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Aug 2013 · 1.3k
Andreus Soprano Aug 2013
It all started with an idea.
A thought, a moment.
That feeling I felt.
I couldn't control it.
See the world from a different view.
A world of only me and you.
A world where love is kind and all.
Winter, spring, summer, and fall.
Time stops, hear not a sound.
Depth of my love, it has no bound.
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
Andreus Soprano Jul 2013
Cursed to suffer the pains of the past.
All I want is to make this last.
If only she knew the sincerity of my emotion.
She sets my heart in locomotion.

Distance between us tears us apart.
But she is the one who holds my heart.
Dream chasers set on a different course.
Love is not something that you can force.
Jul 2013 · 4.9k
Andreus Soprano Jul 2013
Lost in confusion
Is this an illusion?
Hands on the ground
Not a whisper nor a sound

Head to floor
I want something more
Taste the distress
Of what I confess

Love flows through me
Can this truly be?
Soul binding love
Unity with the One above
Jul 2013 · 782
Light of the Moon
Andreus Soprano Jul 2013
Light of the moon, the twinkle in her eye
No one around, just her and I
Heat of the hour, try to control it
Bound forever, stuck in this moment

She speaks softly and hides her face
Lost in her beauty, without a trace
Opening a window to a world unknown
Waiting patiently for her soul to be shown

Long nights and long drives keep us apart
But it is her who has my heart
May 2013 · 1.1k
Her Smile
Andreus Soprano May 2013
Gone for a while, but stuck in the moment
Try to hold back, try not to show it
Her unwavering compassion and subtle flair
I can't help but to stop and stare

That smile of hers is freedom's light
Timeless eternal, an endless sight
Beautiful angel, she is worthy of love
A true sign of the One above
Apr 2013 · 687
Andreus Soprano Apr 2013
An individual soul in a sea of similarity.
She lives with the flow of life's simplicity.
Her elegance and wisdom of aesthetic brilliance.
To capture Divine beauty, to give matter essence.

If only for a moment, a glimpse of eternity.
If only for a moment, a glimpse of eternity.
Mar 2013 · 545
Andreus Soprano Mar 2013
Change comes in all shapes and sizes
Filled with a lifetime of surprises
Don't run away, never fear
The truth will always be near

You can't change change, only your reaction
So don't sit around, put your plan to action
Mar 2013 · 653
Winter's End
Andreus Soprano Mar 2013
The winter's harsh cold, coming to an end.
Signs of spring in the air, new life all around.
Listen to the birds and their lovely sound.
See the many people wearing the latest trend.

Energy rising, hopeful for a bright future.
My vision and insight have never been clearer.
With each passing moment, one step nearer.
I made it through the winter, what a trooper.

And this is only the beginning.
And this is only the beginning.
Mar 2013 · 576
Blue Eyes
Andreus Soprano Mar 2013
The woman with the blue eyes.
She captured my essence with her glare.
I turned around and tried not to stare.
I have to admit she caught me by surprise.

There for a moment, enough to make an impact.
Time to pick my heart off the floor, still intact.
I may never know who she is or understand why
If I only had the chance to just say hi.
Mar 2013 · 4.8k
A Fresh Start
Andreus Soprano Mar 2013
Reaching a goal, victory in sight.
To be up on that stage, oh what a delight.
Years of hard work coming to fruition.
Now it's time to start paying back tuition.

True character formed, wisdom and knowledge.
Let me tell you what I learned in college.
Forget the status quo, this is all about you
Get up off your couch and create something new.

Success takes hard work, that's not news.
Remember that when you hit the snooze.
So step up your game, get right to action.
Put in the work to find satisfaction.
Mar 2013 · 1.3k
The Landlord
Andreus Soprano Mar 2013
Embrace the sleepless night.
The dizziness of freedom's sight.
The watchful eye of time.
The graceful presence of light.

In my pocket, not a dime.
The weight of life and its trouble
Float in my mind oh so subtle.
Nothing here is truely mine.

It all belongs to the Divine.
It all belongs to the Divine.
Mar 2013 · 502
The Battle
Andreus Soprano Mar 2013
I don't write for fame, fortune, or gold.
I don't write simply because I'm told.

I write for wisdom, truth, and fun.
I write for all the good under the sun.
I write for the future, present, and past.
I write about the things that last.

Like virtue, memories, justice, and peace.
I write in hopes the fighting will cease.

I write for love until my work is done.
I write until the battle is won.
Mar 2013 · 1.7k
The Lost Traveler
Andreus Soprano Mar 2013
Cursed is the lost traveler;
Seeking a destination unknown.
His heart is heavy from the long journey;
The path he travels made of stone. 
While he appears broken he is not defeated.
High hopes of unity keep him sane;
Until his journey is completed.
When that day comes his travels won't be in vain.
And endless love shall heal every pain.
Mar 2013 · 1.4k
Dinner Time
Andreus Soprano Mar 2013
I close my eyes and remember the haze
Of long hot summers; man those were the days.
Not a care in the world, searching for purpose.
The depths of my being, just touching the surface.

I remember the beauty of innocence and joy.
Oh I remember when I was a little boy.
But now I am grown, responsibility abound.
Every now and then I remember that playground.

King of the swingset, without a crown
Climb up to the top, slide all the way down.
In the blink of an eye it's time for dinner
When I think of these days I feel so much better.
Mar 2013 · 4.1k
The Breakup
Andreus Soprano Mar 2013
Drifting in the sands of time.
On the search for love most Divine.
Life in the fast lane, can you keep up?
Beauty of life, after a breakup.

She whispered so softly into my heart.
Now it's over for good, where do I start?
Like all things in life this too shall pass.
Now it's time to build something that lasts.

Don't focus on who, when, or where you try.
What's most important is the "why."
If the flesh is what you seek you will fall short.
Money and fame might lead to divorce court.

What you seek is an equal, one on your level.
You need a friend, one for whom you are grateful.
Confidence, humility, patience, and virtue
This is a woman who will never hurt you.
Mar 2013 · 447
The Seeker
Andreus Soprano Mar 2013
Gates of freedom within my vision
Tale of time, as it is written
Blessed with wisdom from above
Seeker of truth, faith, and love.
Mar 2013 · 576
Love is
Andreus Soprano Mar 2013
Love is united, yet individual.
Love is kind and openhearted, standing strong amongst the peccant world.
Love is timeless freedom unshaken by the winds of transgression.  
Love is knowing yourself by knowing another. 
Love is unwavering trust and faith in another to make choices in your absence and on your behalf. 
Love is eternal, extending beyond the temporal and into the transcendent. 
Love is everything that all else is not. 
Love is.
Mar 2013 · 461
Old Broken Soul
Andreus Soprano Mar 2013
Old broken soul.
You seek the timeless eternal.
First you must know yourself.
Seek until love burns like an inferno.
Which consumes, but does not destroy. 
To be captured, and yet free.
One day you will be united.
The beautific vision is on the horoizon
The encompassing is at your fingertips,
But it is still beyond your grasp.
Mar 2013 · 411
A Walk
Andreus Soprano Mar 2013
The howling wind it does not know
The great delight in love so cold
To feel the air beneath my feet
To be with you, oh what a treat

The valley covered in fresh snow
Spring is coming, or so i'm told
Gentle moments, embrace the feeling
This heart of mine you are surely stealing
Mar 2013 · 1.5k
The Lion
Andreus Soprano Mar 2013
King of the jungle, tall and proud.
My luxurious mane, soft and sound.
Warrior preparing for battle.
Hear my roar, mighty and loud.

Mediocrity, chains of mindless cattle.
Better to die than follow the crowd.
I stand ready; they dumbfound.
Blink of an eye, their world crumbles.

Flight of the lone to the Alone
Watch me as I stand my ground.

— The End —