapes fading into one

Watch their faces change colors into none

We all fall down into something unknown

My mind seems like a children's book

changing characters after every scene

I feel a little sick

Influenza has gotten the better of me

This is what D.R.U.G.S. do

Destroy rebuild until God shows


I wanna meet the dude in person

Close my eyes - I've forgotten what I was saying


you see through your own eyes

the blood that I fear for life

don't let it creep through

the forest and the leaves

I'm tripping on the branches

Falling in the trees

I wish I was stronger to get through

I'll see throughthefireandtheflames

I'll see the otherside

My eyes will break free
Nov 2011 · 480
Lost At Sea
Andrew McElroy Nov 2011
Complete loss of all ideas
Shut down like a VCR store
Forgot everything I love
(Nothing is real)
My castle was destroyed
On the east-side, high tides wash away memories
Every night, Everyday
Dunes block the souls lost at sea
Searching for closure on the dark bay
Will they never return to me?
You know the answer to this question
I can see you in my reflection
(Nothing is real)
I feel them pulling me under
Loving the rip tide
Breathe in the salty solace
Gone by low tide

This will all be forgotten from my mind

How can you fix this?
Breathe in the ocean air
Take time to remember
The last time we were together
The first freeze of the winter
On the last day of November
Our hearts will be better
All with a change in the weather
Nothing is real.
Nov 2011 · 431
Andrew McElroy Nov 2011
Could I be your Romeo and you be my Juliet?
We can be entangled in the vines of love
Die a lovers death
and kiss a lovers kiss

The tomb, the tomb
Where we said our vows
Death is creeping beneath the sulphur smell
Let the darkness take you over

The chair, the chair
Where are you now?
Living? Dead? NO
Come back to me my love
and let the darkness take you over..

The sky, the sky
Is falling now
A star is exploding
A man is crying
and the darkness has finally taken over...

Don't forget to kiss the stars before you fade away
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