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 Jun 2012 Andrea Diaz
Sean Kassab
I saw a raven on the radar tower
Looking out over fields of desolation
Cawing out his commands
To passing foot soldiers
As they talked, unaware
He was so proud and imposing
Yet ominous
Gleaming in the sun
Like a General in black
Surveying the war efforts
Of his own encampment.
This is just something I saw this morning. It struck me in such a way that I wanted to capture it for memory. Though words couldn't possibly describe it as it was seen.
and rain,
sit upon
my eyelashes.
One shows my pain, one washes it away.

The grey clouds are one with my breaking heart.
Shedding their pain
in tune with
my souls

that Grandma
is leaving me,
is easier to say than to live through.

Each slowing beat of her heart pierces me.
My second mom,
my best friend,

grace and
wisdom will
stay with me still.
I am, today, the woman she molded.

Touching so many, giving of herself.
Angel on earth,
soon to be
This is written in the poetic form of "Tetractys"  The scheme is a syllable count of 1,2,3,4,10...then reverse the count 10,4,3,2,1 and so on
 Jun 2012 Andrea Diaz
 Jun 2012 Andrea Diaz
the trees

The shadow
skipping in the sun

what can I do
at the sight of you

breathe in your curse words
exhale smoke
your worlds rhyme with jokes
you talk me back down with thoughts of home
That feeling of "I never wanna be alone" go to sleep wake up die of old age
You dream less in sleep
More when awake

Dark streets where bad memories once followed me
Lanes covered by arms of old oak trees
Long walks cracked and gray
Where the shadows of our drunken feet
Walk away

Here is a moment of my life
In which I wish to stay the same
To keep bottled up for when you forget my name

-you stop and say
were just two humans
made to break away-

Off to the next ****
You broke my heart
Beneath the dark oaks
 May 2012 Andrea Diaz
The cabin in which I live is quiet
It is dark just moonlight in through the window
I am falling fast to sleep
When I notice on the cold white wall
A black and yellow wasp was walking
He is a perfect specimen
An abdomen the size of a pinhead
A long his stinger is settled at the end of a long thin connection
He seemed so fragile almost delicate
An elegant warrior female
I grabbed a jar
And a piece of white paper
I caught him on the cold wall
She jabbed at the walls of the jar
And against the white paper
In the light of the moon
She  panics and fights
I watch her  for a while
I hold my hand beneath the paper
And pull it apart
She sees her moment
The pleasure of the ****
She's stung a thousand times
Each time more pleasurable than the last
Until here right now
She fights for all her worth
Piercing into my flesh
Like a heated nail
Her sting is so deep
Even the bones ache on the first sting
Then again
And again with all her might
Five times
Nine times
I laugh at the pain creeping up my arm
A muffled laugh when suddenly a knock at the door
Just enough time to hide her before
-the orderly slides open the hatch
"Nurses said they heard noises down here."
"Oh nothing in here."
I smile in euphoria

He shuts the slide and yells
"Close that window, that's how bugs get in here"
 May 2012 Andrea Diaz
 May 2012 Andrea Diaz
Stumbling on the sidewalks
Curving as the sun stops
Dew covered grass tears
Dripping mirror crosswalks
Bones and muscle bend and slip
Walking down the sliver strip
To the bridge that crosses county lines
I feel right
Angels cross the star stained sky
A good night to die
The edge above the violent sea
Always seemed so calm to me
I guess anything can seem alright
If you look in the right light
Above the waves
Above the moons
Above the stars
Above the hells the devil looms
 May 2012 Andrea Diaz
Perfect night
Your skin like crystal
Under red blue green Roman candle lights
Bursting spark where it once was dark
Forget about the other day
That life you left is far away
Your words feel real now as if they hold some weight
Floating off like smoke to an empty space
 May 2012 Andrea Diaz
James Ellis
I try to avoid looking in
the rear view mirrors of life
Simply because I know I cannot
go back to that place.

Sure, there were bad times
that I can tell you about.
Times where I didn't even
recognize my own face.

Throughout my youth
I was a humble child
Yet still a human; I had my share
of triumphs and mistakes.

A puzzled world fueled me
to pick up every piece I found.
I collected so many but
important pieces were misplaced.

(I'm sorry because I'm doing
what I'm trying to stop right now
but I have to in order
for you to believe it.

Anyway, I walked away
for a day to live in the now
and what I found
was the last piece I needed...


Something about the feeling
of letting my brain rest
from running on this treadmill
of past, present, and future

showed me a powerful thing
that I never saw before
and that is a vision
of a new earth.
 May 2012 Andrea Diaz
What is it with this fatal attraction
For my soul that’s what it is
I have tried hard to ignore it
And not always give in

Erase you from my heart and mind
To be free from you at last
But every time you’re near
I simply have no chance

What is it about you
Keeps me wanting more
Your eyes mesmerize me
And pull me into your world

Your body makes my pulse race
I undress you with my eyes
I wish it were just physical
I’d have walked away by now

I love the way your mind works
Even if I don’t always understand
You make me think about things
That I never have before

The way you make me smile
And the way you make me laugh
Is just another of your facets
That keeps me coming back

I love the way you accept me
Like it’s ok to be myself
I let my guard down around you
And I take off my many masks

You seem to understand me
Even with all my many quirks
You even seem to tolerate me
When I’m acting like a *****

There’s so much more about you
That I just can’t find the words
To tell all the reasons
That you're driving me  berserk

That’s why I keep staring at you
With such passion in my eyes
You're my fatal attraction
And that I can’t deny.
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