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She was damaged, needy
He loved that about her
Her love like no other,
Unconditional for all
Always doing more
than what was expected
He thought she was naive,
his ego couldn't get enough
She was good when it mattered,
Bad when he wanted her to be
She was unique, beautiful,
Quite sensitive, yet strong
She was desired by many,
Though she rarely felt wanted
He didn't deserve her,
She didn't know better
 Nov 2013 Andrew Lim
I kissed a boy,
whom I gave my heart to

I kissed a boy,
who played with my heart,
with no intention on returning it

I kissed a boy,
who thought my heart was just another everyday object
and threw it down the gutter
when he realised
he had no use of it anymore

I kissed a boy,
who threw my heart down the gutter
because it stopped beating for him
who tore me apart
drowned my lungs out with black blood
and suffocated me with the hatred
he enveloped around himself
simply because he couldn't stand the sight of himself in the mirror

I kissed a boy,
and he planted demons in my head,
egged on the voices who told me I was not worth it,
telling me daily that I was useless and a waste of space,
deafening my silent mind with their dark words,
eventually helping his hatred
consume me too
and killed me off inside
just like he had murdered himself

I kissed a boy,
and he killed slowly with the anger and self-loathing inside of him

— The End —